
Terms for subject Business containing 出 书 | all forms
以书面提出异议file a protest
作出拒付拒兑证书期限time limit for notice of dishonour
再出口保证书reexport undertaking
再出口保证书re-export undertaking
凭厂牌和说明书出售sale by the brand and/or the description
凭说明书出售指凭商品说明书作为双方验收商品品质的依据sale by illustration
出具请求书的债权人petitionary credit
出口免税证书certificate of export duty exemption
出口发货委托书export shipping instruction
出口押汇信用证申请书application for negotiation of drafts under L/C
出口押汇信用证申请书application for negotiation of draft under letter of credit
出口担保书export letter of guarantee
出口检疫证书exit medical inspection certificate
出口检验证书export inspection certificate
出口检验证书certificate for export
出口申请书requisition for export
船只出口结关证书outward clearance certificate
出口结汇证书certificate of foreign exchange settlement for export
出口结算报告书clearing out ward report
出口证书export certificate
出口证明书certificate of exportation
出口货物报告书bill of export
出口预收货款证书certificate of receipt of export prepayment
出境证书exit certificate
发出交割通知书delivery notice issued
售出外汇认可书authorization sheet for sales of exchange
商品出厂证明书certificate of merchandise
复出口申请书application for reexport
对等基金支出授权书counterpart expenditure authority
岁入岁出概算书estimates of revenue and expenditures
支出证书certificate of expenditure
汇出汇款委托书trust deed for outward remittance
汇出汇款或兑换申请书application for outward remittance or conversion
管制物资出口申请书application for exportation of controlled commodities
纺织品出口许可证申请书application for export permit for textile products
退出通知书written notice of withdrawal
预缴出口外汇证明书advance surrender of export exchange