
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 分段 | all forms | in specified order only
一段分级one-pass classification
退火stepped annealing
分层缺陷slabbed section
分段位错segmented dislocation
分段停止喷水法stepwise shut-off spray water method (【技】一种连铸尾浇操作方法。连铸进人尾浇阶段后,随着铸坯出结晶器下行,拉速降低,逐段停止喷.水,可减少切头长度,改善铸坯质量。)
分段内孔窥视仪sectionized borescope
分段冲裁冲床nibbling machine (用于冲裁复杂零件)
分段冷却gradual cooling
分段冷却法stage cooling method
分段冷却法stepped cooling method
分段冷却法stage-cooling method
分段parting shear
分段加热stepped heating
分段加热multistage heating
分段加载step stressing
分段压制stepwise pressing
分段压制graded pressing
分段处理stepped treating
分段多层焊block welding
分段多层焊block sequence welding
分段多层钎焊block brazing
分段式出钢口袖砖segmented taphole sleeve (① The wear pattern inside a used segmented taphole sleeve is shown in Figure 3. 一个使用过的分段式出钢口袖砖内部磨蚀形状示于图3。② For comparison, the tap time and service life of segmented taphole sleeves of similar dimensions are shown in Figure 6.为了进行比较,将类似尺寸分段式出钢口袖砖的出钢时间和使用寿命示于图6。)
分段式加热炉barrel-type furnace (用于加热管材、焊管坯)
分段式加热炉barrel type furnace
分段式辊套segmented sleeves
分段扫描step scan
分段挤压incremental extrusion
分段支承辊segmented back-up roll
分段时效stepped ageing
分段时效progressive aging
分段杀菌fractional sterilization
分段氧化stepwise oxidation
分段水解graded hydrolysis
分段淬火stepped quenching
分段破碎stage crushing
分段破碎graded crushing
分段硫酸化stage sulphation
分段磨矿step grinding
分段磨矿stage grinding
分段程序segmented programme
分段穿孔带读出器block tape reader
分段精炼stepped refining
分段萃取stage-wise extraction
分段萃取stage extraction
分段装料stepped filling
分段疲劳试验step test
分段跳焊wandering welding
分段跳焊skip block welding
分段还原stepwise reduction
分段还原stage reduction
分段退焊backstep welding
分段退焊法step-back sequence
分段退焊法step-back procedure
分段parting saw
分段锻造incremental forging
分段预热stage preheating
分选工段assorting room
分阶段退火stepped annealing (【技】将工件加热至完全奥氏体化,随之分段进行冷却,其中各段的冷却速度根据需要而定,不一定完全相同。这种退火工艺也叫分级退火,主要用于铸钢退火。)
垂直段分节辊vertical section split roll
垂直段分节辊split roll of vertical section
多刀分段剪切机gang slitter nibbling machine
字段分割符field separator
小直径分段支承辊small diameter segmented backup roll
尾矿分段取样器section tailings sampler
工艺分段sub-process zone
带有分节辊的扇形段segment with split rolls
弧形段分节辊split rolls in curved section
筛分工段assorting room
金属分段浇铸combined intermediate-and-top pouring
锥形分段式出钢口袖砖tapered segmented taphole sleeve
锥形分段式辊套tapered segmented sleeve
阶段分析stage analysis
马氏体分解初始阶段initial stage of martensite decomposition
马氏体分解的初始阶段initial stage of martensite decomposition