
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing | all forms
一氧化碳用率CO utilization (ratio)
三鼓式余热用锅炉three-drum waste heat boiler
条件adverse conditions
侵权infringement of patent
执照patent certificate
文献patent literature
patent monopoly
证书patent certificate
说明书patent specification
丹德昂铅基轴承合金Dandelion (metal, 18Sb, 10Sn,余量 Pb)
维特-佩纳罗亚铅精炼法除Jollivet-Penarroya debismuthizing process
产品专product patent right
定律Henry's law
定律常数Henry's law constant
效应Henrian effect
效应Henrian behaviour
效应Henrian behavior
活度系数Henrian activity coefficient
特性Henrian behaviour
特性Henrian behavior
henry meter
型球团竖炉Erie vertical shaft furnace
扩散渗硅Ihrig process
扩散渗硅Ihrig method
格扩散渗硅法Ihrig process
格扩散渗硅法Ihrig method
特电动卸料机Hulett electric unloader
球团竖炉Bethlehem type shaft furnace
球团竖炉Bethlehem designed shaft furnace
恒型矩形球团竖炉Bethlehem type shaft furnace
恒型矩形球团竖炉Bethlehem designed shaft furnace
恒宽缘工字截面Bethlehem sections
恒宽缘工字钢粱Bethlehem beam
伯努假定Bernoulli's hypothesis
伯努理论Bernoulli's theorem
伯齐厄斯回转窑烟化Berzelius process
heat loss recovery
余热waste heat utilization
余热thermal recovery
余热reclamation of heat
余热heat salvage
多 XC-3 粘结剂Peridur XC-3
尼爆炸试验Pellini explosion test (用于检查钢的脆断性能)
尼落锤冲击试验Pellini drop-weight test (用于检查钢的脆断性能)
充分用…make full use of...
瓦特钢背铅青铜steel back Clevite (70Cu, 30Pb;35Pb, 65Cu)
维特铅青铜Clevite (70Cu, 30Pb, 65Cu, 35Pb)
谢锡铅合金Cliche metal (50Sn, 32Pb, 9Bi,1.05Sb)
公司润课税负担额corporate profits tax liability
公司间红intercorporate dividends
公用福设施public welfare
再生recycle (【技】返矿:: The dust is largely removed from the gas stream in a hot gas cyclone and is then recycled to the process. 在热煤气旋风除尘器中,这些炉尘的大部分从煤气流中清除,随后返回到工艺流程中再利用。)
农科拉厄姆铝基耐蚀合金Noncoralium (16Sb, 0.7 ~ 2.5Zn, 1.5 ~ 3.5Mg,余量 Al)
net profit
叶片式压滤机Kelly filter
sharp edge
废烧结厂recycling plant
废钢材rerolling steel
废钢材rerolled steel
波维茨铋铅锡易熔合金Lipowitz alloy
海慢弯曲试验Lehigh slow-bend test (用于测定材料的脆断性能)
海抗裂试验Lehigh cracking test (用于测定钢焊件开裂倾向)
润率earning capacity
特尔铜锡锌合金Little's alloy (67Cu, 29Sn, 2.45Zn, 1.5 As)
瑟卡伯锂蒸气保护气氛Lithcarb atmosphere
瑟卡伯锂蒸气保护烧结Lithcarb process
recover (废料: Conway Steel has developed a technology to recover zinc and iron from electric arc furnace dust by a shaft furnace that is similar to the blast furnace operation. 康韦钢公司开发出一项利用竖炉从电弧炉炉尘中回收锌和铁的技术。该竖炉的操作与高炉操作相类似。)
用条件conditions of use
用率utilization coefficient
用率use factor
CO 用率CO utilization (ratio, 【技】高炉炉顶煤气中 CO₂ 与 (CO₂+CO) 之比。它是反映风口前碳燃烧和炉内直接还原产生的一氧化碳在上升过程中参加间接还原程度的指标。)
用率availability coefficient
用系数productivity of sinter
用系数specific production
高炉用系数production rate (【参】在英文原版炼铁专业文献中,用 production rate 来表达"利用系数"或"高炉利用系数"的频率明显低于 productivity。: An increase in blast furnace production rate from 7.2 to 8.9 tonnes/day/100 cu ft working volume, was obtained during trials with natural gas injection. 在喷吹天然气试验期间,高炉利用系数由 0.072 提高到0.089 t/(d ft³) (吨/天/立方英尺)工作容积。)
用系数utilization coefficient
用系数use factor
用系数specific productivity
用系数productivity ratio
用系数productivity coefficient
用系数percentage yield
用系数production rate
用系数factor of utilization
萨茹图形Lissajous pattern
功率用率power utilization factor (超高功率电弧炉的)
功率用系数power utilization coefficient
特耐热镍铬合金钢Calite (35 ~ 68Ni, 12 〜20Cr, 0.55C,余量 Fe)
卡梅亚轴承合金Camelia (70.2Cu, 14.75Pb, 10.2Zn, 4.25Sn, 0.05Fe)
卡纳加铝热剂铸锭Canaris method
卡纳斯加铝热剂铸锭法Canaris method
厂内废钢plant usage
双列比时式轧机double Belgian mill
发明专patent for invention
用热available heat
用的废钢铁utilizable iron and steel scrap
用的废钢铁ferrous salvage
用的热available heat
用的黑色金属废料utilizable ferrous metal scrap
用的黑色金属废料ferrous salvage
吉勒冲击试验Guillery impact test (【技】根据旋转飞轮旋转能量的变化,测算冲击试片的吸收能量。)
吉勒拉深成形性能试验Guillery cupping test
吉勒杯凸试验Guillery cupping test
型球团竖炉Eric vertical shaft furnace
埃克普斯压铸镁基合金Eclipsalloy (1.25Al,1Mn,余量 Mg)
埃索-特尔沸腾层海绵铁制取Esso-Little process
埃索-特尔沸腾层海绵铁制取法Esso-Little process
弗回转真空过滤机Oliver rotary vacuum filter
弗隔膜泵Oliver diaphragm pump
奥克萨包覆铜合金Oxally (铜丝外包覆不锈钢)
奥地弯曲试验Austrian bend test
弗滤器Oliver filter
容积有效用率volumetric efficiency
容量能力utilization of capacity
小钢厂盈能力profitability of mini mill
工业水重复用率industrial water reuse rate
工厂plant usage
巴格Bagley process
克尼质谱仪Bleakney mass spectrometer
布雷德型照相机Bradley type camera
布雷德-杰伊胶片装入Bradley-Jay method
布雷德照相机Bradley chamber
乌姆铝基重载轴承合金Pallium (4.5Cu, 4Pb, 2.6Sn, 0.6Mg, 0.3Mn, 0.3Zn,余量 Al)
带式机用系数grate factor
带式机用系数grate productivity
带钢直接浇铸专direct strip casting patent
库普拉斯铜锂合金Cupralith (1 ~ 10Li)
废塑料循环用系统waste plastic recycling system
废塑料综合循环用系统integrated waste plastics recycling system (In Japan, NKK has completed construction of an integrated waste plastics recycling system in which processed plastics are injected into the Keihin Works' No.1 blast furnace. 日本钢管公司已完成了废塑料综合循环利用系统的建设。经过该循环利用系统处理过的废塑料喷人京浜港钢厂 1 号高炉。)
废料用车间salvaging workshop
废料用车间salvage department
废料再用烧结厂recycling sintering plant
废料再生用法recycling method
废料再生用法method of refusing scrap
废料返回用法method of refusing scrap
废气综合multipurpose use of waste gas
废水回收reclamation of waste water (率)
废水回收reclamation of waste water
废水综合multipurpose use of waste water
废热waste heat recovery
废热waste heat utilization
废热heat salvage
废物recycling of waste
废物再recycling of waste
废金属回收scrap metal reclamation
废金属重新scrap metal reclamation
废钢utilization of scrap steel
废钢recycling of scrap
废钢scrap steel utilization
废钢用能力scrap steel utilization ability
废钢废料返回用法method of refusing scrap
废钢再生用法recycling method of scrap steel
废钢回收recycling of steel
废钢回收recycling of scrap steel
废钢返回用法method of remelting scrap steel
废钢返回用法method of refusing scrap steel
废钢铁scrap steel utilization
废钢铁scrap usage
废钢铁scrap usage
废钢铁回收scrap metal reclamation
废钢铁重新scrap steel recycling
废钢铁重新scrap steel recovery
废钢铁重新recycling of steel
废钢铁重新scrap metal reclamation
废铸钢的回收waste cast steel recovery
废铸钢的回收recycling of cast steel
建设期interest during construction
昂气freon gas
循环再生用系统recycling system
德劳控制电解粉末粒度Drouily's method
德夫硬度试验Devries test
用率overall utilisation
多钢刀Toledo blade
技术专technical patent
技术专technical know-how
拉维硅热还原炼镁Ravelli process
拿波硫杆菌thiobacillus neopolitanus
插棒用率soaking bar usage
旋转模锻轧机Slick mill
铅锡软焊料Slicker solder (66Sn,余量 Pb)
德克斯镍银合金Slidex alloy
斯特耐蚀合金Sterlite (54.5Cu, 27Ni, 16.5Zn,l.75Fe + Sn + Pb, 0.2Mn)
伦系统Schlieren system
伦装置Schlieren system
无专non-exclusive right
时间用率time utilization factor (超高功率电弧炉的)
时间用系数time utilization coefficient
普罗钨钛硬质合金3〜 15Co,3〜15TiC,余量 WC 及少量其他碳化物Prolite
硝石Chile saltpeter
硝石Chilean nitrate
磨机Chilian mill
含硫粗铜棒Chili bar
最低可获品位minimum payable grade
有效efficient utilization (率)
有效efficient utilization
有效容积用系数effective volume utilization coefficient
有效容积用系数working volume utilization coefficient
有效容积用系数utilization coefficient of effective volume
有效容积用系数effective-volume utilization factor
有效容积用系数coefficient of utilization of useful volume
有效容积用系数coefficient of utilization of useful capacity
材料用率material utilization rate
材料重新materials recovery
特 A-40LC 多孔阴离子交换树脂商品名Duolite A-40LC
特 CS-100 羧酸阳离子交换树脂商品名Duolite CS-100
特S-30多孔阴离子交换树脂商品名Duolite S-30
特弱碱性阴离子交换树脂商品名Duolite A-2, A-7, A-14 等
特A-42强碱性阴离子交换树脂商品名Duolite A-42
特C-25磺化聚苯乙烯阳离子交换树脂商品名Duolite C-25
特C-20磺化聚苯乙烯阳离子交换树脂商品名Duolite C-20
特C-10磺酚阳离子交换树脂商品名Duolite C-10
特C-3磺酚阳离子交换树脂商品名Duolite C-3
杜尔西厄姆铝合金Durcilium (4Cu, 0.5Mg,0.5Mn,余量 Al)
杜菲特液体渗碳渗氮剂Diirferrit (70 ~80BaCl2,25〜15NaCN, 5SrCl2)
镍铬电阻合金Jellif (Jellif800: ~20Cr, ~80Ni,少量 Mn.Mo)
校正用系数corrected productivity
布耳焊接热循环模拟装置Gleeble machine
维尔铝基或锌基轴承合金Gliever bearing metal (铝基:76.5Pb, 8Sn, 14Sb,1.5Fe;锌基:73.3Zn, 7Sn, 4.2Cu, 9Sb,5Pb,l-5Cd)
时式布置Belgian type layout (轧机机座的)
时式线材盘条轧机Belgian rod mill
时式线材盘条轧机Belgian looping mill
时式线材轧机Belgian wire mill
gross profit
气体用效率efficiency of gas utilization
气体用效率gas utilization efficiency
气体回收gas recycle
昂冷冻挡板freon refrigerated baffle
用效率hydrogen efficiency
用率utilization ratio of hydrogen (【技】衡量高炉炼铁过程中炉内氢在与铁氧化物的还原反应中转化为 H₂O 程度的指标。)
用率utilization rate of hydrogen
用率hydrogen utilization ratio
用率oxygen utilization
氧化碳用率utilization ratio of carbon monoxide
氧的用率oxygen efficiency
工程水力工程hydraulic engineering
不相容原理Pauli's exclusion principle
登一步炼铅Boliden direct process
泰塞装饰用锌合金Tyseley metal (87Zn,8.6Al,3.6Cu,0.5Si)
泰塞锌基压铸合金Tyseley alloy (8.7Al,3.5Cu,0.3Si,余量 Zn)
Epsom salt (Mg SO4•7H2O)
津卡厄姆铝合金Zinkalium (12Zn, 3Cu,余量 Al)
派罗高电阻镍铬合金Pyrolic (80Ni,20Cr)
亚克法焊接Heliarc welding
潘塞铝硅活塞合金Panseri alloy (82 ~ 83Al, 11.5Si, 4.5Ni, 0.4Mg,余量 Cu)
澳大亚金币合金Australian gold (91.66Au,余量 Ag)
炉子用系数furnace productivity
炉子用系数furnace production rate
炉子用系数furnace availability (Several steel companies have converted to slag splashing in an effort to lower refractory replacement costs and increase furnace availability by reducing the delays associated with furnace refractory relines. 一些钢铁公司转而采用溅渣护炉技术,努力降低耐火材料更换费用,通过降低炉子更换耐火衬耽搁的时间提高炉子的作业率。)
炉子用系数furnace availability
炉子有效用率furnace availability
炉料顺下降free movement of burden
炉料顺下降freely movement of burden
烧结用系数sinter production rate
烧结用系数sinter rate
烧结用系数sinter productivity
烧结机用系数sinter plant productivity
烧结机用系数sinter strand productivity (The sinter strand productivity increased from 20. 8t / m²/ day to 25.7 t / m²/ day in three years of operation. 在三年运行期间,烧结机利用系数由20. 8t/m² • d 提高到25. 7t/m² • d。)
烧结机用系数productivity of sintering machine
烧结机用系数sintering machine productivity (【技】烧结机在单位时间内每平方米有效面积所生产的烧结矿数量。它综合反映了工厂操作、管理、工艺技术水平和设备利用程度。在规定的烧结机上烧结规定的烧结料时,提高垂直烧结速度和作业率是增加烧结机利用系数的两个基本途径。)
烧结机用系数sintering machine specific capacity
热能heat utilization
热能heat salvage
热能用率heat utilization efficiency
热能用系数heat utilization efficiency
热能用经济指标thermal economics
焊条用率stub efficiency
煤气用率gas utilization efficiency
燃料fuel efficiency
燃料用效率fuel efficiency
球团设备用系数productivity of pelletizing equipment (【技】球团设备在单位时间内每平方米有效面积所生产的球团矿数量,综合反映了工厂操作、管理、工艺技术水平和设备利用程度。)
散射截面Rayleigh cross section
表面波Rayleigh surface wave
生产能力用系数利用率capacity factor
生活福大楼welfare building
生活福welfare building
申请专patent claim
申请专application for a patent
申请专patent application
申请专application for patent
比重计Brix hydrometer
企业profitable enterprise
earning capacity
冷冻脱水法Gayley process (去除鼓风中的水分)
冷冻Gayley process
相对有效用系数generic efficiency
用率silicon efficiency
碳素用系数utilization coefficient of carbon (【技】指碳在高炉冶炼中实际放出的热量与完全氧化成二氧化碳时放出的热量比值。)
设施welfare facilities
离子交换树脂用率ion exchange resin efficiency
平炉法Coli process
平炉法Coli process
科里奥斯力Coriolis force
穆西特殊型锡铋汞合金Musily silver (40Sn,40Bi,20Hg)
竖炉用系数productivity of shaft furnace (【技】单位时间内竖炉每平方米炉口横断面生产球团矿的数量。它是表征竖炉生产率的指标,也标志着竖炉生产的强化程度。)
米哈埃斯断裂试验机Michaelis machine
尘再生用技术dust-recycling technology
尘再生用效率dust-recycling efficiency
尘再生用法dust-recycling process
尘再生用装置dust-recycling device
尘再生用设备dust-recycling equipment
粉尘recycling of waste fines
粉尘conditioning of dust
粉尘回收用技术dust-recycling technique
粉尘回收用技术recycling technology of dust
系统用率system utilization
高度光亮镜用合金Sollit's alloy (4.1Zn, 64.6Cu,31.3Sn)
特高度光亮镜用合金Sollit's alloy
索格特萃取Soxhlet extraction
索格特萃取器Soxhlet extractor
索格特萃取器Soxhlet apparatus
net profit
综合润率composite interest rate
肖克位错Shockley's dislocation
能力capacity utilization
能源recovery of energy
能量recovery of energy
苏必尔湖型铁矿石Lake Superior type iron ore
莫斯定律Moseley's law
普电离压力计Philips ionization gauge
普电离真空计Philips ionization gauge
西姆炮铜Philisim (86.25Cu, 7.4Sn, 6.35Zn)
西曼铝青铜Silliman bronze (86.5Cu,9.5Al,4Fe)
西科尼特炉Siliconit furnace
西科尼特电阻体Siliconit (商品名; 27.2C, 63.9S1,3.820,5.14 其他;工作温度1500‎°C以下)
西布铝锌合金Sibley alloy (67Al, 33Zn)
西格马姆铝合金Sigmalium (3.8Cu, 0.8Si,0.7Mn,余量 Al)
设备用率plant utilization rate
设备用率rolling rate
设备用率equipment utilization ratio
设备时可用率utilization rate of working time of equipment
设备能力用率utilization rate of equipment's capacity
炭阻炉Baily furnace
资源重复recycling of resources
锡基或铅基轴承合金Rely alloy (10 〜16Sb, 1 〜6Cu,余量 Sn 或 Pb)
earning capacity
超高用系数ultra high production rate
克刷镀Dalic plating (brush plating 的商品名)
克刷镀法Dalic process (brushplat-ing 的商品名)
金属废料metal salvage
钢渣utilization of steel slag
铸机用率utilization rate of caster
链箅带式用系数grate specific production
链箅带式用系数grate factor
链箅机用系数grate specific production
链算机用系数specific productivity of travelling grate machine
链算机用系数grate factor
链算机-回转窑用系数productivity of grate-kiln (【技】回转窑每平方米窑容在单位时间内生产的球团矿数量,它是链算机-回转窑焙烧球团法的生产率指标。)
格尼高导磁率镍铁合金Allegheny electric metal
阿什贝锡合金Ashbury metal (14Sb, 2Cu, 1Zn, 3Ni,余量 Sn)
莫特搅拌式混合沉降萃取器Holley Mott extractor
非营组织机构nonprofit institutions
抗氧化合金Marlie's alloy (35Ni,25 黄铜,20Sn, 10Fe, 10Zn)
马格纳乌姆铝镁铸造合金Magnalium (1.75Cu, 1.75 〜10Mg,余量 Al)
马格诺铅基轴承合金Magnolia (metal, 15Sb, 5Sn,余量 Pb)
用系数操作high productivity operation (高炉的)
高炉用系数productivity coefficient
高炉用系数productivity of blast furnace
高炉用系数blast furnace productivity
高炉用系数furnace productivity
高炉有效容积用系数productivity of blast furnace
高炉有效容积用系数furnace productivity
高炉有效容积用系数blast furnace productivity (【技】每立方米高炉有效容积一昼夜生产生铁的数量。它是衡量高炉生产率的一个重要指标。在国外,常用每100 ft³ 高炉工作容积一昼夜生产生铁的数量来计算高炉利用系数。)
高炉热量有效用系数utilization coefficient of heat in blast furnace
麦克真空压力计McLeod manometer
麦克压力McLeod gauge
齐马厄姆铝镁锌合金Zimalium (70 ~ 93Al,4 ~ 11Mg, 3 ~ 20Zn)