
Terms for subject Corporate governance containing 划定 | all forms
制定信息系统计划planning for information systems
制定审计计划audit planning
制定最低成本计划least cost scheduling
待遇确定型计划defined benefit plan
界定福利计划defined benefit plan
确定费用的执行计划costed implementation plan
计划制定programme development
计划制定和预算编制programme planning and budgeting
计划制定、执行情况报告及评估系统PIRES流程PIRES workstream
计划制定、执行情况报告及评估系统PIRES流程Programme Planning, Implementation Reporting and Evaluation Support System workstream
计划制定过程programme development process
计划的制定programme planning
计划鉴定报告programme identification report
设定时限的执行计划time-bound implementation plan