
Terms containing 分类的 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.上面是他们寄来的投资成本分类细目Above is a breakdown of investment costs they posted to us
tech.分类的垃圾收集collection of unclassified refuse
econ.分类的样品unclassified specimens
econ.分类的样品标本unclassified specimen
econ.分类的样品标本unclassified specimen
busin.分类的样品unclassified specimen
eng.geol.不分岩土类别的开挖unclassified excavation
shipb.不分货物种类的运费freight for all kinds of cargo
oil不另分类的not elsewhere classified
tech.不正确的分类faulty separation
adv.与同类广告的分隔competitive separation
econ.为租用店房所花的租金、税款、维修费和类似的费用,应由双方公平分担All rents, taxes, upkeep and similar costs for the rented store shall be fairly shared by both parties
soil.主曲线式粒构的土壤分类master curve
org.name.主要产品的分类Central Products Classification
manag.交易的分类和归属classification and imputation of transaction
genet.人类细胞遗传学高分辨带命名的国际体制International system for human cytogenetic nomenclature high resolution banding
econ.会计报表的分类kind of accounting statement
dril.作业内容的分类编号code No. -operation
gen.你能向我介绍下汽车的分类吗?例如微型汽车、运动型多用途汽车和全尺寸汽车Can you introduce the specific categories of vehicles to me? Such as compact, SUV, full-size
construct.依照属性的分类attributive classification
hydraul.侵蚀产生的分类erosion product assortment
telecom."信令连接控制部分"业务的类别class of SCCP service
tech.储量的分类和分级categories or classes of reserves
telecom.允许的分类permitted categories
stat.充分开发的鱼类种群fully exploited fish stock
stat.充分开发的鱼类资源fully exploited fish stock
IMF.《全部商品与服务的国际标准分类》International Standard Classification of all Goods and Services
busin.全部经济活动的产业分类industrial classification of all economic activities
tech.公路工程中黄土的分类classification of loess in highway engineering
soil.公路的土壤分类public road classification of soil
China, polit.关于商标注册用商品和服务国际分类的尼斯协定Nice Agreement Concerning with International Classification of Goods and Service For the Purpose of the Registration of Marks
interntl.trade.1971 年关于国际专利分类的斯特拉斯堡协定Strasbourg Agreement Concerning the International Patent Classification (1971)
soil.农业的土壤分类agricultural classification of soil
tech.冻土的冻胀性分类classification of heaving property of frozen soil
gen.〔法语〕 分类〔合理,按系统〕排列的raisonne
min.proc.分类 的assort
min.proc.分类 的assorted
math.分类別的比率specific rate
tech.分类别的比率specific rate
IMF.分类和结构方面的变化changes in classifications and structure
busin.分类所得税的基本免税额basic exemption for the classified income tax
math.分类数据的检索设施retrieval facility
tech.分类用途的财政补贴categorical grants aid
agric.分类的taxanomical (taxonomicus)
agric.分类的taxonomic (taxonomicus)
agric.分类的categorical (categoricus)
manag.分类的基础basis of classification
manag.分类的有效系统efficient system of categories
econ.分类的有效系统efficient system of category
manag.分类的根据basis of classification
busin.分类的粗略性coarseness of classification
tech.分类的部分sector of breakdown
tech.分类账上的资产ledger assets
securit.分类账上的资产ledger asset
econ.分类账中没有那笔交易的记录The ledger shows no record of the transaction
tech.分类过程的控制control of sort procedure
AI.分裂的层次聚类方法divisive hierarchical clustering method
AI.分裂的聚类divisive clustering
econ.分门别类的分析disaggregated analysis
tech.分门别类的技术unbundling technology
agric.化学分类chemotaxonomic (chemotaxonomicus)
el.双扩展的第四类部分响应信号extended extended class 4 partial response signal
environ.受监视的影像分类supervised image classification A graphical representation processing technique by which an analyst selects groups of pixels, determines their spectral response signature and trains a computer system to recognize pixels based on this spectral response pattern (图形表示的加工工艺,分析师通过它选择象素组,决定其频谱响应特性并在此光谱反应模式的基础上训练电脑系统以识别像素。)
busin.分类的货物sortable goods
econ.可扩展的分类open classes
agric.叶在茎部位上的分类classification of leaf on stalk position
econ.向上的分类法ascending system
tech.含普通角闪石的超镁铁岩分类图classification of ultramafic rocks with hornblende
tech.商品与税率的详细分类specialization of commodities and duty rates
textile商品的分类与编号classification and numbering of commodities
IMF.国际服务交易分类的结构和编码系统structure and coding system of international transactions in services classification
IMF.国际服务交易的分类international transactions in services classification
econ.国际标准的工业分类International Standard industrial Classification
soil.土 的质地分类textural classification of soil
bridg.constr.土和岩石的工程分类engineering classification of soil and rock
tech.土壤学的土分类法pedologic system of soil classification
tech.土壤的地质分类geological classification of soil
tech.土壤的地质分类geologic classification of soil
tech.土的三角坐标分类法triangle classification of soils
tech.土的三角形座标分类triangular classification of soil
tech.土的分类soil grade
bridg.constr.土的分类classification of soils
hydroel.st.土的分类soil classification
desert.土的分类soil classfication
bridg.constr.土的分类标准standards for soil classification
eng.geol.土的塑性分类plasticity classification of soil
bridg.constr.土的塑性分类classification of plasticity of soil
eng.geol.土的工程分类engineering classification of soil
tech.土的工程地质分类engineering geological classification of soil
tech.土的工程地质分类engineering geologic classification of soil
tech.土的简易分类法quick soil classification
bridg.constr.土的粒径分类size classification of soil particles
el.土的结构分类textural classification of soil
bridg.constr.土的统一分类Unified Soil Classification System (USCS)
eng.geol.土的统一分类unified soil classification
tech.土的统一分类unified soil classification system (法)
tech.土的统一分类塑性图a plastic chart for use in the Unified Soil Classification system
eng.geol.土的统一分类法unified soil classification system
tech.土的统一分类简要流程图classification brief flowchart for soil
eng.geol.土的肉眼鉴别分类visual soil classification
bridg.constr.土的肉眼分类visual classification of soil
tech.土的肉眼分类visual soil classification
tech.土的质地分类textural classification of soil
UN, tech.在1 000米或更远的范围内探测和确定人或物并将其分类detecting, identifying and categorizing persons or items within a range of 1,000 metres or more
soil.地质的土壤分类geological classification of soil
tech.地震断裂的分类classification of seismic fault
multimed.基于 web 的分类web-based taxonomy
securit.基金的分类fund category
AI.复杂的分类曲面complex boundary
geophys.多元异常的快速评价和分类rapid evaluation and sorting of multielement anomalies
tech.奇异曲面的分类classification of singular surfaces
sport.如果你决定投资建一个家庭健身房,可以查阅当地的分类广告,访问网上的克雷格列表,或者去趟二手体育用品商店If you decide you want to invest in a home gym, check out your local classifieds, Craigslist and used sports goods stores
expl.定额的分类建筑工程定额可以从不同角度进行分类,按定额包含的不同生产要素分类,可分为: 1. 劳动定额。 2. 材料消耗定额。 3. 机械台班定额classification of quota
tech.家庭垃圾的分类sorting of household refuse
busin.对应收款的分类aging of accounts receivable
expl.就某些类型的爆破而言、考虑药包的几何形状和安放位置、有时称之为空间分布、也有重要意义For some types of blasting, it is also significant to consider the geometric shape and positioning of the explosive charges, sometimes called spatial distribution
adv.尼尔森公司按人口数量对县级的分类ABCD counties
tech.岩体的工程地质分类engineering geological classification of rock mass
tech.岩体的工程地质分类engineering geologic classification of rock mass
tech.岩体的结构类型分类structure type classification of rock mass
tech.岩土的 AASHTO 分类系统AASHTO System
tech.岩石的分类和名称classification and name of rocks
tech.岩石的工程地质分类engineering geological classification of rock
tech.岩石的工程地质分类engineering geologic classification of rock
expl.岩石的形成与分类rock formation and classification
tech.岩石的渗透性分类rock classification on permeability
HR工作评价的分类方法classification job evaluation method
busin.工厂分类账的统治账户factory ledger controlling account
tech.工程土的分类体系engineering soils' classification system
econ.分类的货物the assorted cargo
fin.帐户的分类classification of accounts
fin.帐户的分类account classification
cust.美国海关的带有约束性的关税分类规则binding decisions
tech.带的分类tape sorting
fin.应收款项的因素分类factoring of receivables
tech.异常的分类anomaly classification
bridg.constr.总体误差的分类classification of gross error
winemak.我们为您讲解酒水的主要产品分类和基本品尝技巧We offer you broad coverage of all product categories in the field of alcoholic drinks together with basic tasting technique
winemak.我们采用法国AOC 体系的评级标准对酒进行分类We adopt the standard of French AOC system to classify their wine
tech.我国目前采用的干酪根分类recognizable kerogen classification at present in China
tech.房屋分类及其所起的作用occupancy classification or occupancy
el.扩展的第四类部分响应信号extended class 4 partial response signal
busin.投资建议案的分类classifying investment proposals
genet.抗性的分类classification of resistance
busin.按业务形式分的类classified by forms of business
textile按业务形式分的类,按贸易方式分的类classified by forms of business
busin.按业务范围分的类classified by scope of business
textile按业务范围分的类,按经营范围分的类classified by scope of business
busin.按交割方式分的类classified by forms of delivery
tech.按产业类型的职业分布industrial type employment distribution
IMF.按债务工具分类的融资financing by type of debt instrument
IMF.按债务持有者分类的融资financing by type of debt holder
tech.按光泽分类的肉眼煤岩类型lithotypes of coal by luster
shipb.按…分类的船舶according to… classified ships
IMF.按功能分类的支出expenditure by function
el.按功能分类的能量能源消费energy consumption by function served
busin.按品种分的类classified by kind
interntl.trade.按商业类别分组的销售额sales by kind of business
commer.按商品分类的进口import by commodities
textile按商品品种分的类classified by kind of commodity
busin.按商品大类和地区分列的年均增长率average annual rate of growth by commodity classes and by regions
busin.按"国际标准产业分类"的部门分类classified by ISIC International Standard Industrial Classification division
tech.按对污染的敏感性分类型pollution-sensitive typology
avia.按工业划分的商品分类classification of commodities by industrial origin
busin.按形式分的类classified by forms
stat.按性別分类的统计资料disaggregation of data by sex
stat.按性别分类的统计数据gender-disaggregated statistics
econ.按性质分类的费用natural expenses
econ.按成本的性质分类the natural classification of cost
busin.按收入形式分的类classified by forms of income
proj.manag.按服务分类的预算开支estimated expenditure by service
IMF.按活动分列的产品分类Classification of Products by Activities
econ.按用途分类的物质产品净值net material product by use
IMF.按目的划分的个人消费分类Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose
IMF.按目的划分的个人消费分类Classification of Individual Consumption according to Purpose
IMF.按目的划分的为住户服务的非营利机构的分类Classification of the Purposes of Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households
IMF.按目的划分的生产者支出分类Classification of the Outlays of Producers According to Purpose
busin.按类型分的类classified by type
interntl.trade.按类编列的分类页目录catalogue raisonne
econ.按经济活动种类分列的国内生产总值gross domestic product by kind of economic activity
IMF.按经济类别分类的支出和贷款减去还款expenditure and lending minus repayments by economic type
auto.按规格和使用的车辆分类系统size and usage-based vehicle classification systems
textile按货物品种分的类classified by kind of goods
manag.按运输量分类的线路trackage classified by volume of traffic
econ.按运输量分类的线路the trackage classified by volume of traffic
tech.按运量分类的线路trackage classified by traffic volume
tech.按速度分类的线路trackage classified by speed
adv.按邮编分类的大宗邮件carrier presort
soil.描写的土壤分类descriptive classification of soil
ichtyol.描述性的分类学descriptive taxonomy
tech.料场分类堆放的木材yard lumber
tech.新构造作用的时间分类classification on the age of neotectonism
manag.无意义或建议方法中的字母或字母联合分类法letters or combination of letters in either a meaningless or suggestive manner
libr.智能化的分类intelligent classification
winemak.有人对新的酒精饮料分类方法提出了建议,使酒类名称能够准确地体现产品的真实属性和内涵Some suggestions were put forward for the new classification method of alcoholic beverages to make the product name an accurate reflection of its true attribution
space分类的not graded
textile分类的样品unclassified specimen
earth.sc.分类的沉积岩unclassified sedimentary rock
geol.分类的沉积岩unclassified sediments
geol.分类的混合岩unclassified migmatite
tech.分类的砖或瓦kiln run
earth.sc.分类的超基性岩unclassified ultrabasic rock
water.res., ecol.未分解的烃类络合混合物unresolved complex mixtures of hydrocarbon
tech.未分解的烃类络合物混合物unresolved complex mixture of hydrocarbon
tech.未经分类的开挖unclassified excavation
IMF.未经分类的政府机构unclassified government agency
fin.未经结算的分类帐open ledger
busin.未结清的分类账open ledger
econ.未结算的分类账open ledger
manag.权责的编号与分类identification and classification of authority and responsibility
construct.树的分类tree classification
UN, tech.次要装备分为两类:支助主要装备的物品minor equipment means equipment in support of contingents, such as catering, accommodation, non-specialist communication and engineering and other mission-related activities. minor equipment is divided into two categories: items designed to support major equipment
UN, tech.次要装备分为两类:支助主要装备的物品and items that directly or indirectly support personnel
soil.民航管理处的土壤分类classification of Civil Aeronautic Administration soil
tech.水热喷发的产状分类occurrence classify of hydrothermal eruption
tech.水的分类water classification
agric., water.suppl.沟的分类gullies classification
tech.泉华的分分类composition classify of sinter
tech.泉华的形态分类morphology classify of sinter
construct.混凝土的分类specification of concrete
tech.温泉水的来源分类water source classify of spring
tech.温泉的产状分类occurrence classify of spring
tech.温泉的化学成分分类composition classify of spring
tech.温泉的成因分类origin classify of spring
tech.温泉的活动状态分类activity classify of spring
tech.温泉的流量分类flow rate classify of spring
tech.温泉的温度分类temperature classify of spring
tech.温泉的用途分类usage classify of spring
tech.温泉的酸碱度分类acidity classify of spring
tech.火山碎屑岩的分类图classification of pyroclastic rocks
tech.火成岩在双三角形QAPF中的分类图classification of igneous rocks in the double triangle Q-A-P-F
refrig.热泵的分类classification of heat pump
tech.煌班岩在QAPF中的分类图classification of lamprophyres in the Q-A-P-F
tech.煤的分类coal classification
expl.爆破中所用的炮泥类型和分量以及对阶梯地形的处理、会大大地影响抛向空中的物质的多寡、因此也大大地影响一次爆破中可能喷出的飞尘比例The type and adequacy of the stemming material used and the management of progressive relief during detonation have a strong influence on the amount of material thrown into the air and hence the proportion of dust likely to be emit ted from a blast
proj.manag.犯罪分子可以利用一个能够模仿人类声音的语音合成系统来干什么?What could a criminal do with a speech synthesis system that could masquerade as a human being?
tech.生物分类上的等级biological value
tech.生物分类上的等级biologic value
earth.sc.用于地震预报的遗传算法分类系统classifier system based on genetic algorithms for earthquake prediction
tech.的分类classification of...
tech.相同类型的养分similar kinds of nutrients
construct.砖的分类brick classification
tech.碳酸岩的分类图classification of carbonatites
archit.科学的分类hierarchy (如门、纲、目、科、属、 种等)
space秘密卫星的分类与识别classification and identification of covert satellites
IT程序设计语言的分类types of programming language
econ.税则的精细分类the refinement of tariff classifications
tech.税则的精细分类refinement of tariff classifications
econ.税率表内的货物分类tariff classification of goods
tech.第一个分类学上的分类first taxonomic classification
AI.简单的分类曲面simple boundary
soil.粒构的土壤分类textural classification of soil
geol.粗略分类的very poorly sorted
econ.精确的分类scientific classification
refrig.系统使用的分类distribution of systems usage
agric.细胞分类学的cytotaxonomic (cytotaxonomicus)
commer.分类的指数grouped index number
tech.经济类型的划分classification of economic grouping
tech.美国公路局土的分类法Public Roads Administration Classification of Soil
tech.美国公路局土的分类系统Bureau Public Road Classification System
econ.美国规定分类用途的财政补贴categorial grants aid
met.群聚的分类cybotactic grouping
corp.gov.职位和职工的分类classification of posts and staff
IMF.职能分类的贷款减还款lending minus repayments by function
econ.美国联邦支出的预算分类budgetary classification of federal expenditures
tech.胶体的组成和分类colloidal composition and classification
soil.脱克斯的土壤分类Texas classification of soil
tech.衰落中的生物分类群decreasing taxa
UN, tech.装备分类、将要适用的偿还率和标准classification of equipment, rates and standards to be applied
nautic., tech.计算机自动控制系统的分类classification of computer system
expl.评估米矿作业产生浮尘的国家污染物分类细则手册、列岀了由于煤矿爆破产生的浮尘全部悬浮颗粒方程如下The national pollutant inventory manual far the estimation of fugitive dust from mining operations offers the following equation for the dust total suspended particulates generated from blasting in coal mines
econ.货物的分类series of lot
econ.资产的分类classification of assets
fin.资产负债表的分类及其评价balance sheet classification and valuation
fin.资产负债表项目的分类classification of balance sheet
econ.资金的分类classification of assets
el.超扩展的第四类部分响应最大似然信号处理super extended class 4 partial response, maximum likelihood signal processing
IT软件的分类class of software
tech.较高的分类级另higher category
adv.连续刊发的分类广告contract classified
econ.部分竞争的类别partially competing groups
tech.金伯利岩的分类图classification of kimberlites
met.钢的分类classification of steels (【技】钢可以按不同的方法进行分类。主要分类方法如下:1. 按化学成分可分为合金钢、低合金钢和非合金钢(碳素钢)三类;2. 按冶炼工艺可分为平炉钢、转炉钢、电炉钢、感应炉钢、电渣炉钢、真空自耗炉钢等;3. 按脱氧程度可分为镇静钢、半镇静钢和沸腾钢;4. 按状态可分为连续铸钢坯、模铸钢锭和铸造用钢水。)
space附有类型代码的分时type code time-sharing
interntl.trade., fr.附有解答的分类目录catalogue raisonne
gen.附有解释的分类目录catalogue raisonne
construct.附有说明的分类目录descriptive catalogue
construct.附有说明的分类目录descriptive catalog
UN, tech.集装箱是用于特别目的/服务的移动保护装置.集装箱基本分为三类:卡车集装箱containers are mobile shelters used for a specific purpose/service. there are three basic types of containers: truck mounted, trailer mounted and sea containers
busin.雇主对私人养老金、家庭补助金和类似计划的分摊额employer's contributions to private pension, family allowance and similar schemes
avia.零件、部件可靠的分类管理parts specification management for reliability
tech.霓霞岩的分类图classification of ijolites
interntl.trade.项目的分类segregation of items
tech.预应力混凝土的分类classification of prestressed concrete
tech.风的分类wind classification
soil.飞机场的土壤分类airfield classification of soil
bridg.constr.黄土按地质时代的分类classification of loess by geological era
bridg.constr.黄土湿陷性的鉴别和分类identification and classification of subsidability of loess