
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
为中国改革开放和现代化建设造良好的国际环境creat a favorable international environment for China's reform and opening up and its modernization drive
体制机制innovation in institutions and mechanisms
体制机制innovation in systems and mechanisms
业培训training for starting undertakings
业投资企业enterprise investing in pioneering projects
业能力capability of starting undertakings
作作品的公民citizen who has created the work
办研究开发机构establish research and development institution
make innovations (in)
新型企业innovation-based enterprises
新政府管理制度和方式make innovations in the systems and means of government administration
gave birth to
立大会establishment meeting
造公平就业的环境create an environment for fair employment
造必不可少的前提create the requisite premise (for)
造性工作creative work
造环境和条件create the environment and conditions
造良好的国际环境creat a favorable international environment
制度an institutional innovation
加大新力度intensify efforts to make innovations (in)
发明discovery and invention
受委托作的作品commissioned work
合作created jointly
国家新体系national innovation system
坚持自力更生,艰苦uphold the principles of self-reliance and hard work
增强自主新能力enhance capacity of independent innovation and bring our creativity into full play
建设新型国家make China an innovative country
人大工作新局面bring about a new phase in the work of people's congresses
新局面enter a new phase
新纪元start a new epoch
新纪元inaugurate a new rea
开拓work in a pioneering spirit
开拓work hard with a pioneering and innovative spirit
弘扬尊重劳动、尊重知识、尊重人才、尊重造的良好社会风气foster an environment of respect for labor, for knowledge, for ability and for creativity throughout society
技术新体系system for technological innovation
技术发明technological innovations and inventions
文学艺术literary and artistic creation
有益于人民的造性工作creative endeavours conducive to the interests of the people
激发人们造财富的活力stimulate people's vigor to create wealth and promoting social harmony
original creation
着力推进改革开放和自主advance the reform and opening up policy and independent innovation
科技发展和自主scientific and technological progress and independent innovation
职务发明service invention and creation
商誉self-created reputation
自主业人员persons who start undertaking independently
自主make independent innovations
自主新能力capacity for independent innovation
进取精神和造精神initiative and creativeness
非职务发明not job-related invention-creation