
Terms for subject Securities containing 利润 | all forms | in specified order only
不完备权利利润inchoate interest
不实利润fictitious profit
中期利润interim profit
事后实得利润ex post realized profit
交易商利润dealer profit
付税调整后的经营净利润net operating profit less adjusted taxes
以增值方法计算的利润betterment profit
以获取利润为目的的不动产investment property
价格上涨与边际利润price increase and profit margin
企业利润部分留存enterprise profit partly reserved
伪造利润fictitious profit
使利润最大化maximize profit
保留利润reserve profit
保证金利润margin advantage
假设利润notional profit
公司内利润intercompany profit
公司留存利润corporate retained earnings
公司间利润intercompany profit
再投资利润plough back profit
利润中可支配的所得net-net income
利润分配division of net profit
利润net profit margin
净承销利润net underwriting profit
净经营资本的纯利润net profits on net working capital
利润dividing profit
分享利润share profit
分享利润share in the profits
分享利润participating profit
分享利润收回投资get money back by sharing the profits
分期支付的总利润deferred gross profit on installment
分配利润制度profit sharing system
分配的利润appropriated profits
创业利润constitutive profit
创办人利润promoter's profit
创始利润constitutive profit
初期利润opening profit (or loss, 或亏损)
初期边际利润opening profit margin
利息利润interest profits
利润margin payment
利润不确定论profit uncertainty theory
利润交易量图profit volume chart
利润/交易量比率profit/volume ratio
利润份额share of profit
利润保本点profit breakeven point
利润再投资profit reinvested
利润再投资plowback profits
利润分享share of profit
利润分享债券profit sharing bond
利润分享证券profit-sharing securities
利润分成share of profit
利润分成制profit retention system
利润分配allocation of profit
利润分配准备金profit sharing reserve
利润分配方案profit distribution schemes
利润分配比dividend cover
利润和亏损分配distribution of profit and loss
利润外流outflow of profits
利润大的投资investment that returns good profits
利润实现realization of gains
利润对股东自有资本的比率ratio of profit to stockholder's equity
利润差额margin of profit
利润悬殊wide gap in profits
利润手续费profit commission
利润提成profit sharing
利润提成制profit retention system
利润汇总表consolidated income sheet
利润profit rate, profit percentage
利润earning rate
利润留成制profit retention system
利润缩水profit squeeze
利润获取profit taking
利润表底线bottom line
利润表结账方式balance form of profit and loss statement
利润资本化capitalization of interest
利润转化为平均利润conversion of profit into average
利润销售额比率profit volume ratio
利润预期报告招股书附录profit expectation
利润预测招股书附录profit forecast
利润预警企业公布利润下降的预先警告profit warning
剩余价值转化为利润conversion of surplus-value into profit
卖方利润profit to the seller
发起人利润founder's profit
发起人利润promoter's profit
取得利润derive a profit
可确定的利润ascertainable profit
合并利润分配表consolidated distribution of profit statement
合并利润consolidated income statement
合并利润combined income statement
名义利润notional profit
商业利润mercantile rate of return
在公司与股东之间使利润最大化的平衡机制balanced profit maximization mechanism between companies and shareholders
外国股票期权利润foreign source stock option profits
实缴资本利润profit ratio of paid up capital
巨额利润huge profit
已实现的超额利润realized surplus
已获利润profit realized
库存股票利润profit on treasury stock
应付利润分红profit sharing bonuses payable
应占利润attributable profit
延期利润分享计划deferred profit-sharing plan
强制归公的利润disgorged profits
微小利润shoestring margin
微薄利润bare profit
利润gross margin
利润gross power
利润consolidated profit and loss
息税前利润earning before interest and tax
意外利润contingent profit
成本利润profit-to-cost ratio
成本一销量一利润分析cost-volume-profit analysis
成本加利润定价法cost-plus pricing
利润再投资plough back profit
投机性利润speculative profit
新股发行前结转的利润分配carried-over profit arrangement before new issuance
利润without profits
利润业务without-profit business
利润支取ex drawing
普通利润general rate of profit
更小利润空间narrower profit margin
利润业务with-profit business
有价证券偿还利润profit on redemption of securities
有形资产净值的纯利润net profits on tangible net worth
期间利润profit of the period
未分派的利润business retention
未分配的利润undistributed profits
未实现的利润profit on paper
未平均化的资本利润unequalized profit rate of capital
未提取的利润undrawn profit
标准投资利润method of standard profit rate of investment
根据"平均成本加利润"原则制定的价格rule-of-thumb pricing
每单位产出的利润profit per unit of output
没收的利润disgorged profits
波动点利润tick profit
点滴利润tick profit
现实利润realized profit
利润衡量measured by profits
用于再投资利润blow back benefit
用于归还专项借款的利润net income for redeeming specific loan
用当年利润派股distribution of new shares from the current year's profit
留存利润business retention
股东利润分配权right to share profits
短线交易利润short swing profit
确定利润ascertainment of profit
税前利润earning before tax
税前利润before-tax profits
税前利润before tax profit margin
税前利润pretax profit margin
税前利润pre-tax margin
税前收益或利润pretax earnings or profits
税前经营利润pre-tax operating profit
税后利润after tax profit
税后利润余额after tax profit margin
税后经营利润post-tax operating profits
税后经营净利润net operating profit after tax
税后边际利润after-tax margins
税率调整后净经营利润net operating profit less adjusted taxes
简易利润condensed profit and loss statement
简易利润condensed income statement
累积巨额利润jack pot
累积的利润amount of profits accrued
利润net earnings
经营利润operating margin
经营净利润net operating profit
综合利润consolidated income statement
缴税后利润profit after tax
股东应得利润profit attributable to shareholders
股权收购与利润短期趋势tender offer and short-swing profit
股票赎回利润profit on stock redemption
能产生利润的价格remuneration price
获取利润secure profit
获取或增加的利润profit secured or increased
获得利润earning a profit
获得利润at a profit
虚假利润false profit
虚增利润inflated profit
证券出售利润profit on sale of securities
评估的利润assessed profit
调整后的利润adjusted profit
调整后的纯利润adjusted net profit
账面利润或亏损book profit or loss
账面利润或损失paper profit or loss
贴现发行债券的偿还利润profit on redemption of discount bond
资本利润profit on capital
资本利润率递减理论falling-rate-of-profit theory
资本主义利润法则capitalist principle of profit seeking
赚取高额利润make high profits
赚得巨额利润clean up
较小利润幅度narrower profit margin
边际利润profit margin ratio
追求利润chasing profits
追求利润profit seeking
通过分配净利润赎回股票redemption of stock by distribution of net profit
重估利润revaluation profit
金融利润financial margin
销货利润return on sales
利润分红bogus dividend
利润资产high profit assets
利润项目high profit item