
Terms for subject Technology containing 分 离流 | all forms | in specified order only
上升水流分离器rising-current separator
代纳旋流分离器Dyna whirlpool separator
分离流very open ice
分离separated flow
分离气流separation bubble
压力式水力旋流分离器pressured hydrocyclone separator
双级涡流旋风分离器two-stage vortex cyclone
固旋流分离器solid vortex separator
好氧一缺氧一体化高效分离生物流化床反应器biological fluidized bed reactor of aerobic-anoxic integrated high-efficiency separation
好氧一缺氧一体化高效分离生物流化床反应器biologic fluidized bed reactor of aerobic-anoxic integrated high-efficiency separation
射流分离jet separation (现象)
射流分离nappe separation (现象)
射流分离freeing of the nappe (现象)
射流分离器jet separator
层流分离laminar flow separation
层流分离现象laminar separation
惯性旋流冷却油分离器cyclonic coolant separator-inertial
旋流分离cyclone separation
旋流分离器gun barrel
旋流分离器cyclone hydraulic separator
束流分离器beam separator
气流分离airflow breakaway
气流分离separation of flow
气流分离gas separation
气流分离air blast separation
气流分离器stream splitter
气流分离器air sifter
气流分离点stalling point
水力旋流分离器hydroclone separator
水力旋流分离器cyclone classifier
水力旋流分离过程Hydrocyclone process
水流分离stream-flow separation
水流分离flow separation
水流分离区separation area
水流分离现象flow separation phenomenon
泡流分离角burble point
泡流分离角burble angle
流体分离装置fluid separation device
消除叶片气流分离recovery from the blade stall
涡流分离流量计eddy shedding flowmeter
涡流分离流量计row shedding flowmeter
涡流分离流量计eddy separation flowmeter
涡流分离eddy separation
涡流分离eddying shedding
涡流分离器eddy current separator
涡流砂粒分离器vortex grit separator
涡流重力分离器cross current gravity separator
湍流分离turbulent separation (现象)
湍流分离turbulence separation (现象)
湍流边界层分离turbulent separation
漫流水层的分离separation of water layer
热介质旋流分离器heavy-medium cyclone separator
直流介电分离法direct current dielectrical separation method
直流介电分离法direct current dielectric separation method
立轴涡流分离器vertical separator
紊流分离turbulent separation (现象)
紊流分离turbulence separation (现象)
螺旋式旋流分离器involute cyclone
超高能束流分离器ultra-high-energy beam separator
轴向叶片旋流分离器vane-axial cyclone
轴流式气体分离器axial-flow gas separator
连续折流分离continuous deflective separation
逆流空气分离器reversed current air classifier