
Terms for subject Technology containing 利润 | all forms | in specified order only
一般利润general profit rate
不当利润illegal profit
丰厚的利润generous profits
临界利润threshold returns
人均利润profit margin per person
付息及税前利润earnings before interest and tax
利润再投资plow back
以目标利润率定价target-rate-of-return pricing
企业利润分析analysis of business profit
企业利润提取enterprise profit drawing
企业利润留成portion of profits retained by enterprise
企业利润留成enterprise profit partly reserved
偶得利润casual profit
全额利润分成sharing the total profit
全额利润分成sharing the entire profit
具有完全信息的期望利润expected profit with perfect information
内部利润所得税income tax on intercompany profit
内部准备对净利润比率ratio of internal reserves to net profits
再投资利润的特殊免税special exemption of reinvested profits
利润neat profit
利润再投资reinvest profit
利润对资本比率ratio of net profit to capital
利润的分配division of net profit
利润的处理disposition of net profit
净值利润profit ratio of net worth
分享利润share in profits
分余利润surplus profit
分号利润branch profit
分店利润branch profit
分散的利润控制系统decentralized profit control system
分期收款销货递延利润deferred profit on instalment sales
分配利润to distribute a profit
分配利润to allot a profit
分配净利润赎回股票redemption of stock by distribution of net profit
分配给联营单位利润net income distribution to affiliated units
初期利润early profit
利润financial return
利润一成本比benefit-cost ratio
利润上缴profits turned over to the state
利润上缴计划plan of profit delivering
利润亏损分界图profit-loss breakeven point chart
利润再投资reinvest profit
利润准则profit criterion
利润分红除外exclusion of dividend received from profit
利润分配income distribution
利润分配allocation of funds
利润分配决策profit distribution decision
利润分配定额法profit distribution quota
利润动态behaviour of profit
利润动态behavior of profit
利润包干complete responsibility for profits
利润变动表statement of variation on profit
利润向量profit vector
利润平分制half-profit system
利润总额mass of profit
利润总额gross profit
利润投资准则profit-investment criterion
利润指标profit index
利润提取profit drawing
利润提成deduct a percentage from profit
利润收益contribution to profit
利润改善计戈profit improvement plan
利润滚存accumulated profit
利润率下降falling rate of profit
利润率下降法则law of the falling tendency of the rate of profit
利润率均等化equality of rate of profit
利润率平均化equalization of profit rates
利润率测试tests of profitability
利润率递减法则law of the falling tendency of the rate of profit
利润留成retain a portion of profit to be placed at the disposal of the enterprise
利润留成制profit remaining system
利润管理profit control
利润经理profit manager
利润补贴allowance for profit
利润解缴pay profit
利润让渡论theory of profit upon alienation
利润贡献profit contribution
利润递减率law of diminishing returns
利润量分析profit-volume analysis
利润量图表profit-volume graph
利润量比率profit-volume ratio
利润限度Profit margin
利润预算profit estimating
单位利润分配unit profit sharing
取得利润securing of the profit
取得利润take profit
取得利润extraction of the profit
变动利润比率variable profit ratio
可供分配的利润distributable profit
可分配利润distributive profit
可分配利润attributable profit
可动用利润available profit
可征税利润taxable profit
可支配利润disposable profit
可用利润available profit
可确定利润中心ascertainable profit centre
同等利润曲线isoprofit curve
同等利润线isoprofit line
商业利润business profit
固定资金利润profit margin of fixed capital
增加利润increasing return
实收资本利润profit ratio of paid-up capital
实现利润bring about profit
实现的利润realized profit
实际资金利润effective profit rate on funds
实际资金利润actual profile rate of funds
利润、收益用于投资等用途以推迟纳税tax shelter
工料成本加利润time and materials (建筑合同)
工资利润profit margin of wage
巨额投机利润huge speculative profits
差别利润differential benefit
已分配利润distributed profit
已宣布利润declared profit
已累缴利润cumulative profit
平均利润mean profit
平均利润法贝law of average profit
平均利润mean profit rate
平均利润average profit rate
平均利润率规律law of average rate of profit
平均净利润average net profit
平均成本利润average cost profit rate
平均纯利润average net profit
平均资金利润average profit rate on funds
平均资金利润average rate of profit on investment
平均资金利润average profit margin
利润annual profit
年度计划利润planned annual profit
应付利润审计profit payable audit
应税利润taxable profit
待分配利润retained profit
必要最低利润necessary minimum profit
利润gross profit method
意外的利润accidental profit
成本利润rate of cost net profit
成本利润cost-profit ratio
成本一产量一利润分析原理generalizations on cost-volume profit analysis
成本加利润合同cost-plus-profit contract
成本加利润force account
所属上交利润subordinate unit paying profit
所得及利润tax on income and profit
扣除所得税后的利润after-tax profit
扭亏增盈运输利润指标transport target from loss to profit achieved
承包人的利润contractor's profit
承包商的利润contractor's profit
承包者的利润contractor's profit
投入资本利润rate of returns on invested capital
投资利润return on investment
投资利润returns of investment
投资利润investment return
投资利润earning power of real assets
折旧前净利润net profit before depreciation
折旧后净利润net profit after depreciation
拖欠上交利润being in arrears in handing over profits
拨定利润appropriated profit
按中等开销加利润原则确定的价格cost-plus price
损益表及利润分配表income statement and profit appropriation statement
攫取高额利润rake in enormous profits from
收入利润the income and profit ratio
最大限度利润profit maximization
最终利润final return
未分配利润审计undistributed profits audit
未分配利润tax on undistributed profit
未分配利润tax on undistributed profit
未分配的利润undivided profit
本年纯利润net profit for the current year
杂项利润miscellaneous profit
条件利润conditional profit
次要利润次等收益secondary benefit
法人利润corporation profit tax
法定利润statutory profit
法定利润legal profit
法定利润official return
流动资本利润profit on working capital
流动资金利润profit margin of current capital
流通利润profit through circulation
浮动利润合同cost-plus fluctuating fee contract
照目标利润定价target-rate-of-return pricing
用于再投资的利润plow back profits
目标利润原则target returns principle
目标利润原理target returns principle
目标利润定价target profit pricing
目标利润target rate of return
目标利润转移价格target profit transfer price
相互抉择利润discretionary profits
秘密利润secret profits
税前利润pretax profits
利润estimated profit
累积利润accumulated profit
利润pure interest rate
利润net profit rate
纯经济利润pure economic profit
纯边际利润net profit margin
纳税前利润profit before tax
纳税前净利润net profit before taxes
纳税后利润profit after tax
纳税后利润post-taxation profit
纳税后利润留存比率tax retention ratio
经济利润economic profit
经销利润distributive profit
经销利润distributor's profit margin
经销商利润赚头distributor's profit margin
结余利润surplus profit
综合利用利润提成multipurpose use profit-sharing
编制利润计划profit planning
航运利润shipping returns
营业利润税退税business profit tax return
虚假利润fictitious profit
虚抬利润inflated profits
计划利润target profit
计划利润planned profit
课税利润taxable profit
课税后利润earnings after tax
调整后净利润adjusted net profit
负的应税利润negative taxable profits
贸易利润commercial profit
费用加利润cost-plus price
费用加利润价格cost-plus profit price
资产利润return on assets
资产总额利润报酬率rate of return on total assets
资本利润return rate on capital employed
资本利润rate of capital return
资本利润率平均化equalization of profit rates on capital
资本净利润net profit ratio of registered capital
资本总额与利润比率total capital profit ratio
资金利润rate of capital net profit
超正常利润super-normal profit
超目标利润profits in excess of the norm
超计划利润extra plan profit
超额利润excessive profit
超额利润extra profit
超额利润super-normal profit
超额利润windfall profit
超额利润abnormal profit
超额利润分成retaining part of the extra profit
超额利润分成retain varying portions of profit
超额利润分成sharing extra profit
超额利润分成over-and-above the assigned profit norm
超额利润扣除excess profit credit
超额利润税贷款excess-profit-tax credit
超额利润附加税excess profit levy
路局运输利润railway bureau transport profit
边际利润Profit margin
边际利润marginal advantage
边际利润分析contribution margin analysis
边际利润收益marginal profit yield
边际利润marginal returns
边际利润rate of marginal profit
边际利润contribution margin ratio
边际利润的作用role of profit margins
运营利润operating profit
运输利润traffic returns
运输企业成本利润transport enterprise cost profit rate
近期最大利润short-run maximization
追求最大利润maximize profit
追逐利润quest for profit
通常的利润usual profit
部门利润division income statement
销售利润salable profit
销售利润sales profit
销售利润profit on sals
销售利润中心marketing profit center
销售利润边标margin-profit on sale
销售的边际利润margin-profit on sale
附业利润ancillary profit
非常利润extraordinary profit
非正常利润abnormal profit
非经常利润non-recurrent profit
项目利润评价project cost-benefit assessments
预期利润损失保险loss of advanced profits insurance
预期利润expected rate of profit
额外利润surplus profit