
Terms for subject International trade containing 分权 | all forms | in specified order only
债权人分户账claimants ledger
共同海损分担的诉权claim for general average
所有权分散division of property
所有权和控制权的分离separation of ownership and control
拒绝接受特别提款权分配额的权力opting out
接受全部或部分数量的选择权option of accepting all or part of the quantity
[经]无股息无分红无还本也无要求摊派新股的权利ex all
月分配权monthly allotments
有充分担保的债权人fully secured creditors
有选择权的分期付款optional installment payment
特别提款权分配allocation of special drawing rights
百分之百所有权wholly-owned ownership
联号与分支机构的权益affiliate interests
联号或分支机构的权益affiliated interest
股东权益分享equity participation
保险partial interest
部分担保的债权人partially secured creditors