
Terms for subject Law containing 利权 | all forms
以权利为基础的rights based
以权利为基础的战略rights based strategy
以权利为基础的模型virtue based model
以权利为基础的模型utiliarian model
以权利为基础的模型rights based model
以权利为基础的监督rights based monitoring
以权利为基础的评估rights focused assessment
以权利为基础的评估rights based assessment
伊斯兰教的土地权利sharia land rights
免于饥饿的权利right to be free from hunger
免遭残忍、不人道或有辱人格待遇或处罚的权利freedom from cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
声称的权利alleged rights
多重权利overlapping rights
多重权利multiple rights
履行权利fulfill the right
拥有或声称拥有某项权利claim a right
按绝对权利of right
放弃权利abandonment of a right
文化权利right to culture
既得权利existing rights
既得权利vested rights
有尊严地养活自己的权利right to feed oneself with dignity
有尊严生活的权利right to dignified life
权利主张人rights claimant
权利人right holder
权利平衡balance of rights
美国的权利授予法enabling act
根据权利de jure
〔拉丁语〕根据权利的de jure
河岸拥有人权利riparian rights
注重权利的监督rights-focused monitoring
注重权利的监督right-based monitoring
派生的权利derived right
现存权利existing rights
现存权利vested rights
确认的权利jus standi
租户权利tenant right
第三方权利jus tertii
经济权利economic right
经诉讼取得但尚未实际占有的动产权利chose in action
获得相当生活水平的权利right to an adequate standard of living
转让的权利transferred rights
重叠的权利overlapping rights
重叠的权利multiple rights
陈述的权利alleged rights