
Terms for subject Surgery containing 切 合 | all forms
交界切开后综合征postcommissurotomy syndrome
切口一期缝合primary closure
半侧颅底次全联合切除术combined subtotal resection of hemicranial base
双颞叶切除后综合征Klüver-Bucy syndrome
左房升主动脉联合切口combined left atrio-aortic incision
心包切开术后综合征postpericardiotomy syndrome
扩大颅中窝联合切除术combined radical resection of middle cranial fossa
经尿道前列腺切除综合征transurethral prostatic resection syndrome
经腹直肠切除吻合术dixon operation
胆囊切除术后综合征postcholecystectomy syndrome
胸腹联合切口thoraco-abdominal incision
胸腹联合切口abdominothoracic incision
脊髓前连合切断术anterior commissurotomy of spinal cord
脊髓半切综合征Brown-Sequard syndrome
腹部复合切口compound abdominal incision
颅中窝一下颌骨联合切除术combined resection of middle cranial fossa and mandible
颅前窝-上颌骨联合切除术combined resection of cranial fossa and maxilla
颞骨次全联合切除术combined subtotal resection of temporal bone
食管胃切除术与鲁氏 Y 形食管空肠吻合术esophagogastrectomy with Roux-enY esophagojejunostomy