
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
一俟新货来,我方即与你方联系As soon as new supplies arrive, we'll lose no time to communicate with you
一接贵方信用证,我方将准备装运第一批货物As soon as your L/C arrives, we'll make arrangements to ship the first consignment of goods
不使合法权利损害without prejudice to
不致受危害be secure from harm
不足以达预期目的be inadequate for the purpose intended
与…达到平reach equilibrium with
买方收提单后立即抵押给他的银行On receipt of the bills of lading, the buyer pledged them to his bank at once
买方直四月三十日才开立有关信用证The buyer didn't establish the relative L/C until April 30
交易额没有达我们希望的标准The volume of business falls short of our hope
交货不failure to delivery risk
产品设计实际投产之间的时间lead time
介格差距已缩小只有百分之三了The difference in price has already been narrowed down to a mere 3%
从九月十一月from September through November (包括十一月在内)
从农场餐桌from farm to table
从农场餐桌farm to table
从生产消费全过程from the hoof to the plate
从生产消费全过程from hoof to plate
他们的业务活动扩展多种行业。扩大的Their business activities spread over a multitude of lines
付款时加付利息,按年利百分之…,由开票日至汇款应到达敦之时计息payable with interest at..., per cent per annum from date hereof to due date of arrival of remittance in London
期付款为条件sauf bonne fin
以便及时达我方Please time your L/C so that it reaches us in good time for shipment
以收货款为有效银行代收票据sauf bonne fin
以新票据抵换期票据分录entry for a renewal note
价格上升每打6.5美元The price ran up to USD 6.50 per dozen
价格已达最低点The prices have already touched bottom
伦敦岸价The above mentioned article is quoted at USD 200 per M/T CIF London
伦敦岸价,含5%佣金CIF London with 5% commission
电报你方五日函收We acknowledge your letter dated 5th.
电报你方五月五日函收We make acknowledgement to your letter of May 5
你方五月十五日函收We're in possession of your letter dated May 15
你方五月十日函件收We acknowledge receipt of your correspondence of May 10
你方八月二十日函收,但缺少所提及的附件Your letter dated August 20 has come to hand, but the enclosure mentioned is wanting
你方八月二十日来函已按时收We have duly received your letter dated August 20
你方四月五日函收We have for acknowledgement your letter dated April 5
你方四月五日函收We have for acknowledgment your letter dated April 5
你方四月五日函收We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated April 5
你方四月四日函件已收Your letter of April 4 has been received
你方本月三日函收Your letter of the 3rd inst. is to hand
你方本月二日函收,内容已详阅We're in receipt of your letter of the 2nd inst., contents of which have had our due perusal
你方本月十日函件收We are in receipt of your letter of the 10th, inst
你方确认必须于本月十五日前达我方,否则该项交易被视为取消Your confirmation must reach us before the 15th of the month, failing which we'll consider the deal off
供给方受的限制supply-side constraint
假如在本月三十日或其前不能收你方信用证,我方只好取消销售合同If your L/C fails to arrive here on or before the 30th inst., we shall be obliged to cancel the S/C
先处理原则principle of first-in-first-served
兹收你方20,000美元支票,系支付你方本月十日来函所订购货物的货款We've received your check for US $20,000 in payment for the goods ordered as per your letter dated 10th inst
凡须对样品缴纳关税时,如该样品在规定的时间——612个月内一一再运出口,税款予以退还e.g. six or twelve months
凡须对样品缴纳关税时,如该样品在规定的时间——612个月内一一再运出口,税款予以退还Where the duty on samples has to be paid, a refund is allowed when the samples are reexported within a stated time
付关税duty forward
岸价值arrival value
岸价净价条件CIF net
岸价加一切进口费用CIF cleared
岸价加佣金CIF and commission
岸价加佣金及利息CIF, commission and interest
岸价加关税CIF duty paid
岸价加内河运输费用CIF inland waterway
岸价加利息CIF and interest
岸价加战争险在内条件,货到付款CIF and war risk payment upon arrival
岸价加汇费CIF and exchange
岸价卸货到岸条件CIF landed
岸价吊钩下交货条件CIF under ship's tackle
岸价按班轮条件CIF liner terms (船方负责装卸费用)
岸价格包括货价、保险费和运费cost, insurance & freight
岸价格成本加保险费及运费后的价格cost, insurance and freight
岸价格发票CIF invoice
岸价格合同买主CIF buyer
岸价格货值CIF value
岸价舱底交货CIF ex ship's hold
岸货船arrived ship
市场买卖东西do one's marketing
亦缩为 expnexpiration
期应付债券matured bonds payable
期应付债券bond due for payment
期日settlement day (指结清日 (account day))
期本金与利息matured principal and interest
期欠款额amount due
期票据兑现分录entry for collection of notes
期通知expiration notice
此时为止to date
货与所报规格不符The shipment does not correspond with the specifications offered
货"价格"to arrive" price"
伦敦交易商"货"利率"to arrive" rate
"货"合同"to arrive " contract (指未来交货合同 (contract for future delivery))
"货"市场"to arrive" market (指商品交易所 (commodity exchange) 中的实物市场 (physicals market))
"货"条件"to arrive" terms
货条件on arrival terms
货率arrival rate
货通知advice of delivery
达品质条款arrival quality terms
达数量条款arrival quantity terms
达港port of arrival (指目的港 (port of destination), 与启运港(port of departure) 相对)
达目的地arrive at the destination
达站装卸费用terminal charges
达重量条款arrival weight terms
卖方接伦敦一位买主按 CIF 条件The seller received a shipment order from a buyer in London on terms c.i.f. London
发货收料部门的工作不应被视为附加工序,应归并生产业务中去The work of a shipping and receiving department should not considered as added operation. Rather, it should be integrated into the processing function
可观察的误差observable error
可达的平均值obtainable mean
向一个或一个以上特定的人提出订立合同的建议,如果十分确定并且表明发盘人在得接受承诺时承受约束的意旨,即构成发盘A proposal for concluding a contract addressed to one or more specific persons constitutes an offer if it is sufficiently definite and indicates the intention of the offer or to be bound in case of acceptance
否则大部分多余小麦就必须出口世界市场上去Most of the surplus will have to be exported to the world market unless the Community reintroduces its denaturing premium for converting wheat into animal fodder
服务adequate service
商业回升战前水平Business bounced back to prewar level
喊价从2,000美元开始抬高5,000美元The bidding started at US $2,000 and rose up to US $5,000
回复谈判的原话题revert to the original topic of negotiation
在国内指定的发货地点指定的内陆运输工具上的交货价格,减除指定出口地点的运费FOB named inland carrier at named point of departure, freight allowed to named point of exportation
在国内指定的发货地点指定的内陆运输工具上的交货价格,运费预付指定的出口地点FOB named inland carrier at named inland point of departure, freight prepaid to named point of exportation
在岀口交易中卖方通常在未收货款前让岀对货物的占有权In export transactions, the seller normally parts with the possession of the goods before receiving the purchase price
在接我方装船要求前请不要装运货物Please don't make shipment before receipt of our shipping instructions
在收货款现金之前The seller retains the property in the sold goods until he receives the purchase price in cash
在…方面达到高技术熟练水平develop high technical proficiency in
大量large arrivals
大量货物从别国运Large consignments arrived from other countries
如果你方信用证不能在本月底前达,我们将会错过下月船期Failing the arrival of your L/C before the end of the month, we'll miss the vessel next month
如果货物按"成本加运费并卸岸上"出售,卸货费其中包括驳运费和码头捐,应由卖方负担If the goods are sold "C & F Landed", unloading costs, including lighterage and wharfage charges, are borne by the seller
完好达价值sound arriving value
完好达价值arrived sound value
实际订货未达规定数额The amount of orders has fall en short of the stipulated value
将金额增加20,000美元increase the amount to US $20,000
就要期的负债maturing liabilities
已收货物received goods
很难订舱位It is difficult to book freight space on account of heavy congestion
100,000 美元贷款obtain an accommodation of US $100,000
成本加保险费加运费价,岸价cost, insurance and freight
我们从未听其他客户类似的不满We've never received a similar complaint from other customers
我们将感非常高兴We shall be very glad to have your presence
我们已找销售新产品一条有希望渠道A prospective channel for the sale of our new products has been discovered
我们已收你方本月十八日函We're in receipt of your letter dated 18th inst. under the caption of S/C No. 2022
我们已经收你方金额为20,000美元的贷记通知书We have received your credit note for US $20,000
我们希望你方信用证早日We hope your L/C will reach us in good time
我们希望保险范围扩展包括盗窃险We want broader coverage including T.P.N.D
我们希望有机会在交易会上见你方代表We hope we'll have an opportunity to meet your representative at the Fair
我们急盼货物We're anxiously awaiting the arrival of the goods
我们未预料价格进一步上涨We didn't expect any further advance in price
我们的产品在国外受越来越多的欢迎Our products have enjoyed growing favour among buyers abroad
我们的产品在国外市场受欢迎Our products are well received in foreign markets
我们相信此货将如期达你处We trust the shipment will reach you in due course
我们相信货物质量将得你方认可We believe the quality will meet with your approval
我们预料新货不久将We expect a new supply to arrive soon
我公司被分配1,000,000 美元外汇配额Our company is allocated an exchange quota of US $1,000,000 for the current year
我方了解你方市场对我方产品需求强劲,借此机会附上我方第2511号报价单,以供你方参考We understand that there is a good demand for our products in your market, and take this opportunity of enclosing our Quotation No. 2511 for your consideration
我方产品已得市场的广泛赞许Our products have met with wide indorsement in the market
我方产品已得市场的广泛赞许Our products have met with wide endorsement in the market
我方已从你方竞争对手接更为合理的报盘We've received more reasonable offers from your business rivals
我方已按时收开立信用证的通知We've duly received the L C advice
我方想了解你方是否可以为这一商品找销路We'd like to know whether you can find outlets for this commodity
我方感很遗憾We regret to say that you failed to establish the L/C in time
我方抱歉不能答应你方要求,将货物保留许可证签发下来We regret to say that we can not grant your request for retaining goods pending the issuance of licence
我方查不出曾收过注有该日期的信件We can't trace any letter of that date
我方第15号借方通知仍未得偿付Our Debit Note No. 15 has not been settled
所有的零件必须最后精加工一定的尺寸All parts must be finished to certain dimensions
技术许可证贸易转让方有权技术引进方的工厂查看和查账access to the licensee's plant and books of account
把一工厂的产量提高先进厂的水平level the output of a factory up to that of the advanced
把客户吸引交易会上来attract customers to the fair
把工作重点转移经济建设上来shift the focus of work to economic construction
把某物减少最小限度reduce sth. to a minimum
把该原理贯彻应用设计工作中去pursue the principle to the design
代理人的电传后我们立即与他联系We got in touch with the agent immediately after we received his telex
国外通知receive advice from abroad
提前偿还未期借款break a loan
支付期汇票meet a bill
亦缩为 rect, recptreceipt
信用证receipt of letter of credit
即付的two US dollars to be collected on this package
发票receipt of invoice
后即付款payable on receipt
定单后after receipt of order
样品后请告知你方意见Upon receipt of the samples, please inform us of your comments
装运单据receipt of shipping documents
货物receipt of goods
期日no expiration date
无权得ex (without)
更正随correction to follow
期货期日forward maturities
期保费unearned premium
未预料的事件unforeseen event
未预见的损失unforeseen loss
本实盘于4月30日或其前回复达有效This is a firm offer, please reply here on or before 30th April
本期期应付债务current maturity
棉花市场的混乱现象不久将得纠正The confusion of the cotton market will soon straighten itself out
正式货通知notification of arrival
此批货时的情况令人很满意The outturn of shipment is quite satisfactory
此时大量货将压低市场价格Large arrivals at this time would depress the market prices
汇票期日time of maturity of the bill
然后由英雄号轮联运伦敦The goods were shipped per S.S. Prince to Hong Kong thence connecting with S.S. Hero to London
用合适运输工具把货物运目的地carry the goods to the destination by proper conveyance
由于未接贵方答复,我方以为贵方已购足所需货物Since we have received no reply from you, we conclude that you have already covered your requirements
外汇短期short maturities
码头码头运输quay transportation
确认收receipt acknowledged
票据become due
票据at maturity
票据期通知bill advice
票据期通知note notice
CFS-CY (container yard)
精确±5% 以内be accurate to or within plus or minus five percent
精确0.01 毫米be accurate within 0.01mm
纳税人接他退税请求未获准许的通知The taxpayer was notified of the disallowance of his claim for refund
考虑我们双方长久的业务关系,我方愿意放弃索赔要求Considering the long relations between us, we are willing to waive the claim
航空站交货价CIF airport
船只撞礁石上The ships collided against a rock
虽然碰舱位拥挤的困难,我方仍设法将你方订购的货物准时装出Although handicapped by the congestion of shipping space, we've managed to ship the goods ordered in time
装船期于下月The time of shipment falls due next month
观察的变量observed variable
观察的数据observed data
观测的故障率10 observed failure rate
解释货物延误达的原因in explanation of the delay arrival of the goods
计算生产能力达充分利用时的销售价格calculate the sales price at full capacity utilization
计算错误你方未注意The error in calculation has escaped your notice
订货交货之间的时间lead time
议付日期于六月十五日The date of negotiation expires on 15th June
该争议已圆满得解决We're glad the dispute has been brought to a satisfactory termination
该包裹由收件人付款二美元-由收者付款的two US dollars to be collected on this package
该建议得许多支持The proposal obtained much support
该物已得正确估价It has rightly been appreciated
该货受严重损害The goods have sustained a serious damage
请即报1,000公吨花生的实盘,汉堡岸价格Please immediately make us a firm offer CIF Hamburg for 1,000 M/T peanut
付款payment on arrival of goods
付款payment upon arrival of goods
付款买卖COD sales
付款交易COD transaction
付款手续费COD commission
付款汇票arrival bill (draft)
付现cash on receipt of merchandise
即付cash on arrival
提示hold for arrival of goods
日起计算ROG dating
货物达时状态良好The goods arrived in fair condition
货物已goods arrived
货船定于下周六The vessel is due to arrive next Saturday
货运单据后付款payment on arrival of shipping documents
贵方二十日报盘收,甚谢Your offer dated 20th has been received, thanks
贵方十日电报收Your cable dated 10th has been received.
费用亦用 chgs fwdcharges forward
to be declared policy
商业目的accomplish commercial purposes
法定载重量的一批货物carload lot
的标准成本attained standard cost
目标hit a target
高技术熟练程度develop high technical proficiency
运费付提单freight collect B/L
运费付提单collect B/L
运费付提单freight to be collected bill of lading
这批货将按时达你处The shipment will reach you in due course
这是我方可以得的最好价格This is the best price we can obtain
的接受late acceptance
通过协商达一致achieve unanimity through consultation
通过巧妙广告宣传达家喻户晓achieve great popularity through skillful advertising
集装箱house to house
门推销员a door-to-door salesman
随后即将to arrive
集装箱达站交货价格free arrival station
本实盘须于当天中午前复有效reply here before noon
预见的损失foreseen losses
预计达时间expected approach time
港口的另一边put over to the other side of the harbour