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为获准入户安装收视监测装置的首次访placement interview
达率net reach
达户数households reached
达户数homes reached
达率persons reaches
达率和频次reach and frequency
达的个体数individuals reached
同时收两种及以上当月期刊的住户household combinations of magazines
媒介达率media reach
平均每周达率average weekly reach
广告达率advertising reach
广告达频次advertising impressions
广告达频次ad impressions
广告达一定数量的折扣quantity discount
最能达预期效果的时机psychological moment
有效达率effective reach
服务周full service
消费者头脑中首先想的品牌top of mind
演职员场日程清单call sheet
电波达范围coverage area
美国音乐学校、"当我坐钢琴前、他们笑了、但当我开始弹奏... "、Ruthrauff & Ryan 广告公司、1925U.S. School of Music, "They laughed when I sat down at the piano, but when I started to play!" (Ruthrauff & Ryan)
币值折扣dollar volume discount
钢包衬寿命能延长10% -15% -20%,甚至更长吗? 当然能做ladle lining life prolonged by 10 -15 -20% or more? you bet!
镜头恰好处on the nose
镜头恰好处on the button
预计达人数schedule reach
频道达率channel reach