
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
上市证券期日表maturity schedules of marketable security
不同批different shipment
义务履行期日date when performance due
亏损结转转清为止deficit carried forward till extinction
从吊钩吊钩条款指承运人的运货责任从货物吊上吊钩到卸下船的吊钩为止from tackle to tackle clause
从小man and boy
从投资开始结束的全过程利益front-end advantage
付款收payment received
伦敦岸价条件London landed terms
估计达日期estimated date of arrival
作为共同海损得的损失补偿damage made good as general average
作为共同海损得的损失补偿damage allowed as general average
你觉得这份合同基本涵盖了我们在谈判过程中谈的所有内容吗?Do you think the contract contains basically all we have agreed on during negotiations?
使人注意come to one's notice
使利润增长最大限度maximize profit
依时效得的权利prescriptive right
保证达时间guarantee the time of arrival
保证按期ensure the date of arrival
债务due of an obligation
债务或其他义务履行期日date of eligibility of the obligation
债权得履行obtain satisfaction of claim
偶然得产生的利润casual profit
先供应制度first-come first-served system
先服务first-come first-service
先服务first-come first-served
早到货物forward arrivals
公司市场上可能达的需求量company market potential
具体期日specific maturities
具结随传随enter into recognizance
最低限度cut to the bone
分配利润中心apporting to profit canter
分配成本中心apporting to cost canter
列车发通知信号train announcing signal
列车train arrival
利润平均利润的转化conversion of profit into average profit
付汇票arrival draft
付运费freight paid at destination
出席时间hours of attendance
发路线arrival departure track
商业区购物go downtown
make harbour
high and low
岸仓底交货价成本、保险费、运费至轮船仓底交货价C.I.F. ex ship's hold
岸价加佣金价成本、保险费、运费加佣金价cost, insurance, freight and commission
岸价加佣金和利息价成本、保险费、运费加佣金和利息价cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest
岸价加关税价成本、保险费、运费加关税价cost, insurance, freight duty paid
岸价加关税价即成本、保险费、运费和进口关税价C.I.F. duty paid
岸价加内河运费价成本、保险费、运费加内河运费价cost, insurance, freight inland waterway
岸价加内河运费价成本、保险费、运费加内河运费价C.I.F. inland waterway
岸价加利息和目的港价成本、保险费、运费加利息和到目的港价cost, insurance, freight, interest and port of destination
岸价加卸岸条件成本、保险费、运费加卸岸条件C.I.F. landed terms
岸价加卸货价条件成本、 保险费、运费加卸货价条件cost, insurance, freight landed terms
岸价加战争保险价成本、 保险费、运费加战争保险价cost,insurance, freight and war risk
岸价加汇费价成本、保险费、运费加汇费价cost, insurance, freight and exchange
岸价加班轮条件成本、保险费、运费加班轮条件cost, insurance, freight liner terms
岸价加班轮条件成本、保险费、运费加班轮条件C.I.F. liner terms
岸价加结关费价成本、保险费、运费加结关费价cost, insurance, freight cleared
岸价加结关费价即成本、保险费、运费和一切进口费用价C.I.F. cleared
岸价报盘offer cost, insurance and freight
岸价格cost, freight and insurance
岸价格cost, assurance and freight
岸价格成本、保险费加运费价cost, insurance and freight
岸价格成本、保险费加运费价C.I.F. price
岸价格净价成本、保险费加运费净价cost, insurance, freight net
岸价格加汇票费价格cost, freight insurance and exchange
岸净价成本、保险费加运费净价C.I.F. net
岸品质landing quality
岸品质landed quality
岸品质条件landing quality terms
岸品质条件landed quality terms
岸数量landed quantity
岸数量条件landed quantity terms
岸港port of destination
岸码头费用指卸货入仓等费用terminal charge
岸货船吊钩下交货价成本、保险费、运费加吊钩下交货价CIF under ship's tackle
岸货船舱底交货价成本、 保险费加舱底交货运费价cost, insurance, freight ex ship's hold
岸重量end weight
岸重量即卸货上岸过磅的重量landed weight
岸重量条件landed weight terms
工但无工可做工作日工资call-in pay
库买卖arrival sale
appear before the court
庭候审appear and stand
收货价手续费cash on delivery charge
收货价托收费cash on delivery collection fee
收货价的一批货物cash on delivery consignment
due to fail
full due
expiry of a time
due to full
延期通知单renewal notice
期不偿还的贷款dead loan
期付款汇票bill on maturity
期付清be paid in full at appointed time
期以前ante diem
期保险单matured insurance policies
期保险费due premium
期债券bond due
期债券matured bonds
期债券mature bond
期债券及息票matured bonds and coupons
期债务maturity debenture
期债务maturity liability
期债务偿还debt maturity
本金加利息的期值maturity value
期催单reminder of due date
期全部付清be paid in full at the appointed time
期全部偿还straight end payment
期券或保险金matured endowment
期前交货pre-mature delivery
期前偿还prematurity repayment
期合同determined contract
期后一个月付款month after date
期后背书endorsement after maturity
期基数maturity basis
期年金annuity due
期年金现值present value of an annuity due
期年金额amount of an annuity due
期应付款due for repayment
期应付的款项due and payable
期应付票据日记簿bill payable maturity book
期应偿付债券bond due for payment
期应偿付的due for repayment
期应偿付的信贷credit due for repayment
期提出due presentment
期提示汇票due presentment
期支票mature check
期收益率yield in maturity
期日expiration date
借据等的期日due date
期日dies ad quem
债券等期日date of maturity
票据期日due date
期日expiry date
期日期expiry date
期日期expiration date
期日通知notice of due date
期月份contract months
期未付股利passed dividend
期未偿还债券matured bonds unredeemed
期未偿还债券mature bond unredeemed
期汇票due draft
期汇票mature bill
期票据fall due bill
期票据matured bill
期票据mature bill
期票据登记簿tickler file
期票据记录簿maturity tickler
期缺口maturing gap
期证券securities of near-maturity
期负债maturity liability
期负债指到期债务,如应付债券本金等matured liability
期账目maturity book
期通知notice of due date
期通知书expiration notice
期金额maturity amount
期金额amount due
期预付金额matured repayment
fetch the harbour
港提单port bill of lading
get in
货物arrival station
船边的货运费cartage to shipside
规定年龄自动退职制度age-limit system
arrival of goods
"货"价格"to arrive" price
货价格工厂价格加各种运费价格delivered price
货合同arrival contract
货后付款汇票arrival draft
货后付款汇票票据arrival bill
货品质条件rye terms
"货"市场"to arrive" market
"货"市场指交易所中即将到达的商品交易to arrive market
火车站货平台arrival platform
货损益账户profit and loss on goods to arrive account
货损益账户科目profit and loss on goods to arrive account
货数量条件arrival quantity terms
货日价格day of arrival price
货条件arrival terms
货通知arrival note
货通知note of arrival
货通知书notice of arrive
货通知单notification of arrival
货重量arrived weight
货重量outturn weight
货重量end weight
货重量delivered weight
货验收inspection merchandise received
get in
地点place of arrival
达一定期的累积数period payment accumulating
达仓库交易arrival sale
"达"利率"to arrive" rate
达国country of destination
达地完好价格sound arrived value
货物达完好价值sound arrival value
达日期date of arrived
达时差定位法time-of-arrival location
"达"条件"to arrive" terms
达目的地支付运费payment of the freight at destination
达货物on arrival
达领航站arrived pilot station
力求达approach a state
存储器Add to Memory
加速期事件event of acceleration
付款payment against arrival of documents
单一single arrival
即将达货物价to arrive price
厂运输方式house to house
户分销系统factory-to-customer distribution system
原定期日期original expiration date
发票收时付款cash upon receipt of invoice
发票未的收货报告单unmatched receiving report
发行新债券以代替将期债券refinancing of maturing bond
发行新债券取代将期债券refinancing of maturing bond
合同expiration of a contract
合同期前的违约breach of contract before performance is due
吊钩吊钩指货物承运人的责任范围tackle to tackle
商品流通渠道受干扰channel disturbance
集装箱运输指将集装箱由一堆场运至另一堆场。 CY 是 Container Yard 的缩写CY to CY
集装箱运输指从集装箱堆场运至仓库门CY to door
外币岸价用外币计算成本、保险费加运费价cost, insurance, freight value in foreign currency
外币岸价用外币计算的到岸价CIF value in foreign currency
大数欠款期日balloon maturity
大规模交易付款mature for large-scale trading
如期收duly received
如果我们的轴承以岸价成交,你们负责投保哪些险别?If we conclude the business on CIF basis, what coverage will you take out for the bearings?
完好达货物净价net arrived sound value
完好货物达净值net arrived sound value
定额期债券fixed-maturity bond
定额期债券fixed maturity bond
容易买be easily bought
期债务maturing liability
期债务maturing debt
期负债maturing liability
将价降bring down price to
将损失减最低限度minimize the loss
尚未not arriving
平均期日equated time
平均达率mean rate of arrival
平衡运费岸价freight equalization
应于某日某时due to arrive
应付期债券matured bonds payable
应付期债券本金principal payable of matured debenture
应付期利息matured interest payable
应付账款平均期日average accounts payable period
应付账款平均期比率average accounts payable period ratio
应付顾主期款项account due to customers
应收期寄售货款accounts due on consignment-out
应收期寄售货款account due on consignment-out
应收期款accounts due
应收期试销货款accounts due on sales on approval
应收期试销货款account due on sales on approval
应收期账款accounts receivable due
应收联营企业期账款account due from affiliated company
应收联营公司期账款accounts receivable due from affiliated company
应收银行期存款deposit due from banks account
应收银行期存款deposit due from bank account
…专利权take out a patent for
报盘get offer
的利息和股息interest and dividends received
必须得承兑subject to acceptance
好处的定岗位人数zero staffing
您会及时收我们的货物,希望您能够满意I believe that the products will reach you in time and hope they will give you complete satisfaction
成品交库期日due in finished stock
成批aggregated arrival
成批aggregate arrival
成本降最低限.度cost minimization
我们对贵方浮雕防盗门的质量感很满意,但我们不知道货物的质量能否和样品大体相同We find the quality of the anti-theft carved door is satisfactory, but we're not sure whether the quality of the goods is about equal to the sample
我们的产品已在海外数个地区有售,并受了消费者的欢迎Our products have been sold in a number of areas abroad. They are very popular with the users there
我方已收贵方2013年9月1日开出的金额为50万美元购买橡胶踏板的信用证了We have received your L/C dated November 1, 2013 for 500,000 dollars on the rubber pedals
我方需在交货日期前30天收信用证,这样我们才好安排Your L/C must reach us 30 days before the date of delivery so as to enable us to make all necessary arrangements
打开包装品便见的广告zip ad
买主locate buyer
职业hire on
解决矛盾的办法strike a balance (between)
销路locate interest
承兑汇票期记录acceptance maturity record
把管理引申质量程序中去management guide to quality program
check in board
拒付期款与收回货物default and repossession
岸价格报实盘offer firm c.i.f.
按期terminal arrive
按期收duly received
临时储存场所move to temporary storage
包装和装运地点move to packing and shipping
搬运装配、储存或运送场所move to assembly, storage or shipping
撤销未期合同cancellation of future performance
支付期票据meet a bill
就立即upon the receipt of
之后after receipt
佣金premium received
单据receipt a bill
托收票据bill for collection
报价receiving quotation
提货单received bill of lading
日期date of receipt
时付款pay on receipt
…款项cash in
相当数量的供货样品receive a fair sample of the bulk supply
适当数量的供货样品receive a fair sample of the bulk supply
邮件incoming mail
险费premium received
收回期账款recovery of sums due
商品目录catalogue of new arrivals
货物fresh supply of goods
货物fresh arrivals
期日期no expiration date
arrive late
晚点arrive late
最后偿还期final maturities
最后达站arrival station
最后收last received
最早达到时间earliest arriving time
有效贷款偿还期期表maturity structure of effective loan
期望期价值expected terminal value
unexpired term
期交易unmatured transaction
期保险费准备reserve for unexpired premium
期债券undue bond
期偿付prematurity repayment
期偿还prematurity repayment
期前交货pre-mature delivery of futures
期协议unmatured agreement
期合同unmatured contract
期安排unexpired arrangement
期票据current paper
期风险准备金unexpired risks reserve
未付期债务matured liabilities unpaid
未付期负债matured liability unpaid
未做not done
未收not received
未能找can not find
未达要求failure to satisfy requirement
未预料的开支unforeseeable expense
未预料的环境unforeseen circumstance
本年期的长期债务current maturity
本年期的长期负债current maturity of long term debt
本期或一年内期的current maturity
来宾签availability register
每日广告直被迫停载every day until forbidden
大陆欧洲的汇票continental bill
法定债务期日obligatory maturity
状态相关state dependent arrivals
现在now arriving
由于延迟交货给您造成的不便我感非常抱歉I'm very sorry for the delay in delivery and the inconvenience it must have caused you
由驳船卸货码头discharging from floating to wharf
留待货hold for arrival of goods
码头内地仓库集装箱运输用语pier-to inland depot
码头集装箱运输用语pier to door
码头码头运输wharf-to-wharf transport
码头货船的装卸作业quay-to-ship stevedoring
票据期拒付分录entry if note is dishonored
票据期日maturity date of a note
票据期通知书note maturity notice
集装箱container freight station to container yard
集装箱container freight station to container freight station
集装箱运输CFS to CFS
集装箱container freight station to door
等同期日equated maturity
考虑figure up
考虑take into account
期债务unmatured debt
交货价格on arrival of vessel
交货价on arrival of vessel
船舶时间预报first ETA (expected time of arrival)
船舶达时付款payable on arrival of steamer
被刼持贩奴船上的黑人black bird
集装箱装卸区门运输服务terminal-to-door service
规定期日fixed maturity date
规定达时间due time of arrival
计划figure up
订单最早期日期规则minimum due date per order rule
证实收receipt acknowledged
账单期即付pay as you go
arrival of goods
付款on delivery
付款价格cash on delivery price
付款佣金cash on delivery commission
付款包裹cash on delivery parcel
付款销售C.O.D. sale
付款销售cash on delivery sale
付款销售cash on delivery sales
付现cash down
付现款cash on arrival
付运费freight payable on delivery
付运费freight at destination
即付cash on the line
即付cash down
即提delivery on arrival
后付款payment after the delivery
后…日付款payment...days after arrival of goods
后见票即付汇票after-arrival-of-goods draft
收款collection on delivery
货物目的地卸货后付运费freight to be paid after discharge at destination
货物arrival of goods
货物达后见票即付汇票after-arrival-of-goods draft
货物达通知cargo arrival notice
货物什么时候能达我方港口?When will the goods reach our port?
货物将goods to arrive
货车站数car lots
货运单付款payment upon the arrival of shipment documents
购买期债券buy maturities
购买期债权buy maturity
购买新商品buy goods on arrival
费用指买方在收到货物后支付运费及其它费用charge forward
bring in
轮船吊钩下交货的岸价格成本、保险费、运费至轮船吊钩下交货价cost, insurance, freight under ship's tacks
世界先进水平meet advanced world standard
合同规定的标准measure up to contracted standard
平均数averaging out
故障的总时间total time to obtain failure
最新水平bring up to date
标准up to grade
质量要求fulfil quality requirement
运费carriage charge to pay
运费by carriage forward
运费freight destination
进行失效为止carry to failure
远期long maturity
承诺late acceptance
顾客指定地点move to customer location
送货户费delivery charge
激烈竞争meet with stiff competition
邮船埠或开航日packet day
铁路货通知单railway advice
铁路货物站通知单railway advice
长期债务中本年内期部分current portion of long-term debt
除非发生预料不的情况unforeseen circumstances excepted
除非有预料不的情况unforeseen circumstances excepted
随时能买的债券in tap
隔周广告直被迫停载every other week until forbidden
隔日广告直被迫停载every other day until forbidden
集装箱门house to house container
需要即可得on tap
期偿还债券non-callable bond
非即时货模型noninstantaneous receipt model
顾主欠款期账account due from customers
期日的票据instrument with fixed maturity date
预期达时间expected time of arrival
预期达率expected arrival rate
保险单take out an insurance policy
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