
Terms for subject Economy containing 分 条 | all forms | in specified order only
产销条件分析business analysis
人寿保险单关于分期赔偿的条款installment settlement
充分就业条件的平衡full employment balance
充分竞争的条件fully competitive conditions
净自留额部分条net retained lines clause
分保再保条款reinsurance clause
分段条图component bar-chart
分段条形图sectioned bar-diagram
分段条状图component bar-chart
分项价值条款multiple values clause
四分之三碰撞条款three-fourths condition of average
国内产业条件的比较分析analysis of domestic industry's condition
如本协议中任何条款宣告无效,则其余条款仍充分有效Should any term of this agreement be declared invalid adj., the remainder remain in full force
工业分布条例distribution on industry acts
最差条件下的性能分析worst case performance analysis
最惠分保人条款most many, much 的最高级 favoured reinsurer's clause
最惠分保条款most many, much 的最高级 favoured reinsurance clause
有关工作条件分析job analysis
有条件分布conditional distribution
本协议中的一部分由基本合同的条款组成A part of this agreement is composed of the terms of the underlying contract
条约规定的可分性the separability of treaty provisions
特约分摊条件special condition of average
百分比条图hundred percent bar-chart
百分比条形图hundred-percent bar-chart
第一分摊条件first condition of average