
Terms for subject Project management containing 分析 | all forms | in specified order only
不过、作为一项分析工具、它将绝对回报放回了应有的位置:对冲基金管理的核心As an analysis tool, though, it puts absolute return back -where it should be : at the heart of hedge fund management
交易成本分析transaction cost analysis
产品销售分析sales analysis by product
供应商分析vendor analysis
偏差分解分析variance decomposition analysis
全成本盈利能力分析full costing profitability analysis
全面均衡分析general equilibrium analysis
关键路线分析critical path analysis
分包报价分析sub-bids analyzing
SWOT 分析SWOT Analysis
分析和评估方法analysis and evaluation methodology
分析ABC-Analysis ABC
分析者战略analyzer strategy
分析行情analyze a market
功能性工作分析Functional Job Analysis
区域销售分析sales analysis by territory
单价分析breakdown of price
可获性分析availability analysis
合同文件分析contract document analysis
回归分析regression analysis
基本因素分析fundamental analysis
备选方案分析options analysis
如果你是统计学的老手、你也许更喜欢使用直观的命令语言、快捷、方便地分析数据If you are a statistically-savvy user, you might prefer to use its intuitive command language, and analyze your data swiftly and with ease
宏观分析general equilibrium analysis
工作分析信息job analysis information
工作分析公式job analysis formula
工作分析方法job analysis methods
工作分析流程job analysis process
工作分析程序法job analysis program
工作分析计划表job analysis schedule
工序分析process analysis
差异分析discriminant analysis
市场定位分析market positioning analysis
市场机会分析market opportunity analysis
成本差异分析analysis of cost variance
成本影响分析cost impact analysis
成本效益分析costs benefit analysis
成本、数量、利润分析cost-volume-profit analysis
投资分析investment analyst
指导性工作分析Guidelines Oriented Job Analysis
操作分析process analysis
收益-成本分析benefit cost study
杜邦分析Du Pont Analysis
注册财务分析chartered financial analyst
海氏指示图表个人能力分析Hay Guide Chart-profile Method
环境扫描分析environmental scanning
瑞银集团 UBS分析师对即将建成的澳门购物广场的销售收入日益持怀疑态度UBS analysts are increasingly sceptical of the company's potential Macao mall sale proceeds
盈亏平衡分析break-even analysis
盈利性分析profitability analysis
盈利能力分析profitability analysis
直接成本盈利性分析direct costing profitability analysis
竞争者分析competitor analysis
笔迹分析handwriting analysis
精算师是现代职业的一种、 其工作是分析风险的财务结果An actuary is a business professional who analyzes the financial consequences of risk
系统将生成高分辨率的数字影像、 而这些影像可以被传送到您选择的分析软件The system produces a high-resolution digital image that can be transmitted to the analysis software of your preference
统计分析及编制统计模型statistical analysis and modelling
综合分析general equilibrium analysis
职位分析问卷调查法management position description questionnaire
英语广告中祈使句的功能分析functional analysis of a piece of English advertisement
行为分析behavioural analysis
要径分析critical path analysis
规范分析normative analysis
订货规模销售分析sales analysis by order size
证券分析security analyst
证券分析securities analyst
该论文分析了负载平衡集群服务器的结构和特点This paper analyzes the structure and characteristics of the Load Balancing Cluster Server
资金流分析cash flow analysis
这个结论来自当时最新的电脑模型对资源动态使用所做的分析This conclusion flowed from a then state of-the-art computer model of the dynamics of resource use
进度分析progress analysis
进度影响分析schedule impact analysis
量本利分析volume-cost-profit analysis
间接成本盈利能力分析indirect costing profitability analysis
需求增长速度快于平均水平的职位包括计算机网络管理员、数据通信分析师和网络开发员Jobs that are expected to grow faster than average include computer-network administrators, data-communications analysts and web developers
顾客分析customer analysis
顾客销售分析sales analysis by customer