
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
一一全faithfully full functor
一一对应one-to-one function
一元one-variable function
一元样条univariate spline
一次矢linear vector function
一维传递one-dimensional transfer function
一致原始递归uniformly primitive recursive function
一致殆周期uniformly almost periodic function
一致等价uniformly equivalent function
一般价值general cost function
一般押汇担保general letter of hypothecation
一般最优值general optimal value function
一阶数值first-order functional value
一阶线性first-order linear function
三伽马trigamma function
三冑trigonometrical function
三冑trigonometric function
三周期triply periodic function
三次cubical function
三次cubic function
三次仿样cubical spline function
三次样条cubical spline function
三角circular function
三角真数natural trigonometrical function
三角真数natural trigonometric function
三角数对数表logarithmic trigonometrical function
三角数对数表logarithmic trigonometric function
三角数曲线trigonometrical curve
三角数曲线trigonometric curve
三角数的正交性orthogonality of trigonometrical function
三角数的正交性orthogonality of trigonometric function
三角数表trigonometric table
三角数表trigonometrical table
三角数表table of natural
三角数装置trigonometrical device
三角数装置trigonometric device
三角数预测法trigonometrical function forecast method
三角数预测法trigonometric function forecast method
三角余trigonometrical cofunctions
三角余trigonometric cofunctions
三角形数发生器triangular function generator
三角形脉冲delta impulse function
superior function
上升increasing function
上半连续upper semicontinuous function
上导upper derived function
上调和superharmonic function
下半连续lower semi-continuous function
下导lower derived function
下限lower limit function
不减non-decreasing function
不可微分non-differential function
不增non-increasing function
不完全incomplete function
不完全伽马incomplete gamma function
不完全说明布尔incompletely specified Boolean function
不完全贝塔incomplete β function
不定undetermined function
不定indeterminate function
不定性uncertainty function
不相关uncorrelated function
不相干散射incoherent scattering function
不确切inexact function
不连续discontinuity function
不连续分布discontinuous distribution function
不连续成本discontinuous cost function
与时间有关密度谱time-dependent spectral density
严格凸strictly convex function
严格凹strictly concave function
严格初始strictly initial functor
严格单调strictly unimodal function
严格单调strictly monotone function
严格单调递减strictly monotone decreasing function
严格单调递增strictly monotone increasing function
严格定义的well-defined function
严格正泛strictly positive functional
严格线性strictly linear function
严格递减strictly decreasing function
严格递增strictly increasing function
个人信符号individual letter sign
数关系分析analysis of functional relationship
中点凸泛midpoint convex functional
中间散射intermediate scattering function
优先内priority built-in function
优化majorized function
优质merit function
传导数系数transfer-function coefficient
传输数放大器transfer-function amplifier
传递数曲线transfer curve
传递数算子transfer function operator
传递数轨迹图transfer locus
伪周期pseudo-periodical function
伪周期pseudo-periodic function
伪正则pseudo-regular function
倒数reciprocal function
借款保证loan guarantee
刃边扩散edge-spread function
分区杂凑partitioned hash function
分布波distributed wave function
分拆partition function
分散dispersion function
分数fractional function
分期付款保证instalment guarantee
分析analytical function (式)
分析analytic function (式)
分段piecewise function
分段光滑piecewise smooth function
分段常值piecewise constant function
分段正则piecewise regular function
分段线性数发生器piecewise linear function generator
分段线性判别piecewise linear discrimination function
分段解析piecewise analytical function
分段解析piecewise analytic function
分段连续sectional-continuous function
分段连续piecewise continuous function
分段连续微分piecewise continuous differentiable function
分离separate function
分解数发生器analytical function generator
分解数发生器analytic function generator
分辨resolving function
分辨resolution function
分配销售distribution function
分配内部allocation built in function
分配系数与晶体生长数关系图diagram showing the partition coefficient as a function of oxygen fugacity
partition function
划分partition function
划分的信息information function of a partition
初始initial function
初始光度initial luminosity function
初始时间function of initial time
初始条件数发生器producer of initial condition function
初始波ab initio wave-function
初始质量initial mass function
初态initial state function
初等对称elementary symmetrical function
初等对称elementary symmetric function
初等超越elementary transcendent function
判别discriminating function
判别discrimination function
判别criterion function
判定critical function
判断discriminant function
包络envelope function
合成compound function
合流超几何confluent hypergeometrical function
合流超几何confluent hypergeometric function
吉布斯数判据Gibbs function criterion
吉布斯能量Gibbs energy function
同位素输入isotopic input function
同位素输出isotopic output function
同位素配分isotope distribution function
同态homomorphic function
同次homogeneous function
同调homology functor
同调homological functor
后效after-effect function
后验概率密度posterior probability density function
向量值数的散度divergence of a vector-valued function
否定式negative confirmation
含时波动time-dependent wave function
启发heuristic function
circular function
圆柱cylindrical function
圆柱cylindric function
圆柱调和cylindrical harmonics
圆柱调和cylindric harmonics
圆柱谐cylindrical harmonic function
圆柱谐cylindric harmonic function
在时间流上的价值value function over time stream
数的虚分量imaginary component of complex function
复值complex valued function
复值complex function
复共轭complex conjugate function
复包络complex envelope function
复双曲线complex hyperbolic functions
复变function of a complex variable
复变complex variable function
复变数求奇点法singular point method from complex variable function
复变数论theory of function of a complex
复变数论theory of functions of complex variable
复变数论complex analysis
复变量正则regular function of complex variable
复可见度complex visibility function
复合function of function
复合composite function
复合complex function
复合数法compound function method
复合数法则function of function rule
复周期multiply periodical function
复周期multiply periodic function
复对比度传递complex contrast transfer function
复应力complex stress function
复指数complex-exponential function
复振幅透过率complex amplitude transmittance function
复杂complicated function
复波complex wave function
复色光学传递polychromatic optical transfer function
复色光学传递polychromatic optic transfer function
复解析complex analytical function
复解析complex analytic function
复谐compound harmonic function
数引用external function reference
外推extrapolation function
外海波谱密度offshore spectral density function
外罚external function
外罚exterior function
外部数翻译程序peripheral function translator
外部补偿exterior penalty function
外部补尝exterior penalty function
多值multiform function
多值multivalued function
多值many valued function
多元function of many variations
多元概率密度multivariate probability density function
多变量数发生器multivariable function generator
多变量数发生器multivariate function generator
多变量数发生器function generator of more variables
多叶multivalent function
多对一many-to-one function
多属性效用multiattribute utility function
多极值连续continual function with multiple maximum
多目标vector-valued objective function
多相关multiple peak correlation function
多线性效用multilinear utility function
多行multiline function
多调和multiple harmonic function
多重目标multiple object function
多重调和multiharmonic function
多项式及特殊数程序polynomial and special function programme
多项式及特殊数程序polynomial and special function program
射影mapping function
射束扩展beam spread function
布尔数的定义definition of Boolean function
布尔数的最小化minimization of Boolean function
布尔递归Boolean recurrence function
希尔伯特模Hilbert's modular function
希尔德布兰德Hildebrand function
希耳德布兰特Hildebrand function
tape function
带球zonal spherical function
带球zonal spheric function
带调和zonal harmonic
带谐zonal harmonic
开关switch function
开环描述open loop describing function
开闭switching function
异常abnormal function
异常本征improper eigenfunction
引力位gravitational potential function
引力球谐数展开式expansion of gravitational into spherical harmonics
引力球谐数展开式expansion of gravitational into spheric harmonics
引力谐gravitational harmonic function
张量tensor function
张量赋值tensor-valued function
弥漫spread function
state function
成交fixing letter
成员关系membership function
成果outcome function
成键轨bonding orbital
截尾truncated function
截尾收入truncated earnings function
截断truncation function
截面消费cross-sectional consumption function
指向性directivity function
指向性directional function
指数exponential functor
指数数模型exponential function model
指数数的底base of exponential function
指数数表table of exponential function
指数数近似exponential function approximation
指数传递indicial transfer function
指数母exponential generating function
指数积分exponential integral function
指示indicator function
振动oscillation function
振幅amplitude function
振荡oscillating function
支撑support function
支撑线supporting line function
最低minimum function
最佳开关optimum switching function
最大似然从属度maximum likelihood membership function
最大集中maximal concentration function
最小代价数估计minimum-cost estimate
最小策动点minimum-driving-point function
最或然修正most probable correction function
最或然改正most probable correction function
有理rational function
有理数域rational function field
有理数近似rational function approximation
有理数逼近rational function approximation
有理分数rational fractional function
有理区间rational interval function
有理插值rational interpolating function
有理整rational entire function
有理积分rational integral function
有界bounded fraction
有穷finite function
有限finite function
有限值finitely valued function
有限出现finitely presented functor
有限加性集finitely additive set function
有限可测finite measurable function
有限带宽bandlimited function
有限长finite length function
朗之万Langevin function
未知unknown function
本征characteristic function
本质有界essentially bounded functions
标准canonical function
标准canonic function
标准分布滞后standard distributed lag function
标准发光度standard luminosity function
标准吉布斯数增加standard Gibbs function increase
标准数学standard mathematical function
标准正交数展开式orthonormal function expansion
标准正交数系orthonormal function
标准罚standard penalty function
标志逻辑flag logic function
标量的李亚普诺夫scalar Liapunov function
校正correction function
校正corrected function
椭圆elliptical function
椭圆数域elliptical function field
椭圆数域elliptic function field
椭圆数波conoidal wave
椭圆数的模modulus of elliptical function
椭圆数的模modulus of elliptic function
椭圆无理elliptical irrational function
椭圆无理elliptic irrational function
椭圆柱elliptical cylinder function
椭圆柱elliptic cylinder function
椭圆柱面波elliptical cylindrical wave function
椭圆柱面波elliptic cylindric wave function
椭圆模elliptical modular function
椭圆模elliptic modular function
椭圆模数域elliptical modular function field
椭圆模数域elliptic modular function field
椭圆正弦elliptical sine function
椭圆正弦elliptic sine function
椭球调和ellipsoidal harmonics
椭球ellipsoidal function
mode function
数论modular function theory
模式传递mode transfer function
模强modular majors nt
模拟数发生器analogue function generator
模拟相关数分析仪analogue correlator
模拟相关数分析仪analog correlator
模数modular function
模泛modular functional
模糊分类classification of fuzzy functions
模糊极值extremum of a fuzzy functions
模糊数分析analysis of fuzzy functions
模糊数的分析analysis of a fuzzy function
模糊数的综合synthesis of fuzzy functions
模糊数的静态冒险static hazard of fuzzy functions
模糊化fuzzification function
模糊化数因子fuzzification functor
模糊开关数图graph of fuzzy-switching functions
模糊开关数的图graph of a fuzzy switching function
模糊恒等fuzzy identity function
模糊转变fuzzy transition function
模糊转变blurring transition function
模糊逻辑fuzzy logical functions
模糊隶属fuzzy membership functions
次可加subadditive function
次调和subharmonic function
欧拉Euler's function
渐减decrescent function
渐变tapering function
演算routing function
焦点程focal eikonal
spheric harmonics
spherical harmonics
spherical function
球体spheroidal harmonic
球体波spheroidal wave function
球体调和spherical harmonic function
球体调和spheroidal harmonic function
球体调和spheric harmonic function
球体谐solid spherical harmonics
球体谐solid spheric harmonics
球带zonal spherical function
球带zonal spheric function
球波spherical wave function
球波spheric wave function
球谐spheric harmonics
球谐spherical harmonic function
球谐数展开spherical harmonic expansion
球谐数展开spheric harmonic expansion
球谐数法spherical harmonic method
球谐数法spheric harmonic method
球谐数系数spherical harmonic coefficient
球谐数系数spheric harmonic coefficient
球谐数级数spherical harmonics series
球谐数级数spheric harmonics series
球谐位扰动spherical harmonic potential disturbing function
球谐位扰动spheric harmonic potential disturbing function
球贝塞尔spherical Bessel function
球贝塞尔spheric Bessel function
球锥sphero-conical harmonics
球锥sphero-conic harmonics
球面spherical function
球面spheric function
球面带谐zonal spheric harmonics
球面带谐zonal spherical harmonics
球面带谐surface zonal harmonics
球面方差spheric variance function
球面波spherical function
球面波spheric function
球面谐surface spherical harmonics
球面谐surface spheric harmonics
理论分布theoretical distribution function
理论分布theoretic distribution function
理论震源theoretical source function
理论震源theoretic source function
生成数的处理manipulation of generating function
生成泛generating functional
真值truth-value function
符号symbolic function
第一类一阶虚宗贝塞尔order one imaginary coordinate Bessel function of the 1st kind
第一类零阶虚宗贝塞尔zero modified Bessel function of the 1st kind
第一类零阶贝塞尔order zero Bessel function of the 1st kind
第二类一阶虚宗贝塞尔order one imaginary coordinate Bessel function of the 2nd kind
第二类一阶贝塞尔order one Bessel function of the 2nd kind
第二类零阶虚宗贝塞尔order zero imaginary coordinate Bessel function of the2 nd kind
第二类零阶贝塞尔order zero Bessel function of the 2nd kind
累积作用cumulative effort function
累积均方值cumulative root mean square function
累积总供给aggregate supply function
累积服务cumulative service function
累积正态概率cumulative normal probability function
累积表面点分布cumulative surface site distribution function
累计分布accumulated distribution function
累计常态分配数表table of the cumulative normal distribution
累计概率cumulative probability function
编译时间内在compile-time intrinsical function
编译时间内在compile-time intrinsic function
耗散dissipative function
脉冲Dirac delta function
脉冲Dirac beta function
脉冲数发生器impulse function generator
脉冲传输pulsed transfer function
脉冲传递pulsed transfer function
脉冲过渡impulse response
舍菲尔环节Shaffer stroke function
茂比乌斯Mobius function
调制modulation function
调制modulating function
调制转换modulation transfer function
调和ellipsoidal harmonics
调和强harmonic majorant
调和振幅harmonic amplitude function
调整adjustment function
调整填料compensating stuffing box
调节adjustment function
谐和ellipsoidal harmonics
谐和harmonic function
谐波harmonic function
谐波响应frequency response function
贝塔beta function
贝塞尔cylindric harmonics
贝尔Baire function
贝森克Besinc function
negative function
负定negative definite function
质量quality function
质量分布mass distribution function
质量担保quality guarantee
退化degenerate function
退化分布degenerate distribution function
逆三角inverse trigonometrical function
逆三角inverse trigonometric function
逆同态inverse homomorphic function
选定的数群selected function groups
选择choice function
选择性selectivity function
递减数单调非增函数decreasing function
递归recursion function
递归数论recursive function theory
通用general purpose function
通用数发生器arbitrary function generator
通用数发生器部件universal function generating unit
通用处理universal function
通称generic function
通量flux function
速度分布velocity distribution function
速度势velocity potential function
速率分布speed distribution function
阈值数的构造structure of threshold function
阈值数表threshold function table
震源source function
震源seismic source function
震源时间source-time function
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