
Terms for subject Economy containing 利息 | all forms | in specified order only
一个从国外收到股利或贷款利息的国家可说是赚到外汇A country receiving dividends or interest on loans from abroad is said to have earned foreign exchange
一次性的利息simple interest
一直到期满都带有利息interest to (their maturity)
一直到满期前都带有利息interest to maturity
一般公债利息interest on the general debt
不允许卖方为其自身利益而利用此项信息The seller isn't allowed to utilize the information for its advantages
不带利息yield no interest
不确定利息contingent interest
不计利息free interest
不计利息free of interest (bearing no interest)
临时利息interim interests
交货利息声明书declaration of interest in delivery
交货利息申明书declaration of interest in delivery
享受休息的权利right to rest
他们对过期未付的金额将付利息给你方They will pay interest to you upon the amounts of money that are overdue
利息with interest
以债券偿付利息funding debenture interest
企业利润中的利息成分interest element in business profits
优先股利息dividend for preference share holder
利息the batement of interest
余款未付的利息或其他附加手续费carrying charges
作为支付利息而发行的债券interest bond
保证年金利息guaranteed annuity interest
保险准备金利息interest on premium reserve
保险费准备金利息the interest on premium reserve
借贷利息loan rate
债券利息debenture interest
债券利息debenture coupon
债券利息debenture coupon
债券市场利息bond yield
债券市场利息bond yield
债款利息interest on a loan
假定利息the assumed interest
假定利息shadow interest
停止利息stoppage of interest
免付利息the waiving interest
免息股利exempt-interest dividends
免税的利息tax-free interest
公债利息interest on bond
公债利息interest of public loan
公债利息interest on stock
公司的利润作为股息分配给股东Profits of the companies are distributed as dividends to the shareholders
公平的利息equitable interest
共同利息数据交换joint interest data exchange
内含利息implicit interest
内含利息的开支implicit interest charge
内含利息的收入implicit interest revenue
财'内隐利息implicit interest
农用工业利息agri-industry interests
利息边际net interest margin
净收入利息net revenue interest
减除税款及贷款利息后的业务收入equity income
出口利息科目export interest account
利息interest in dividends
放贷利息interest upon (loans)
利息annual percentage rate of interest
利息money rates
资本、存款利息interest on (capital, deposit)
利息effective rate of interest
利息加算法terms of interest
利息interest statement
利息和贴现收入账户interest and discount income a/c
利息回扣interest rate rebate
利息回扣rebate on interest
利息回扣interest rebate
利息因素interest factor
利息学说interest theory
利息对投资的重要性significance of interest for investment
利息将于 1999 年9月5日到期并予以付讫The interest of the money will become due and payable on Sep. 5, 1999
利息差额interest differential
利息平衡关系relationship of balanced benefits
除税前利息总额gross interest
利息报酬率法内部报酬率法interest-rate-of-return method the internal rate of return method
利息支付interest payments
利息支付的必要性necessity for payment of interest
利息支出interest cost
利息收人倍数interest coverage
利息收人款interest receipts
利息收入interest yield
利息收入interest return
利息收入revenues from interest charges
利息interest payment period
利息条例regulation of interest
利息津贴interest subsidy
利息津贴interest rate subsidy
利息interest rate
利息的决定interest determination
利息的起源origin of interest
利息taxation of interests
利息taxation of interest
利息管制regulation of interest
利息节欲论the abstinence theory of interest
利息节欲说abstinence theory of interest
利息interest table
利息规定stipulation for interest
利息计算interest calculation
利息theory of interest
利息interest due
利息费用对付息负债之比ratio of interest expenses to interest bearing liability
利息资本化capitalization of interests
利息还原!capitalization of interests
利息迟变interest lag
利润利息比率dividend cover
利润、技术转让费和利息往往是单向流动的The flow of dividend, royalties, and interest is likely to be in only one direction
利润股息之比dividend cover
到岸价格加利息cost, insurance, freight and interest
到岸价格加利息cost, insurance, and freight and interest
到岸价格加利息CIF and interest
到岸价格加佣金及利息cost, insurance, freight, commission & interest
到岸价格加佣金及利息cost, insurance, freight commission and interest (货价、保险费、运费加佣金及利息)
到期利息the gale of interest
动态利息dynamic theory of interest
协定利息conventional interest (rate, 率)
原始利息original interest
发给…利息detach coupons to...
受益利息the benefited interest
古典派利息classical theory of interest
可变利息债券variable interest-bearing debenture
可贷资金利息loanable-funds theory of interest
可退还利息the refundable interest
名义利息nominal interest
名义利息收益nominal interest income
向国家银行贷款的人支付定量利息Borrowers from the national bank pay definite interest
利息和佣金的到岸价cost, insurance, freight, interest and commission
利息的到岸价cost, insurance, freight and interest
含佣金和利息的到岸价cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest
固定利息贷款fixed-interest loan
国际利息支付international interest payment
利息compound interest
大批贷款利息prime rate
存款利息deposit rate
存款利息及费用与存款比率ratio of interest and expenses on deposit to deposit
存款利息及费用与存款比率ratio interest and expenses to deposits
存款利息所得税income tax on interest
存款与利息savings and interests
定差利息uniform gradient series
实际利息收益effective interest income
实际利息收益actual interest income
实际利息effective interest method
实际利息计算法interest method
将投资利息滚入本金的信托基金accumulation units
就业、利息与货币的一般理论general theory of employment, interest and money
已经抵补的利息covered interest
市场利息market interest
市场利息market interest rate
带来利息yielding interest
平衡利息equalization of interests on borrowing
利息accrual of interest
应付利息red interest
应付利息imputed interests
应付利息interest payable to creditors
应付利息interest in red
应付专付利息accrued interest
应付未付应收未收利息accrued interest payable (receivable)
应付未付借款利息accrued interest on loan
应付未付债券利息accrued interest on bonds
应付未付证券利息accrued interest on note payable
应收利息interest in blank
应收 利息interest in black (red)
应收利息receivable interests
应收待收已得利息interest earned but not collected
应收国外联行往来账利息nostro interest claims receivable
应收国外联行往来账利息nostro claims receivable
应收往来账利息nostro claims receivable
应收票据上的延期利息收入dividends payment of interest on note receivable
应收票据上的延期利息收入deferred payment of interest on note receivable
应收票据上的延期利息收入deferred payment of interests on notes receivable
应计抵押借款利息accrued interest on mortgage
应计期票利息accrued interest on note payable
应计未付出售债券利息accrued interest on bonds sold
延期偿付款利息the moratory interest
建筑期间使用的资金利息备抵allowances for funds used during construction
建设期间累积利息开支capitalized financing costs
当期债务的利息interest on current debt
惩罚利息penalty interest
成本、保险费、运费加利息价,到岸价加利息cost, insurance, freight and interest
成本、保险费、运费加利息及目的港费用cost, insurance, freight and port of destination
成本、保险费,运费加佣金及利息价,到岸价加佣金及利息cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest
成本、保险、运费、手续费和利息、到岸价格加佣金及利息价cost, insurance, freight, commission, and interest
我方可按借出资本总数每年5%的利率来计息We shall work out the interest at the rate of 5% per annum on the total amount of lending capital
或有利息contingent interest
投资收入是无形贸易项目,包括股利和贷款利息Investment income, an invisible transaction, covers dividends and interest on loan
抵押利息mortgage interest
押船借款利息bottomry premium
持股利息proprietary interest
按季度复合的利息interest compounded quarterly
按成员股票支付的利息interest payable on member's shares
按资本额推算的利息imputed interest
损害赔偿利息the moratory interest
提高标高贷款利息marking up loans
支付利息interest expense
从利润中支付利息distribution of dividends
收取的利息interest charges
放款利息loan interest
政府对贷款利息偿还的补助State assistance in the payment of loan interest
利息ex interest (without interest)
利息债券passive bonds
利息的公债non-interest bearing bonds
无其利息no common interest
无普通利息no common interest
无累加利息的股票noncumulative stock
明确利息the explicit interest
显性利息the explicit interest
暂缓支付利息penal interest
利息monthly interest
利息的套汇interest arbitrage
有效利息effective interest
有效利息effective interest method
有效利息计算法effective interest method
未付的利息unpaid interest
未偿利息outstanding interest
未偿贷款利息interest on loans outstanding
未还余额的利息interest on the unpaid balance
本期利息current interest
欠税利息及罚款的损失估计estimated uncollectible interest and penalties on taxes
正常利息normal interest
活期利息current interest
派生利息derivative interest
流动性偏好利息理论liquidity preference theory of interest
消费者债务利息interest on consumers debt
每期付款额计算利息interest based on (each installment)
现付利息the explicit interest
用来偿付抵押贷款利息的收入免予交税There is full tax relief om mortgage interest payments
由于你方不遵守合同,我方对仓储费和利息损失提出索赔,共计人民币2000元Because you don't conform to the contract, we claim compensation for the losses suffered in paying storage and interest, which amount to RMB ¥2000
盈利与利息比率the coverage ratio
目的港交货的到岸价格加利息cost, insurance, and freight interest and port of destination
目的港交货的到岸价格加利息CIF interest and port of destination
直到满期前都带利息the interest to maturity
直线与平均利息straight-line plus average interest method
直线与平均利息straight-line plus average interest
短期债款利息interest on current debt
确实利息exact interest
票据贷款加收利息additionally collected interest on loans and bills
累加利息指逾期不付追加利息cumulative interest
累积收益储备的附加利息interest surcharge on accumulated earnings reserve
累计利息accumulated interest
约定利息conventional interest
终身利息life interest
结息前预计利息anticipate interest
缴付息税前盈利earnings before interest and taxes
联行往来利息interest on inter branches accounts
联行往来利息interest on inter-branch accounts
股息依盈利而定的实缴资本paid-up risk capital
股息利率dividend cover
股息收益每股股利与目前价格的比率dividend yield (股息生息率)
股息殖利dividend yield
自动规定的最高利息voluntary maximum limit of money rates
自然利息natural interest
英国银行业协会利息结算率British Bankers Association interest settlement rate
获利额对债务利息和优先股利的倍数比率time interest and preferred divided earned ratio
获利额对固定利息的倍数比率times-fixed charge earned ratio
规定利息normal interest
规定支付的利息the explicit interest
计时利息times interest
请按月把贷款利息记入我方账户Please credit our account with interest on the loan monthly
利息negative goodwill
利息negative interest
贴水利息the agio theory of interest
贴现利息discount interest
贴现利息discount rate of interest
贴现利息discount rate of interest
贷款利息cost of capital
贷款利息loan interests
资助信贷利息津贴interest allowances for financing credits
资本利息capital interest (interest on capital)
资本化的利息capitalized interest
资金化利息capitalized interest
高利贷者索取的 超额利息vigorish
转贴现利息interest on rediscount
较长期的利息long-end interest
这些贷款的利息从3%到5%不等The interest of the loans will vary from 3% to 5%
远期利息interest on overdue payment
远期利息late charge
远期利息moratorium interest
远期利息interest on arrears
违约利息the penal interest
追加利息the add-on interest
透支利息the overdraught interest
透支利息the overdraft interest
递延利息dividends interest income account
递延利息dividends interest
银行利息计算bank's interest calculation
利息with interest
附加利息add-on interest
降低利息lowering of interest
降低提高贷款利息marking down up loan
降低标低贷款利息marking down loans
限于仅付利息interest only
隐含利息implicit interest
利息收入non-interest income
非应计利息贷款non-performing loan
非应计利息贷款non-accruing loan
非应计到期贷款利息状态non-accrual status
预收利息interest received in advance
预期利息anticipated interest
领取到的债券利息bond interest received
高利贷利息usurious interest