
Terms for subject Business containing 利益 | all forms | in specified order only
不可分割的利益undivided interest
个人利益personal interest
个人利益individual advantage
个人利益服从总体利益subordination of individual to general interest
个人利益条例private act
为共同利益分保Reinsurance cover for common account
为…利益in behalf of
为双方共同利益支付的分保保险费reinsurance premium for common account
产品降价利益担保书guaranty against price decline
享有利益enjoy the interest
从国外公司获得的股利收益dividend income from foreign company
从投资开始到结束的全过程利益front-end advantage
付款人利益payer benefit
企业可获得的最大利益jack pot
企业合并利益profit from merger
企业家收益或纯利undertaker's rent
使用与占用利益保险use & occupancy insurance
保险利益benefit of insurance
假定利益provisional profit
偶获利益non-recurring gain
全体利益interests of the whole
共享利益pool the interest
共同利益common interest
共同利益community interest
共同利益共享pooling of interest
共同利益集团common wealth
净利对贡献毛益net profit vs contribution margin
净利权益net profit interest
减价利益指降低运费率所获利益benefit of fall
减价利益条款benefit of a fall clause
出押人保险利益mortgagor's insurance interest
分割利益carving up interest
利息受益所有人beneficial owner of the interest
利息收益率interest yield
利息收益率等价interest yield equivalent
利润与股东权益之比ratio of profit to the stock-holder's equity
利润收益incoming profit
利益不足lack of interest
利益中心center of interest
利益保险profit insurance
利益共享pooling of interest
利益共享participation in interest
利益冲动interest impulse
利益冲突conflict of interest
利益冲突条例conflict-of-interest regulation
利益分配保险assurance with participation
利益原则benefit principle
利益均沾participation in interest
利益基础benefit basis
利益多元性multiplicity of interest
利益所在centre of interest
利益扩散理论trickle-down theory
利益指数interest index
利益指标interest indicator
利益有关一方party at interest
利益有关当事人party interested
利益有关方party interested
利益理论benefit theory
利益profit chart
利益benefit approach
区域内法人利益照料者district organizer
危及付款人利益的事故payer benefit peril
受押人保险利益mortgagee's insurance interest
受益人利益beneficial interest
可保利益insurance interest
可保利益insurable benefit
可计量利益quantifiable benefits
合法利益legitimate profit
外国经济利益foreign economic interest
外汇买卖结合利益exchange marry profit
外汇交易利益profit on foreign exchange transactions
大众利益general interest
宏观经济成本与利益分析macroeconomic cost-benefit analysis
对立利益的和解accommodation of conflicting interest
差别利益differential benefit
已付利益已付抚恤金benefit paid
已实现利益realized profit
已获利益holding gain
年度内少数股东权益保留溢利minority interests in the retained profit of the year
应纳税股利收益taxable on dividend income
废止航程中的可保利益defeasible interest
当地贸易利益local trade interests
或有利益保险contingent insurance
或有利益保险指货运途中,在货运单据尚未交付买方时,卖方对货物仍持有或有的保险利益,故投保或有利益保险contingency insurance
持有利益holding interest
收益利润即非资本利润income profit
收益所能负担利息的倍数times of interest payable by carrying power
收益率差价套利yield-spread arbitrage
收益率曲线套利yield curve arbitrage
改革公司法以保障投资者利益reform the company laws to protect the interests of investors
新投资发生后一年内的利益next year advantage from project
无任何利益ex all
无形利益invisible gains
无形利益invisible interests
无形利益intangible benefit
无抽签的利益ex drawing
既得利益acquired interest
interests既得利益vested benefit
最高利益paramount interest
有关利益与成本relevant benefits and costs
有关收入利益earning-related benefit
未分配利息收益准备reserve for undistributed interest earnings
未扣利息及税金收益earnings before interest and tax
本利的损益盈亏profit and loss bn capital and interest
根据推断的利益即根据经济变化而推测的利益ex ante profit
比较利益comparative profit
比较利益comparative interest
比较利益低水平low level of comparative profit
比较利益原则comparative advantage principle
汇兑密切结合利益exchange marriage profit
法定级差利益graded vesting
海商利益marine interest
消费者利益consumer's interest
物质利益material benefits
物质利益material well-being
物质利益interest of substance
特另利益exceptional advantage
相对利益轮廓线contour line of relative advantage
眼前利益momentary interest of the day
眼前利益immediate profit
短少保险利益short insurance interest
短期利益投资行为investment behavior of pursuing short-term interests
确定的利益方案defined benefit plan
社会利益social interest
社会保险税与福利受益social security taxes and benefits
社区利益community interest
租赁利益超过保险excess rental value insurance
租赁权收租利益royalty interests on leaseholds
累积收益储备附加利息interest surcharge on accumulated earnings reserve
结合利益的代理agency coupled with an interest
绝对利益absolute interest
绝对利益是亚当・史密斯提岀的国际贸易理论之一,指某国能以低于竞争国的成本提供某项产品,则该国生产此产品具有绝对优势,拥有出口能力absolute advantage
绝对利益theory of absolute advantage
股东切身利益interests of the venturers
股东权益盈利return on equity
营业利益与销售额比率ratio of operating profit to sales
薪金和利息超过净收益salary and interest in excess of net income
衡平法上的利益equitable interest
要求退回已提供利益的债权claim for restitution of benefits conferred
规模利益advantages of scale
规模利益scale merit
规模利益即因规模适当而产生的利益scale merit
贡献利益及价值contributing interests and value
货方利益cargo interests
贸易利益gain from trade
起始利益initial interest
金钱利益moneyed interests
金钱上利益pocket interest
金钱上的利益pocket interest
金银及外币交易利益profit on bullion and foreign currency transactions
阶级利益调和class harmony
集团利益保护论theory of protecting bloc's interests
非劳动利益unearned advantage
非货币利益non-monetary advantage
非金钱利益nonmonetary advantage
预期利益antedated profit
预期利益anticipatory interest
预期利益prospective advantage