
Terms for subject Aviation containing | all forms
一次使用截兵器non-recoverable interceptor
上下面后部水滴冲界限upper and lower aft droplet impingement limits
下一代截follow on interceptor
下一代远程攻系统next generation long range strike
下游冲downstream shock
代码,发给对空观察员或申请单位以确认地面炮火不参与打该目标will not fire
不反应的冲non-reactive shock
不可回收的截兵器non-recoverable interceptor
不同角度的攻various angle of attack
不对称冲asymmetric shock
中央发弹药center fire
中央发火器center fire
中段截midcourse intercept
中程截medium-range intercepter
中程截medium-range interceptor
中程攻武器medium assault weapon (anti-tank, 反坦克)
中等速度射medium fire
为战斗机或快速攻机进行的空中战斗巡逻combat air patrol for fighters or fast strike aircraft
但不能攻Tally Ho Heads Up
低冲对接系统low impact docking system
低截概率low probability of intercept
低空夜间攻low altitude night attack
低空攻low level attack
低空攻机场系统low altitude airfield attack system
低空攻系统low altitude attack system
先进射飞行评定advanced fire fly assessment
先进弹道导弹截系统airborne ballistic missile intercept system
先进战术攻战斗机advanced tactical strike fighter
先进截导弹advanced intercept missile
先进技术对地攻战斗机advanced technology ground attack fighter
先进攻直升机advanced attack helicopter
先进的军事出技术advanced military sortie technology
先进的战术攻系统任务分析advanced tactical attack system mission analysis
先进的有人驾驶截advanced manned interceptor
先进空空截导弹advanced intercept air to air missile
先进载人穿透打系统advanced manned penetration strike system
先进载人精确打系统advanced manned precision strike system
先进远程截advanced long range interceptor
先进重型攻导弹系统advanced heavy assault missile system
先进间接射系统advanced indirect fire system
先进间接瞄准射系统advanced indirect fire system
光学射瞄准具aiming sight
全向射all round fire
全向射武器all-round arm
全向攻导弹all aspect missile
全天候导航/攻设备all-weather nav/attack aid
全天候战术攻系统all-weather tactical strike system
全天候截all-weather intercept
全天候拦all-weather intercept
全天候歼fighter all weather (战斗机)
全天候防区外攻控制系统all-weather standoff attack control system
全天候防区外攻系统all-weather standoff attack system
全天候防区外飞机攻控制系统all-weather stand-off aircraft/attack control system
全天候防空圈外攻控制系统all-weather stand-off attack control system (美国海军)
全天候防空圈外攻系统all-weather stand-off attack system
全部弹药中目标all ordnance on target
具有多普勒装置的截airborne interceptor with Doppler
初次攻first attack
制空奸air superiority fighter
前交叉截cross ahead interception
前半球进入攻frontal approach
前向攻frontal attack (截击机与目标的航向差大于135°)
前置射leading fire
前置射lead firing
前置角计算光学射瞄准系统lead computing optical sight system
前置计算射瞄准具lead computing gunsight
前视红外攻设备forward looking infrared attack set
前视轻型攻雷达forward looking light attack radar
包络envelope shock
化学袭目标分析chemical target analysis
区域截zone interception
半正弦冲脉冲half-sine shock pulse
协同射时间time on target
single shot
盘形钟single stroke gong
谐音single stroke chime
卫星多方位攻与杀伤系统satellite multiple attack and kill system
同温层截stratospherical intercepter
后交叉截cross behind interception
后峰锯齿冲脉冲final peak sawtooth shock pulse
后继截follow on intercepter
噪声冲noise impact
圆周射武器all-round arm
地域防御寻的截area defense homing interceptor
地对空弹道导弹截系统surface-to-air ballistic-missile interception system
地平面攻ground level attack, reconnaissance and electronic
地面水面发射的截导弹surface launched intercept missile
地面引导截系统给定方向GCI vector
地面指挥截的雷达系统ground-controlled interception (system)
地面攻ground attack
地面攻fighter, ground attack, reconnaissance
地面攻侦察ground attack reconnaissance
地面攻控制中心ground attack control center
地面目标攻控制系统ground target attack control system
地面目标攻控制系统ground-target attack control system
地面自动引导截automatic ground-controlled interception
地面自动指挥截系统automatic ground-controlled interception
地面部队攻ground attack
坠撞冲设计条件crash impact design condition
外冲系统external shock system
外压式冲系统external compression shock system
外部冲external shock
多国歼研制方案multinational fighter program (美国)
多基准射系统multiple reference gunnery system
多次冲防护屏multishock shield
多用途远程攻导弹tri-service standoff attack missile
多目标毁能力multiple-kill capability
多目标拦multiple target interception
多重射的方法multiple shooting approach
夜间对地攻任务Night Owl
夜间歼战斗night fighter
夜间观察射瞄准系统night observation gunsight system
代码fire code
修正correction of fire
修正adjust fire
准备状态firing readiness
fire zone (防火区是飞机上由制造商指定的需要安装火警探测器和灭火器的区域。每个发动机和短舱区域通常被划分为三个防火区。其他部位也可能装有火警探测器)
target range
proving ground
安全角limit of fire
枪炮的循环firing cycle
持续时间engagement time
高炮指挥gun operational control
指挥中心fire detection center
指挥仪attack director
指挥仪型火力控制director-type fire control
指挥仪型计算机director-type computer
指挥器材fire-control equipment
指挥系统fire direction system
指挥系统fire-control system
指挥雷达radar fire control instrument
按钮firing trigger
按钮trigger button
按钮trigger switch
发射按钮firing button
控制gun control
点火控制电子装置fire control electronic unit
控制系统fire-control system
控制设备fire control material
效果记录装置miss-and-hit score recorder
效率fire efficiency
未及undershoot (目标)
标图器attack plotter
样的药筒expended case
shooting method
练习弹target practice cartridge
范围gun fire coverage
范围边界firing zone boundary
装置firing set
装置gun post
试验proof shot
限制器fire interrupter
射流冲jet impingement
射流冲射流振荡器jet-impingement fluidic oscillator
小型雷达寻的拦器技术small radar homing interceptor technology
尾后攻stern attack
尾后进入攻tail approach
尾部射tail-end charlie
轰炸机的尾部射装置tail defensive system
尾部攻stern attack
帽冲模式cap-shock pattern
平均冲average shock
平均冲速度average shock velocity
平面冲planar shock
并着手截Judy (空中截击通话代语)
开伞冲opening shock
弹道导弹轰炸截ballistic missile bombardment interceptor
attack airplane
strike aircraft
attack plane
contour fighter
attack aircraft
成本冲cost impact
战区空军基地易遭攻的弱点theater airbase vulnerability
战斗射wet firing
战斗攻侦察模式适配雷达fighter attack reconnaissance modular adaptive radar
战斗机、侦察、攻fighter, reconnaissance, strike
战斗机,侦察机,对地攻fighter, reconnaissance, strike
战斗机地面攻fighter, ground attack
战斗机攻机动fighter attack maneuvering
"战斧"机场攻导弹Tomahawk airfield attack missile
战术报警和攻评估tactical warning and attack assessment
战术拦导弹interceptor tactical missile
战术、攻与侦察tactical strike reconnaissance
战术攻/侦察tactical strike/reconnaissance
战术攻战斗机tactical strike flight
战术攻战斗机tactical strike fighter
战术攻武器tactical assault weapon
战术攻系统tactical strike system
战术攻雷达和导航tactical attack radar and navigation
战术机场攻导弹tactical airfield attack missile
战术歼战斗机配备弹药tactical fighter dispensing munition
战术空中攻部队tactical air strike force
战术突供应运输机tactical assault supply transport
战术航空电子低空导航和攻系统tactical avionics low-level navigation and strike system
战术陆上攻导弹tactical land attack missile
战略攻strategic attack
任务interception mission
地面光学记录仪intercept ground optical recorder
导弹counter weapon
导弹defensive missile
导弹Brilliant Pebbles
导弹备用控制backup interceptor control
导弹指挥中心interceptor missile direction centre
战斗机interceptor fighter
counterair fighter
机与战斗机轰炸机intercepter and fighter bomber
机中队fighter interceptor squadron
机备用控制backup interceptor control
机大队fighter interceptor group
机控制员interceptor controller
机用计算机interceptor computer
机警告interceptor warning
机飞行员研究实验室interceptor pilot research laboratory
机驾驶员模拟器interceptor operator simulator
武器教官interceptor weapons instructor
价值目标的武器countervalue weapon
军事力量counterforce (使用战略空军或导弹部队摧毁或削弱敌人军事力量)
军事目标的武器counterforce weapon (打击敌方战略军事力量的武器)
力量strike force (由突击部队组成,不一定限于航空兵)
系统研究strike system study
按计划攻preplanned attack
振动和冲vibration and shock
摆锤单梁式冲试验Charpy (test)
改进的突火力单元improved assault fire unit
信息中心attack information centre
attack value
几何图形attack geometry
前侦察prestrike recon
基本机动飞行offensive basic flight maneuvers
strike warfare
战斗机attack fighter
支援offensive support
支援attack support
效果估计attack assessment
显示器attack display
contour fighter
attack airplane
机告警威胁识别与规避killer alert threat identification and evasion
机场的子母炸弹clustered airfield defeat submunitions
武器系统attack weapon system
演习aggressive maneuver
照相机strike camera
照相枪gun strike camera (直接拍摄目标,记录射击效果)
照相枪combat documentation motion camera (直接拍摄目标记录攻击效果)
下令目标engage (用于空中截击)
直升机attack helicopter
确定目标的选定方法selected methods for attacking the right target
用精确制导炸弹确定目标的选定方法selected methods for attacking right target
空中战斗机动offensive air combat maneuver
空中支援offensive air support
空中目标的弹头aerial target warhead
空中目标的沾染性弹头air target environmental warhead
系统操作员offensive system operator
终止attack cutout
航向系统attack heading slot
航线target pattern
转弯点turn-in point
雷达系统offensive radar system
飞机attack aircraft
数字式惯性导航/攻系统digital inertial nav/attack system
数字式综合攻导航设备digital integrated attack navigation equipment
整流罩冲cowl shock
明显的可见撞损伤obviously visible impact damage
昼间战斗机/对地攻day fighter/ground attack
最低截高度minimum intercept altitude
最后攻方案final attack solution
最大冲响应谱maximum shock response spectrum
有人驾驶实验截机计划experimental manned interceptor program
有固定提前角的截航向clinodromic course
有提前角的射lead firing
有效射effective fire
中距离分析器miss distance analyzer
中距离指示器miss distance indicator
未来攻和战斗机future attack and combat aircraft
未来攻性飞机future offensive aircraft
未来空中攻系统future offensive air system
未来空军攻武器future air attack vehicle
末段截terminal phase intercept
机动截导弹mobile intercepter missile
机场攻军需品airfield attack munitions
机枪机炮在一次攻中射击持续时间gun time per engagement
机枪射协调装置gun synchronizing gear
机载地面攻控制系统airborne surface attack control system
机载截与航炮瞄准airborne interception and-gun direction
机载截火力控制系统airborne interception fire control system
机载截火控系统airborne interception fire control system
机载截脉冲多普勒装置airborne intercept pulse Doppler
机载截设备airborne interception equipment
机载截雷达airborne interception of aircraft radar
机载截雷达air-interception radar
机载截雷达与驾驶员攻击瞄准系统airborne interception radar and pilot's attack sight system
机载截雷达和驾驶员攻击瞄准系统airborne interception radar and pilot attack sight system
机载搜索目标攻雷达airborne search target attack radar
机载电子攻airborne electronic attack
来不及作好攻准备no time on station
来不及到达指定截位置no time on station
核打临时目标target of opportunity
核攻潜艇舰队submarine striking force
核突持续时间transattack period
椭圆冲elliptic blast wave
模拟射mock firing
模拟射dry shooting
模拟攻概览图simulated attack profile
欧洲防鸟撞委员会European Bird Strike Committee
正常冲密度比normal shock density ratio
正常冲火车normal shock train
武器/发机构arm/firing mechanism
武器射按钮armament firing button
不用指挥仪的武器直接瞄准射效果模拟direct-fire weapons effects simulation
中队escadrille de chasse (法国)
chase plane
战斗机引导机fighter-direction aircraft
机强化机动性enhanced fighter manoeuvrability (如使用推力矢量控制及滚转耦合机身瞄准工作方式)
机机场守卫师division for fighter planes
战斗机武器教官课程fighter weapons instructor course
气动冲起动系统air impingement starting system
气垫突assault air-cushion vehicle
气象冲的声明meteorological impact statement
水上迫降撞ditching impact
水上降落撞water landing impact
水下发射的攻地面或海面目标的导弹undersea ground missile
水下射underwater range
水力冲hydraulic hammer
水动力冲hydrodynamic impact
水平攻attack from horizon level
水滴撞参数droplet impingement parameter
水滴撞极限droplet impingement limits
水滴撞特'性droplet impingement characteristic
水面攻大队surface attack group
活动射武器free-firing armament
活动式机枪射free gunnery
海上无人驾驶攻unmanned naval strike aircraft
海军空战歼navy air combat fighter
海军航空兵截观察员naval aviation observer, intercept
海军航空截训练设施naval air intercept training facility
温度冲temperature shock
潜艇综合攻中心submarine integrated attack center (submarine integrated battle and data system 潜艇综合战斗与数据系统,submarine integrated control system 潜艇综合控制系统‘submarine integrated sonar system 潜艇综合声呐系统)
火力圈外发射的对地攻导弹stand-off land attack missile
爆炸分冲pyro technic shock
爆轰冲detonation shock
爆震冲detonation-degenerated shock
牛顿撞newtonian impact
牛顿撞理论newtonian impact theory
特种作战终端攻控制器special operation terminal attack controller
猛烈抨land on
高炮用指挥仪射action with director control
高炮用瞄准具射action with sight control
甲板起飞截deck launched intercept
甲板起飞截deck-launched intercept
电子轰感应电导率electron bombardment induced conductivity
登陆突直升机作战保障分队commando helicopter operations support cell
登陆袭中队commando squadron
登陆车轰landing vehicle assault
眼镜蛇"激光夜间攻系统cobra laser night attack system"
着发射percussion fire
着陆冲ground impact
着陆冲耐力landing impact tolerance
着陆时撞landing impact
硬目标攻能力hard target capability
确定射偏差spot (以供校射)
示迹线射瞄准tracer line gunsight
示迹线快速射瞄准tracer-line snapshoot gunsight
稠密大气层截endoatmospheric intercept
中发鱼雷攻air launched torpedo attack
空中冲air blast
空中发射地面攻导弹air-launched surface attack missile
空中发射截导弹air launched intercept missile
空中发射突飞行器air launched sortie vehicle
空中射aerial machine gunnery
空中射air gunner
空中射aerial machine gunnery
空中射靶场aerial gunnery range
空中战术干扰或攻tactical airborne countermeasure or strike
空中战术干扰或突tactical airborne countermeasure or strike
空中截airborne interception
空中截air interception
空中截代语neutralized track
空中截导弹.air intercept missile
空中截导弹信息air interceptor fuze
空中截导弹评估air intercept missile evaluation
空中截控制器air intercept controller
空中攻行动计划air attack action plan
空中活动攻目标airborne moving attack target
空中电子攻air electronic attack
空军搜索攻小队air search attack unit
空军综合攻composite air strike force
空对空射air-to-air gunnery
空对空射用的镞形靶air-to-air dart
空对舰攻导弹air launched ship attack missile
空射攻地面目标的导弹air-launched surface attack missile
空弹射dry shooting
空投鱼雷攻air launched torpedo attack
空气动力提前跟踪攻曲线aerodynamic lead-pursuit attack course
空炸射time fire
空炸射修正high-burst ranging
空炸射修正airburst ranging
空空射空域air-to-air gunnery range
空降突武器airborne assault weapon
空降突特遣队air assault task force
空降突直升机assault helicopter
空降突组组长chalk leader
空降突airborne assault vehicle
空降突飞机assault aircraft
缺氧冲hypoxia pulse
耐冲proof shot
耐冲性聚苯乙烯高频绝缘材料high impact polystyrene
耐冲试验shock resistance test
联合先进攻技术joint advance advanced strike technology
联合制导攻武器joint direct attack munition
联合攻战斗机joint attack fighter
联合攻战斗机joint strike fighter
联合攻战斗机作战与支援成本模型JSF operating and support cost model
联合攻战斗机合同规范JSF contract specification
联合攻战斗机支援方案JSF support concept
联合攻战斗机系统综合实验室JSF system integration laboratory
联合攻战斗机系统综合计划JSF system integrity program
联合攻战斗机项目办公室JSF program office
联合攻joint strike fighter
联合攻武器系统joint attack weapons system
联合直接攻军火joint direct attack munition
联合空中攻joint air attack team
联合远距攻武器joint stand-off weapon
联合隐形攻joint stealth strike aircraft
联邦航空局关于截机作战的批准Federal Aviation Administration authorization for interceptor operations
航空光学射瞄准具airborne optical gunsight
航空射瞄准具airborne gunsight
航空自由射单元aerial free gunnery unit
舰控截ship controlled intercept
舰载反弹道导弹截系统seaborne antiballistic missile interception system
虚拟攻战争环境virtual strike warfare environment
表面冲推力surface impact propulsion
轰炸射bombardier gunner
轻便式战场攻系统portable battlefield attack system
轻型反坦克攻武器light assault antitank weapon
轻型攻侦察light weight strike reconnaissance
轻型攻战斗机lightweight strike flight
轻型攻战术导航与轰炸系统light attack tactical navigation and bombing system
轻型攻战术导航与轰炸系统light-attack tactical navigation and bombing system
轻型攻直升机light attack helicopter
轻型攻直升机中队helicopter attack squadron light
轻型攻鱼雷attack light torpedo
转膛炮的退壳撞extractor striker
高炮逐次接近法射校正creeping adjustment (使炸点逐次接近目标)
通风的冲ventilated shock
速度冲轮廓velocity blast contour
锁膛不到位fire distribution in unlocked position
阀门开启时的冲opening shock
穿threshold breakdown
飞机的防御性射defensive gunnery
防空射靶场anti-aircraft gunnery range
防空火力射指挥系统操纵手air defense fire direction system crewman
防雷lighting protective coating
陀螺射瞄准具gyro-gun sight
陀螺射瞄准具gyroscopic gun sight
陀螺射瞄准具gyro gunsight
静态射static firing
非对称冲asymmetric shock train
非撞射流喷头non-impinging injector
非表定射条件abnormal fire conditions
面对空导弹截研制surface-to-air missile intercept development
面对空弹道导弹截系统surface-to-air ballistic missile interception system
顶部攻top attack
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