
Terms for subject Technology containing 划 界 | all forms | in specified order only
世界农业发展指示计划Indicative World Plan for Agricultural Develop ment
世界卫生组织水安全计划Water Safety Plans of World Health Organization
世界粮食计划署World Food Program
分界站交接列车计划train receiving and delivery at junction station plan
分界站货车出入计划plan of loaded and empty wagons delivered and received at junction station
划定界限boundary settlement
划定边界delimit a boundary line
划定领海界限delimiting the territorial sea
划界测量land survey of demarcation
动态规划与有界测度dynamical programming and bounded measure
动态规划与有界测度dynamic programming and bounded measure
区划地块的界线front line of a zone lot
异常界线划定identification of anomaly boundary
海上划界sea boundary delimitation
海上划界maritime boundary delimitation
海上划界marine boundary delimitation
确定城市规划分区境界线stretching wire
确定城市规划分区境界线wire stretching
确定城市规划分区境界线wire drawing
行政区划界civil boundary
行政区划界administrative boundary