
Terms for subject Economy containing 分成 | all forms | in specified order only
上面是他们寄来的投资成本分类细目Above is a breakdown of investment costs they posted to us
不含动物成分的护发护肤品animal-free hair and skin care products
主要组成部分main component
产品分成production sharing
产品分成协议production sharing agreement
产品分成合同production sharing contracts
产品分成合同production sharing contract
产量分成production payment
他们的一些定单仍有部分未完成Part of their orders remain unfulfilled
价值链组成部分value chain actor
企业利润中的利息成分interest element in business profits
共同成本的分担allocation of common costs
共同成本的分摊allocation of common costs
再分配成本the redistributed cost
分成crop tenant
分成share tenant
分成总计total distribution
分成收入the shared revenue
分批供应的成本的控制control of order filling cost
分批成本制specific-order cost system
分批成本计算batch costing
分摊之固定成本apportioned fixed cost
分摊成本apportion cost
分摊成本allocate costs
分类成本制度classified cost
分组成本制a group cost system
利润分成gain sharing
利润分成留成制度profit sharing system
利润分成单据profit-sharing certificate
利润分成合同profit-sharing contract
制成品分类登记表finished goods ledger sheet
制成品分类账finished products ledger
制成零部件分类登记表finished parts ledger sheet
化验员已作过化验分析,他报告说化学成份为…%,低于确保数The analyst has had an analysis made and he reports that the chemical content is ...%, less than guaranteed
半变动成本的变动部分variable elements of semivariable costs
原始成本百分率折旧法depreciation-percentage of original cost method
变动成分variance component
分成the separable cost
分成本剩余收益法separable costs-remaining benefits method
可分固定成本separable fixed cost
可分摊的固定成本allocable fixed costs
可靠性分析成套仪器reliability analysis tool set
商标名称已经成了产品身份极重要的组成部分A brand name has become a vital part of a product's identity
基本构成部分basic element
基本构成部分basic elements
增值成本分析incremental cost analysis
外汇分成share the foreign currency earning
多样化的组成部分diversification component
多种产品分组成本制multiple product cost system
任务完成百分比achievement quotient
完成预算的百分比per cent of budgeted figure
进口蔗糖分成均等scale the imported sugar into (4 loss, 4批)
将货物分成包件lot out goods in parcels
少分配的成本及费用the under-absorbed burden
工程经济成本分析engineering economic cost analysis
已分摊成本distributed cost
已分摊成本the absorbed cost
已分摊的成本allocated costs
已分摊的间接费用成本absorbed overhead cost
已分配间接成本或费用账户burden-credit account
延期利润分成方案dividends profit-sharing plan
当地分成的资源local shared resources
必要的组成部分integrated part
成数溢额混合分保合同mixed quota surplus treaty
成本一产量一利润分析cost-volume-profit analysis
成本一利得分析cost-benefit analysis
成本一利润一数量分析cost-profit-volume analysis
成本一效用分析cost-utility analysis
成本一效益宏观经济分析macroeconomic cost-benefit analysis
成本一数量一价格分析cost-volume-price analysis
成本一数量一利润分析中的安全边际margin of safety in cost-volume-prof it analysis
成本一销售额一利润分析中心的安全幅度margin of safety in cost-volume-profit analysis
成本与收益分摊cost and benefit sharing
成本与收益分析input-output analysis
成本与经营效益分析cost and operational effectiveness analysis
成本分录簿cost journal
成本分摊cost allocation (rate, 率)
成本分摊circulation of cost
成本分摊中的逐项减少次序the step-down order in cost allocation
成本分摊贡献cost-sharing contribution
成本分析the cost analysis
成本分析的假定assumptions of cost analysis
成本分类账operating ledger
成本分配原则allocation cost principle
成本分配矩阵公式the matrix formulation for cost allocation
成本分项来源origin of cost items
成本-利润分析cost-benefit analysis
成本及技术鉴定分析cost-performance analysis
成本变化分析cost-sensitivity analysis
成本差异分析cost variance variation analysis
成本差异分析cost variance analysis
成本按收益分allocation of costs to revenue
成本-效果分析cost effectiveness analysis
成本-效果分析cost-effective analysis
成本-效果分析方法cost-effectiveness-analysis method
成本效用分析cost-utility analysis
成本效益分析cost-effectiveness analysis
成本效益分析cost and benefit analysis
成本效益分析cost benefit analysis
成本效益分析方法论cost effectiveness analysis methodology
成本的技术分析the engineering analysis of cost
成本的连续分配法continued distribution of charges
我们对这笔交易最后谈成感到十分高兴We are very pleased to the final conclusion of this transaction
我们很高兴与你方成交了无烟煤400吨,自5月开始按月分4 次平均装运We are pleased to have booked your order for 400 tons hard coal, shipment in four equal monthly installments beginning with May
我们给契约附加一份明细表,作为它必不可少的组成部分We add a schedule to the deed as an essential part of it
我们需要相当的时间来完成分配的工作We shall spend quite a bit of time to perform the allocated work
战略组成部分strategy component
成本、总数等分成细目break down
按成本的性质分类the natural classification of cost
按股分成share profits according to contributions
推销成本分析distribution cost analysis
推销成本的地区分析the territorial analysis of distribution cost
收入分成协议revenue sharing agreement
收入-成本分析benefit-cost analysis
收益分成的农场share-crop farm
效益-成本分析benefit-cost analysis
方案构成部分a program element
方案构成部分project component
普通成本分配split a common cost
最低成本分析minimum cost analysis
最低成本分析least cost analysis
有机成分proximate organic principle
服务部门的成本的分配allocation of service department costs
未分摊成本及费用unabsorbed burden
未分配成本unabsorbed costs
未分配的材料成本unabsorbed material cost
本协议中的一部分由基本合同的条款组成A part of this agreement is composed of the terms of the underlying contract
混合活动的组成部分mixture component
特别收入分成reserve revenue sharing
牺牲一部分佣金达成交易sacrifice a part of commission to put the deal through
生产保险成分production insurance component
百分比构成percentages distribution
直接与间接的分布成本direct and indirect process cost
决策相关成本分析relevant cost analysis
研究成本分配的递延法dividends method of apportionment of research cost
社会利得成本分析social benefit/cost analysis
社会效益成本分析social benefit/cost analysis
纯利分成net profit share
集体所有制、全民所有制等经济成分economic sector under (collective owner, ownership by whole people, etc.)
经济成分sector of economy
经济成长和循环的分析economic growth and cycle analysis
经销成本分摊distribution cost allocation
经销成本分析distribution cost analysis
联产品成本分推法joint product costing
资本主义经济成分capitalist sector of the economy
资本的组成部分the constituent of capital
资本的组成部分constituent of capital
资源计算和成本分配resource accounting and cost allocation
赠予成分a grant component
过分的成本膨胀the aggressive cost inflation
这些技术规格构成这本手册的一个组成部分Such technical specifications are incorporated in this manual as an integral part
适合经济成长的现金分配额appropriate cash supply for economic growth
部分建成投入生产的建设项目the partly completed construction project turned over for production
部门分批成本会议departmental job order cost accounting
重新分类成本declassified cost
金属成份分析值the assay office value
金属成份分析值assay-office value
项目组成部分program component
食品援助组成部分food aid component
马克思主义的来源和组成部分sources and component parts of Marxism
马克思主义的来源和组成部分source and component parts of Marxism