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亚太经社会/世界银行收入分布户口调查数据项目ESCAP/World Bank project on household survey data on income distribution
以编制预算的方法进行综合分析budgeting approach to the aggregate analysis
关于会员国执行相关制裁措施的书面分析评估written analytical assessment of Member State implementation of relevant sanctions measures
军人的冒险性格和行为,这是任何士兵气质的一部分risk-taking ethos and behaviour in the military, which is part of the make-up of any soldier
分别同时举行的全民投票separate simultaneous referenda
分区域行动方案subregional action programmes
方案规划、预算内方案部分、执行情况监测和评价方法条例和细则Regulations and Rules Governing Programme Planning, the Programme Aspects of the Budget, the Monitoring of Implementation and the Methods of Evaluation
方案规划,预算内方案部分,执行情况监测和评价方法条例和细则programme planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation rules