
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
创企业与风险概念concept of venture and start-ups
创期融资start-up financing
创期补助费start-up grant
创期风险投资start-up ventures
创股东initial shareholder
始交易场所primary venue
始保证金规定initial margin requirement
始兴奋消退股市上initial euphoria faded
始净资产价值beginning net asset value
始分析beginning analysis
始发行收费上市公司开始发行股票要交给交易所的费用initial fees
始总额initiate coverage
始支撑位技术分析initial support
始登记initial filing
始稳定价格行动initial stabilizing action
始范围initiate coverage
始认购价initial subscription price
始贴现债券original issue discount bond
始费initial load
始费front load
始费front fee
学者的误解beginner's misconception
introductory period
期利润opening profit (or loss, 或亏损)
期总金额initial lump sum
期投人primary input
期投人initial input
期敞口opening exposure
期杠杆opening leverage
期泡沫股市incipient bubble
期程序initial proceeding
期经营资金initial working capital
期财富initial wealth
期贷款front end finance
期费用opening expenses
期资产opening assets
期资本initial capital
期边际利润opening profit margin
期预收费用front-end fee
期风险opening exposure
次公开发行initial public offering
次公开发行的分配额initial allocation of an issue
次发行的证券unseasoned securities
次售出primary offering
次新股发行unseasoned new issue (又称 IPO,即首次公开发行)
步交割initial delivery
步产权报告preliminary title report
财产步估值tentative valuation
步公告preliminary announcement
步协议ad referendum agreement
步听证preliminary hearing
步委托书preliminary engagement letter
步成功initial success
步报价preliminary quotation
步招股说明preliminary prospectus
步数字preliminary figure
步的ad hoc
步筛选initial screen
步编制的资产负债表preliminary balance sheet
步花费preliminary expenses
步评估initial assessment
步询价preliminary inquiry
步询问preliminary inquiry
步费用preliminary expenditure
步赔偿支付initial compensation payment
步销售备忘录preliminary sale memo
稿draft document
级债券junior bond
级债券持有人junior bondholder
级债务junior debt
级债权人junior creditor
级工具primary instrument
级市场new issues market
级扣押权债券junior lien bond
级抵押puisne mortgage
级放款人junior lender
级经纪人junior dealer
级股票市场primary stock market
级自营商的造市商机制market maker mechanism of primary dealers
级证券junior security
级账目primary account
级货币交易员junior money dealer
级贷款违约junior loan defaults
级资金池junior capital pool
见成效initial success
上市公司挑选承销商,在作出最终选择之前的筛选gross selection
制定步详细方案sketch out preliminary details
国际级市场协会International Primary Markets Association
投资学者novice investor
指定级造市商designated primary market.maker
密码initial password
投人支付率rate of payment to primary inputs
指示original instruction
资本primary capital
转换溢价initial conversion premium
本金的最交换initial exchange of principal
欧洲交易所特别为中小企业上市和发展创立的级市场Alternext (为中小企业上市提供了一个规范、上市标准低、维护费用低廉的融资平台)
股票次上市发行primary distribution
高夫对于学经商者的7条建议Gough's 7 rules for business beginners