
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing 刚 石 | all forms | in specified order only
人造金刚石manmade diamonds
切割岩石的金刚石锯片saw diamond abrasive
加纳联合金刚石有限公司Ghana Consolidated Diamonds Ltd.
博茨瓦纳金刚石评价公司Botswana Diamond Valuing Corporation
合成金刚石manmade diamonds
合成金刚石公司爱尔兰Synthetic Diamond Company Eire
国际金刚石产品公司Diamond Products International
国际金刚石辛迪加International Diamond Syndicate
坦桑尼亚金刚石矿山Tanzania Diamond Mines
大口径金刚石岩心钻进系统large diameter diamond core system
安哥拉金刚石Diamantes Angola
工业金刚石信息局Industrial Diamond Information Bureau
工业金刚石协会Industrial Diamond Association
政府所属金刚石Government Diamond Office
每粒金刚石克拉数carats per stone
水平辐射状金刚石钻进horizontal radial diamond drilling
水热金刚石砧压槽hydrothermal diamond-anvil cell
海底金刚石有限公司Marine Diamond Corp., Ltd.
海底金刚石采矿ocean diamond mining
澳大利亚金刚石钻探协会Australian Diamond Drilling Association
热稳定性聚晶金刚石thermostable polycrystalline diamond
精选的天然金刚石selected natural diamond
维氏金刚石硬度vickers diamond hardness
美国工业金刚石协会Industrial Diamond Association of America
美国金刚石理事会Diamond Council of America
美国金刚石贸易协会Diamond Trade Association of America
联合金刚石矿业公司consolidated diamond mining
联合金刚石矿业公司consolidated diamond mines
西南非洲统一金刚石矿业公司Consolidated Diamond Mines of South West Africa Co., Ltd.
西非洲金刚石有限公司Diamond Corporation of West Africa Ltd.
刚石出刃区diamond exposure area
刚石岩心钻机制造商协会Diamond Core Drill Manufacturers Association
刚石批发商公司Diamond Distributors, Inc.
刚石研究实验室Diamond Research Laboratory
刚石砧压槽diamond anvil cell
刚石钻探公司Exploration Drilling Corp.
刚石钻进钻孔diamond drilling hole
刚石锥体硬度值diamond pyramid number
刚石锥体硬度值diamond pyramid hardness number