
Terms for subject Sports containing | all forms
一拼from start to finish
一拼battle it out
不要害怕去零售商店如沃尔玛购买质轻透气的运动服装,或者二手体育用品店购买一些健身器材Don't be afraid to check retail stores like Wal-Mart for basic lightweight, breathable workout apparel, or secondhand sports stores for fitness equipment
从前front to rear
任何运动员起跑犯规必须受警告Any competitor making a false start must be warned.
传接棒技术好坏对大多数接力赛跑的成绩起决定性作用The technique of baton passing decides the outcome of most relay races
使对方感棘手present a thorny problem to one's opponent
使对方感棘手give a thorny problem to one's opponent
使用视接法时、接棒人注视着传棒人、直完成交接棒为止When using the visual pass, the outgoing runner watches the incoming runner until the pass is completed
几乎同时达终点blanket finish
几乎同时达终点的比赛close finish
几乎同时达终点的比赛blanket finish
on hand
come to the arena
处 prep.围着around
检录处come to the call room
边犯规foul at the end of arrival
比赛达最高潮at fever pitch
达法定年龄come of age
达终点的次序order of finish
达终点线reach the finish line
达运动reaching movement
达顺序finishing order
一次严重警告receive a warning
一次警告receive a caution
媒体重视make headlines in the paper
宣扬headlined in the sports pages
3 号抢跑、受发令裁判员警告No. 3 who jumped the gun is cautioned by the starting judge (注释:现在起跑犯规通常用 make a false start0)
8 号竞走运动员受警告处分、 因为他的两只脚同时离开地面Walker No. 8 received a caution because his two feet left the surface of the ground at the same time in race walking
113 号赛跑运动员在达终点线之前身体垮下来了Runner No. 113 collapsed before reaching the finish line.
8 号运动员在长跑比赛中跑得太快、他在达终点之前虚脱了身体垮了Runner No. 8 ran too fast in the distance race, he collapsed before reaching the finish line
号运动员请注意!马上检录处Attention please! Athlete No. come to the call room right now (immediately)
合约out of contract
同时达终点game ended in a draw
同时达终点game all
在径赛时决定一名参赛运动员是否达终点取决于他的躯干的位置、而不取决于他的手臂、腿或头部的位置In track events it is the torso, not the arms, legs or head that determines when the competitor has reached the finish line
在接力赛跑时、参赛队员必须在接力区内传递接力棒、任何一个跑终点不携带接力棒的队将被取消比赛资格In relay races, the batons must be passed within a take-over zone and any team finishing without the baton will be disqualified
奋力赶前面pull ahead
她的爱好从打网球溜冰,范围很广Her interests ranged from tennis to skating
差点达come within a whisker of something
开球未达对方的10米kickoff of under 10 metres
开球达 10 米kickoff of 10 metres
当横杆高度升至 2.31 米时、他第一次试跳过杆、但身体显然已擦了横杆When the bar was raised to 2.31m, he cleared it on his first attempt but grazed the bar
好评draw favorable comment
的奖牌garnered medal
签名get the signature
终场的几秒钟dying seconds
我第一次上双杠时,在上面甩了几下后,翻杠子上来了个倒立I swung a few times, and I went up into a handstand, the first time I was ever on the parallel bars
打——个电话就可以把健身教练叫家,他还随身带有各式各样的健身器材One phone call will also bring a fitness coach to your house, bringing all manner of fitness equipment with him
时间reporting time
底的比赛dead game
新猎手见猎物时的紧张心理buck fever
无须购买任何昂贵的健身器材,你也能把家变成健身房。一个星期做三次练习,不一个月你就能看到结果Turn your home into your gym without buying any expensive equipment. Try these exercises three times a week, and you'll see results in less than a month
时间time up
裁判用语时间Time is up!
有些人通常投资于康体器材,却并不使用,这意味着你可以仅花一小部分钱就可以买近乎全新的设备People often invest in sports equipment and then don,t use them, which means you can find a like-new item for a fraction of the price
未达目标fall short of the mark
没有达目标fall short of the mark
球击四壁play off the walls (squash)
球击天花板play off the ceiling (squash)
同样的运气evening up
好运气break the breaks
第二棒运动员在他的队友达接力区前就开始跑动The second runner starts to run before his teammate reaches the passing zone (注释:目前接力区最常见的用法是 take-over zone)
美国的德弗斯一路领先、直她跨越最后一个栏架时、绊倒在地上Devers of the United States was leading up to the final hurdle, over which she tripped and fell
视接法是接力赛跑时的一种传接棒方法—接棒人注视着传棒人直整个传接棒动作的完成The visual pass is a baton pass in a relay race in which the outgoing runner watches the incoming runner until the pass in completed
最高jump to maximum
paddleball击球have an innings
板、棒击球get one's innings
emerge the victor
notch a victory
notch up
warp up
chalk up
柔道最高等级者black belt
目的score a point
要求meet the qualification
要求meet the requirements
高潮reach a climax
高潮arrive at fever pitch
这位赛跑运动员体验"第二次呼吸"的感觉The runner has experienced getting second wind
这位长跑运动员跑终点时吃力地喘气The runner was breathing hard when he finished the long distance race
把比赛进行play out (the game)
late arrival
惨败take a cuffing
铅球运动员黄志红将 4 公斤重的铅球推 20.83 米、这个成绩使她在日本举行的世界锦标赛上夺得金牌Shot-putter Huang Zhihong heaved the 4-kilogram shot out 20. 83 metres, the distance brought her a gold at the World Championships held in Japan
长跑除能加强心肺及其他主要器官的功能外、还能使全身得锻炼In addition to strengthening the heart lungs and other vital organs, distance run exercises the whole body