
Terms containing 利润计 划 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.银行价值分析10要素产品利润、人员、个性、有形传输系统、组合、产品、程序、房产和财产、计划化、潜力profit, people, personality, physical delivery system, portfolio, products, processes, plant and property, planning, potential
plann.利润上缴计划plan of profit delivery
tech.利润上缴计划plan of profit delivering
corp.gov.利润共享计划profit sharing plans
fin.利润共享计划profit-sharing plan
proj.manag.利润分成计划profit sharing plan
busin.利润分配计划profit-sharing plan
econ.利润改善计划profit improvement plan
econ.利润改善计划与执行情况评价profit improvement plan and performance evaluation
busin.利润改善计划和执行情况评价profit improvement plan and performance evaluation
el.利润模拟计划与风险评估profit simulation planning and evaluation of risk
interntl.trade.利润计划profit planning
fin.利润计划profit plan
textile利润计划profit disposition
econ.利润计划预算profit planning budgeting
tech.年度计划利润planned annual profit
busin.年度计划利润硕planned annual profit
plann.年度计划利润额planned annual profit
securit.延期利润分享计划deferred profit-sharing plan
econ.抚恤金利润分享计划pension and profit sharing plans
fin.短期利润计划short-range profit plan
econ.短期利润计划short-range profit planning
tech.编制利润计划profit planning
econ.职工利润分享计划employee profit sharing plan
tech.计划利润target profit
commer.计划利润plan ned profit
busin.计划利润ex ante profit
tech.计划利润planned profit
econ.超计划利润extraplan profit
tech.超计划利润extra plan profit
econ.超计划利润奖bonuses for overfulfilling the profit norm