
Terms containing 划 出 | all forms | in specified order only
adv.不同时段不同频次播出广告的媒体计划scatter plan
adv.不同时段不同频次播出广告的媒体计划scatter buying
proj.manag.与其他出售方法比较、单位信托基金作为出售计划的第一个项目、具有较多优点Compared with other disposal methods, the unit trust approach as a first step, offers a number of advantages
avia.业务规划指出operational planning notes
expl.为会议出谋划策contribute good ideas for a conference
busin.产出计划output scheduling
proj.manag.他计划将公司出售一事、 我们一直被蒙在鼓里We were completely in the dark about his plan to sell the company
libr.以出版社为基准的采访计划approval plan
libr.以出版社为基准的采访计划subject-based acquisitions plan
libr.以出版社为基准的采访计划blanket order
libr.以出版社为基准的采访计划publisher-based acquisition plan
logist.全面出口监管计划Comprehensive Export Supervision Scheme
econ.共同出资的年金计划contributory pension plan (scheme)
hockey.冰鞋在冰上划出的痕迹score made on ice by skates
dril.凸出划眼规径lugged reaming gage
org.name.出口促进计划Export Enhancement Program
econ.出口信贷强化杠杆计划Export Credit Enhanced Leverage Program
interntl.trade.出口信贷计划export credit scheme
busin.出口信贷计划制度export credit system
tech.出口商品收购计划plan for the purchase of export commodities
proj.manag.出口市场拓展计划export market development programme
econ.美国出口强化计划Export Enhancement Program
textile出口申请计划requisition plan of export
busin.出口营销规划export marketing program
busin.出口营销计划export marketing plan
textile出口计划指标indicator of export plan
econ.出版计划a publishing plan
econ.出版计划publishing plan
exhib.出空间房间;场地计划vacate schedule
met.出铁场改造规划casthouse transformation plan
tech.分界站货车出入计划plan of loaded and empty wagons delivered and received at junction station
gen.用线mark out
gen.电视,电影划出wipe out
tech.划出prick off
telecom.电视画面划出wipe out
radio划出电视wipe out
tech.划出prick out
proj.manag.划出mark off
tech.划出marking out (定出工程边界线和距离)
textile划出transfer to others
agric.划出pull out
agric.划出地界marking-off field
tech.划出标记score mark
gen.划出留下…的痕迹trace out
econ.划分出mark out
econ.划分出mark off
textile列入出口计划schedule into exportation
el.功率输出计划schedule of power output
econ.向公司职员出售股票的计划employees stock plan
securit.向公司职员出售股票的计划employees stock sale plan
tech.国际联运进出口运输计划international through goods traffic plan for imports and exports
gen.在禁止超车区划出中线centre-lining of no-passing zone
tech.增强出口计划export enhancement programme
tech.增强出口计划export enhancement program
w.polo.头脚出水用手划水仰泳练习180° reverse supine pull
org.name.奶制品出口鼓励计划Dairy Export Incentive Program
securit.幕后违规出谋划策者instigators and masterminds
gen.我们通常在出发前制定旅行计划Usually, we planned our itinerary, before we set off
econ.美国扩大出口计划Export Enhancement Program
avia.〔客〕技术出版物生产计划technical publications production planning
avia.〔客〕技术出版物输出计划technical publications output planning
avia.技术指令出版计划technical order publications plan
IMF.按目的划分的生产者支出分类Classification of the Outlays of Producers According to Purpose
econ.按计划出cleared as planned
fin.推出一项庞大的刺激计划unleash a massive stimulus program
busin.提出一项计划submit a plan
busin.提出计划submit a plan
tech.方案计划产出project outputs
interntl.trade.有计划的出口orderly marketing
avia.〔客〕每年技术出版物出版计划yearly technical publications processing planning
adv.波状播出计划wave plan
busin.游客出访目的地计划visitor destination plan
gen.独立家具或设备的高度不可超过2. 5米,其摆放位置也不可超出划定范围No freestanding fitment may exceed a height of 2.5 meters or extend beyond the boundaries of the site
gen.瑞典政府有一个全民戏剧教育计划,能让每一个瑞典人都享受到观看戏剧演出的福利Sweden Government has an all-the-people-play education program. The request can enable each Swede to enjoy the theatrical performance welfare
space申请按计划出preplanned mission request
busin."稳定出口收入"计划措施stabilize export scheme
busin."稳定出口收入"计划措施STABEX scheme
econ.突出计划the taut planning
tech.经过研究讨论订出计划thrash out plan
plann.划出planned out
plann.划出plan out
textile划出口额scheduled exports
fin.计划中的支出planned expenditure
plann.计划产出planned output
corp.gov.计划产出programme output
busin.计划产出scheduled output
textile计划外出口non-planned export
busin.计划外出口unplanned export
commer.计划提出presentation of plan
tech.计划支出planned expenditures
busin.计划支出planned expenditure
plann.计划支出planned outlays
tech.计划支出planned outlay
tech.计划支出planned cost
gen.计划的提出presentation of a plan
fin.计划项目支出project fact sheet
interntl.trade.计划项目支出project expenditures
fin.计划项目支出project expenditure
plann.订出国家计划country programming
gen.订出…的计划plan out
tech.财务支出计划完成率planned performance rate of financial expenditures
tech.财务支出计划权planning right of cost
fin.资本支出计划capital expenditure planning
busin.资本支出计划capital expenditure plan
tech.超出国家计划市场之外outside the planned market
textile输出计划指标indicator of export plan
textile进出口计划变动,进岀口计划修改change in import and export plan
securit.退出计划exit plan
fin.退出计划费withdrawal fee
IMF.重债穷国减贫支出跟踪评估和行动计划HIPC Poverty-Related Expenditure Tracking Assessment and Action Plan IMF-World Bank, HIPC
tech.阿迪凯斯提出的用地区划整理法Lex Adickes
avia.非计划降低出力unplanned derating