
Terms for subject Nursing containing | all forms
三尖瓣开放拍opening snap of mitral stenosis
低钙面征Chvostek sign
体外冲波碎石术extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy
striking with lateral portion of palm
打法striking technique
心前区fist percussion on precardium
类手法tapping technique
大剂量冲疗法high dose chemotherapy
心冲ballistocardiogram, BCG
心包叩pericardial knock
punching manipulation
指尖striking with fingertip
striking with palm
pistol-shot sound
striking with mulberry twigs stick
electric injury
急救护理emergency care of electric shock
性白内障electric cataract
除颤Electric defibrillation
硬币叩coin percussion note
胸部叩chest percussion
舒张期心包叩diastolic pericardial knock
金属叩metallic percussion note