
Terms for subject Dancing containing 分配 | all forms
从左陀螺转分展步opening out from reverse top
以分式激转步为前导的交叉踌躇步cross hesitation preceded by open impetus turn
侧行纺织步在分式激转步之后weave from PP after open impetus turn
分并步open chasse
分式位置open position
分式位置不握手open position without hold
分式位置男右手握女右手open position with R to R hand hold
分式位置男左手握女右手open position with L to R hand hold
分式位置的古巴碎步Cuban break in open pose
分式侧行位置open promenade position
分式侧行位置抑制步纽约步check from open PP New York
分式侧行位置男右手握女左手open promenade position with R to L hand hold
分式侧行步open promenade
分式基本步open basic
分式左转步open reverse turn
分式并退位置男左手握女右手open f al la way position with L to R hand hold
分式扭臀步open hip twist
分式抑制侧行位置open contra promenade position
分式抑制相对侧行位置open contra counter promenade position
分式摇摆open rock
分式摇摆步向左和右open rock to R and L
分式滑形转步open telemark
分式滑形转步和翼步open telemark and wing
分式滑形转步接交叉踌躇步open telemark followed by cross hesitation
分式滑形转步接羽步结束open telemark and feather ending
分式滑形转步至翼步open telemark followed by wing
分式滑形转步进入叉踌躇步open telemark into cross hesitation
分式激转步open impetus turn
分式激转步之后的交叉踌躇步cross hesitation after open impetus turn
分式相对侧行位置open counter promenade position
分式相对侧行位置抑制步纽约步check from OCPP New York
分式相对侧行位置的分裂古巴碎步split Cuban break in OCPP
分式相对侧行位置的古巴碎步Cuban break in OCPP
分式相对侧行位置至分式侧行位置的分裂古巴碎步split Cuban break from OCPP and OPP
分式碎步open break
分式结束open finish
分式结束之后的外侧回旋左转步outside swivel turning L after open finish
分步转open turn
分身反分身promenade to counter promenade
分身反身跑步promenade to counter prom run
切音分离步syncopated separation
前进式分展步step of advanced opening out movement
卷曲步转至分式侧行位置curl turned to OPP
右侧分步与左侧分步opening out to R and L
右分展步natural opening out movement
后退分式侧行步back open promenade
在反身动作位置和分式位置中右脚前进RF forward in CBMP and OP
外侧回旋步在分式侧行之后outside swivel after open promenade
并退至分离步fallaway ending to separation
快分式左转quick open reverse
曲棍球步转至分式侧行位置hockey stick turned to OPP
由分式位置阿娜玛娜右转手中转步以右手握右手Alemana from OP with R to R hand
由分式位置阿娜玛娜右转手中转步以左手握右手Alemana from OP with L to R hand
翼步前导步分式激转步wing preceded by open impetus turn
翼步在分式激转步之后wing after open impetus turn
闭式扭臀至分式相对侧行位置close hip twist turned to OCPP
阿娜玛娜右转手中转步抑制步至分式相对侧行位置Alemana check to OCPP
高级分展步advanced opening out movement