
Terms for subject Finances containing 利权 | all forms | in specified order only
利权帐户patent a/c
利权折旧准备reserve for expiration of patents
利权销减准备reserve for expiration of patents
享受世界贸易组织成员权利enjoy the rights of members of the World Trade Organization
仅付利息期权interest-only option
以支付溢价为成本的提前还款权利make-whole call
债权人权利creditor's right
全劳动生产之权利right to the whole produce of labour
净利计算的产权net profit interests
利息选择权interest option
利率上下限期权collar option
利率上限期权cap option (一种协助持有人规避利率上升风险的金融衍生工具,期限通常为 2-5 年,有效期内可按约定的时段行使权利)
利率下限期权floor option (期权出售者保证购买者可以在一定时期内获得一个最低利率,购买者只需支付期权费便可回避利率降低的风险)
利率封顶期权cap option
利率期权interest-rate option (是一项规避短期利率风险的有效工具,其持有人即期权买方通过买人一项利率期权,可以在利率水平向不利方向变化时固定其利率水平;当市场利率向有利方向变化时,获得利率变化的好处)
利率期权合约interest rate option contract
利率期货期权option on interest rate futures
剩余权利residual right
加权平均利率weighted average interest rate
加权平均票面利率weighted average coupon
取得情况的权利right to information
可变期权套利variable spread
X合伙债权人的权利rights of creditors of X
合伙债权人进一步之权利further rights of partnership creditors
垂直期权套利vertical spread
增额定期保险红利选择权additional-term insurance dividend option
奥地利期货和期权交易所Austrian Futures and Options Exchange
对盈余之权利right to income
对票据的权利主张rights to and upon the instrument
封顶保底利率双限期权collar option
小股权利指股东而言minority interests
意大利面条式期权spaghetti option
承销人的权利或义务rights or duties of the consigned
抵减保费红利选择权premium reduction dividend option
提前偿还权利call feature
收兑权利call privilege
新股权利证书certificate of entitlement to new shares
无人提出权利要求的汇票bill free from claims
无损各方权利without prejudice
无股利支付的欧式看涨期权non-dividend paying European call option
无股利支付的欧式看跌期权non-dividend paying European put option
无资本化权利ex capitalization
日历期权套利calendar spreading
日历期权套利calendar spread arbitrage
日历期权套利calendar spread
期权价差套利option spread
期权套利option spreading
期权调整价差套利option-adjusted spread
权利信托right trust
权利抵押right mortgage
权利质押rights pledge
权利金premium of option
权利金信托royalty trust
比利时期货和期权交易所Belgian Futures and Options Exchange
比率看涨期权价差套利ratio call spread
比率看跌期权价差套利ratio put spread
水平期权套利horizontal spread
熊市期权套利bear spread
熊市看跌垂直期权套利vertical bear put spread
牛市垂直期权套利bull vertical spread
牛市期权套利bull spread
牛市看涨垂直期权套利vertical bull call spread
累计利息红利选择权accumulation at interest dividend option
红利认股权bonus warrant
结合公司间内部利益与母公司控制权成数之变化intercompany profit and changes in parents percentage of control
美国海关及专利权上诉法院United States Court of Customs and Patent Appeals
股东的权利rights of stockholders
获利额对债权人所得利息的倍数比率time-interest on debt earned ratio
获得公平优裕报酬的权利right to just and favorable remuneration
要求偿付已履行的债务的权利right to claim back the performance
计算少数权益净利income before minority interest
跨式期权套利straddle (购买或出售执行价格、基础工具和到期日都相同的认沽权和认购权。执行价格通常被设定为平价。作为支付两笔权利金的回报,如果基础工具向任何一个方向变化的幅度足够大,那么购买者将会获利)
转让权利assignment privilege
远期权利forward entitlement
附收益参与权利的次级债务subordinated debt with revenue participation rights
附资本化权利cum capitalization
除税及少数股东权益后溢利profit after taxation and minority interest