
Terms for subject Mining containing 分数 | all forms | in specified order only
修正值的水分离计指数water separation index modified (number)
充分湍流的最小雷诺数minimum Reynold's number for full turbulent flow
分段线性函数piecewise linear function
重力分离驱指数segregation drive index
应变式压力计压力分数数值strain gauge pressure fractional digit
变分系数coefficient of variation
含水体积分数bulk volume fraction of water
惠普石英压力计压力读数的小数部分fractional part of Hewlett Packard gauge pressure
惠普石英压力计压力读数的小数部分fractional part of HP gauge pressure
每分钟产油桶数barrels of oil per minute
每分钟冲数strokes per minute
每分钟桶数barrels per minute
每分钟立方英尺数cubic feet per minute
气体体积分数gas volume fraction
泵每分钟转数pump revolution per minute
被封隔百分数percent isolated
采出石油原始地质储量的百分数percent of original oil in place produced