
Terms containing 出 书 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.专利申请书提出日期file date of patent application
econ.专利申请书提出日期filing date of patent application
expl.世纪、商务印书馆是中国最大的出版公司In the past century the Commercial Press was the biggest publishing concern in China. 20
comp.name.中国图书进出口集团总公司China National Publications Imp. and Exp. Corp.
econ.中国图书进出口公司China Books Import and Export Corporation
gen.назв.комп. 中国图书进出口总公司China National Publications Import & Export Corporation
polygr.书边出血edge bleed
econ.书面意见须由独立开业律师提出The written opinion shall be furnished by an independent attorney
China, law书面或者口头提出filed in writing or orally
China, polit.书面提出申辩意见submit the written defence
China, polit.书面提出申辩意见present a written statement in his own defence
China, polit.书面提出质询案address a written question
China, polit.书面提出质询案address a written inquiry
China, polit.书面提出辞职submit his written resignation to
China, law书面提出进行审查的建议make a written proposal for review
China, law书面提出进行审查的要求make a written request for review
China, polit.书面联名提出候选人nominate the candidates with joint signatures
food.ind., law乳和乳制品出口证书样本model export certificate for milk and milk products
econ.他们将出具保证书,通过你方银行向你们提示汇票They will present the draft to you through your bankers under their Letter of Guarantee
econ.代表团对本协议的措词以书面的形式提出异议The delegates presented an objection in writing to the wording of the agreement
China, law以书面提出made in writing
busin.以书面提出异议file a protest
proj.manag.任何以电传或传真发出的通知书在传送时应被视为已发出Any notice sent by telex or by facsimile shall be deemed to have been given at the time of transmission
busin.作出拒付拒兑证书期限time limit for notice of dishonour
securit.债券出售授权书bond power
econ.免领许可证出口物品检验申请书application for the release of articles requiring no export import licence
commer.公证人出具的拒绝证书notarial protest certificate
econ.再出口保证书a reexport undertaking
busin.再出口保证书reexport undertaking
busin.再出口保证书re-export undertaking
proj.manag.再出口证书certificate of re-export
busin.凭厂牌和说明书出售sale by the brand and/or the description
interntl.trade.凭规格书出售sale by specification
econ.凭说明书出售sale by description
busin.凭说明书出售指凭商品说明书作为双方验收商品品质的依据sale by illustration
bridg.constr.出书publish books
securit.出具书面意见issue written opinions
China, law出具公证书issue a notarial certificate
tech.出具详细的损益计算书make a detailed statement of profit and loss
busin.出具请求书的债权人petitionary credit
fin.出卖外汇委托书authorization sheet for sales of exchange
archit.出厂证书certificate of manufacturer
commer.出厂证明书manufacturer's certificate
textile出厂证明书certificate of merchandise
econ.出厂证明书the certificate of merchandise
tech.出厂证明书certificate of manufacture
commer.出厂说明书shop instructions
tech.出厂说明书shop instruction
textile出口交货申请,输出交货申请书application to deliver for export
interntl.trade.出口信用证书export credit
busin.出口免税证书certificate of export duty exemption
tech.出口准备申请书application to prepare for export
textile出口加工原料进口许可证申请书application for import permit of materials for processing export goods
logist.出口危险货物包装容器性能检验证书危包证inspection certificate on performance tests of packing container for export dangerous goods
econ.出口发货委托书export shipping instructions
busin.出口发货委托书export shipping instruction
tech.出口商品知书advice on production for export
econ.出口商申报书exporter's declaration
econ.出口商申请书exporter's declaration
econ.出口商百科全书Exporter's Encyclopedia
econ.出口宣誓书the affidavit of export
tech.出口托收申请书application for documentary bills for collection
interntl.trade.出口报吿书report of clearance
textile出口报告书report of clearance
textile出口报告书clearing outward report
busin.出口押汇信用证申请书application for negotiation of drafts under L/C
busin.出口押汇信用证申请书application for negotiation of draft under letter of credit
econ.出口押汇申请书application for negotiation of draft under of credit
fin.出口押汇申请书application for negotiation of draft under letter of credit
tech.出口押汇申请书application for negotiation of drafts under letter of credit
busin.出口担保书export letter of guarantee
econ.出口拒收委托书advice for export collection
tech.出口授权书export authorization
busin.出口检疫证书exit medical inspection certificate
textile出口检验合格证书certificate of export inspection
tech.出口检验合格证书certificate for export
tech.出口检验合格证明书certificate of export inspection
busin.出口检验证书export inspection certificate
busin.出口检验证书certificate for export
interntl.trade.出口申报书export declaration
interntl.trade.出口申请书export declaration
textile出口申请书notice of exportation
busin.出口申请书requisition for export
textile出口登记证书registration certificate of export
shipb.出口登记证明书registration certificate of export
interntl.trade.出口结关证书outward clearance certificate
busin.船只出口结关证书outward clearance certificate
busin.出口结汇证书certificate of foreign exchange settlement for export
busin.出口结算报告书clearing out ward report
textile出口许可证修改申请书application for amendment of export permit
textile出口许可证修改申请书application for alteration of export permit
textile出口许可证修改证书certificate for alteration of export permit
tech.出口许可证修改证明书certificate for alteration of export permit
textile出口许可证申请书application for export permit
proj.manag.出口许可证申请书application for export licence
textile出口许可证申请书application for export license
textile出口证书certificate of exportation
interntl.trade.出口证书export certification
interntl.trade.出口证书certificate of shipment
busin.出口证书export certificate
busin.出口证明书certificate of exportation
tech.出口证明书export certificate
exhib.出口货物代运委托书shipper's letter of instruction
busin.出口货物报告书bill of export
logist.出口货运委托书entrusting order for export goods
avia.出口适航批准书export airworthiness approval
China, law出口适航证书export airworthiness certificate
tech.出口配额证明书export quota certificate
econ.出口预付货款证明书certificate of receipt of export prepayment
busin.出口预收货款证书certificate of receipt of export prepayment
tech.出口预收货款证明书certificate of receipt of export prepayment
libr.出售剔旧图书book sale
busin.出境证书exit certificate
tech.出库证书dandy note
textile出库通知书warehouseman's order
textile出港报告书clearance outwards report
tech.出港申请书departure report
oil出港证书clearance certificate
textile出港通知书clearing notice
interntl.trade.出港通知书clearance notice
China, law出版淫秽书刊publish pornographic book or periodical
tech.出票授权书authority to draw
proj.manag.出资证明书capital contribution certificate
tech.出资证明书investment certification
tech.出资证明书investment certificate
adv.出边书皮overhang cover
interntl.trade.出险事故通知书advice of fate
interntl.trade.卖出证书sale note
adv.印度出版商及书商协会联合会Federation of Publishers' and Booksellers' Associations in India
busin.发出交割通知书delivery notice issued
proj.manag.发出此网站证书的证书权威已过期The certificate authority that issued this site's certificate has expired
tech.发出认股书issue a warrant
interntl.trade.发出认股证书issue a warrant
commer.发岀出险事故通知书send an advice of fate
econ.合伙公司在对任何项目的投标书中必须列出全体合伙人的全名Partnerships must write out the full names of all partners in their bids for any projects
China, polit.向人民代表大会常务委员会书面提出罢免要求submit a demand in writing to the standing committee of the people's congress for the recall of a deputy they elected
China, polit.向常务委员会书面提出对国务院和国务院各部、各委员会的质询案submit to the Standing Committee written questions addressed to the State Council and the ministries and commissions under the State Council
busin.售出外汇认可书authorization sheet for sales of exchange
busin.商品出厂证明书certificate of merchandise
textile商品出口检验证书commodity export inspection certificate
tech.商品出口证明书certificate of origin
tech.商品出口证明书certificate issue voucher
adv.〔英〕国际图书出口集团International Book Export Group
libr.图书出版合同publisher's agreement
libr.图书出版合同publishers agreement
libr.图书出版合同book contract
adv.〔英〕图书出版商代表协会Book Publishers' Representatives Association
adv.〔美〕图书出版商名录Book Publishers Directory
adv.图书出版者专业协会Book Publishers' Professional Association
libr.图书外借出馆检测仪图书防盗检测系统book-detection system
libr.图书外借出馆检测仪图书防盗检测系统gate-control system
libr.图书外借出馆检测仪图书防盗检测系统alert system
libr.图书外借出馆检测仪图书防盗检测系统exit-control system
libr.图书评论出版物review publication
libr.图书评论出版物review journal
exhib.图书进出口公司Publication Import and Export Corporation
libr.图书防盗检测系统图书外借出馆检测仪exit-control system
libr.图书防盗检测系统图书外借出馆检测仪book-detection system
libr.图书防盗检测系统图书外借出馆检测仪alert system
libr.图书防盗检测系统图书外借出馆检测仪gate-control system
libr.图书防盗检测系统图书外借出馆检测仪book loan out detector
libr.图书防盗检测系统图书外借出馆检测仪Book anti-theft detection system
busin.复出口申请书application for reexport
econ.外汇汇出或兑换申请书application for outward remittance or conversion
sport.如果出现运动员犯规或违犯规则的情况、检查员应立即以书面形式将这一事件报告裁判长In the case of a foul or violation of the rules by a competitor, the umpire shall make an immediate written report of the incident to the referee
textile对应基金支出授权书counterpart expenditure authorization
econ.对应基金支出授权书counterpart expenditure authority (authorization)
busin.对等基金支出授权书counterpart expenditure authority
busin.岁入岁出概算书estimates of revenue and expenditures
fin.岁出岁入决算书annual statement of receipt and expenditure
fin.岁出拨款支付书appropriation transfer warrant
fin.岁出概算书estimates of expenditures
fin.岁出概算书estimates of expenditure
tech.已提出拒绝证书后承兑acceptance for honour supra protest
econ.我方将出具保证书,向你方提示汇票We shall present the draft to you under our letter of guarantee
avia.技术书刊出版协会technical publishing society
commer.按经认可的银行向伦敦丹出的汇票售出牌价付款,汇率以背书时为准payable by approved bank's drafts on London, exchange per endorsement
libr.授权出版的图书licensed book
China, polit.出书面审查意见submit written comments and suggestions on the basis of their examination
econ.提出专利申请书file a patent application
econ.提出了一份说明书,详细地叙述该产品的特色A statement was presented for detailed description of the peculiar features of the product
China, law提出建议书submit a written recommendation
econ.提出承包书submit bid
tech.提出解散申请书file an application for dissolution
adv.播出证明书affidavit of performance
econ.支出委托书authorization for expenditure
interntl.trade.支出概算书estimates of expenditure
tech.支出概算书estimated expenditures report
busin.支出证书certificate of expenditure
interntl.trade.支出证明书certificate of expenditure
fin.支出证明书,certificate of expenditure
tech.支出证明书certificate of expenditures
gen.支票是客户要求银行从自己账户付出一笔钱的书面指示A cheque is an instruction in writing from the account holder to the bank to pay out a sum of money from the account
libr.政府出版物图书馆government document library
libr.【美国】政府出版物送缴本图书馆government document depository library
econ.文物出口证明书certificate for export of cultural relics
econ.未经许可证方的事先书面同意,受让方不得授予任何第三方出售许可产品的分项许可证License mustn't grant to any third party sublicences to sell the licensed products without the licensor's prior written consent
econ.汇出外汇申请书application for remittance
busin.汇出汇款委托书trust deed for outward remittance
busin.汇出汇款或兑换申请书application for outward remittance or conversion
interntl.trade.汇出汇款或折换申请书application of outward remittance or conversion
fin.汇出汇款或折换申请书application for outward remittance or conversion
econ.法院发出的监护人证书letter of conservatorship
avia.波音图书馆技术出版物索引系统Boeing library index system for technical publication
logist.海关保税货物提货单出库证书dandy note
adv.澳大利亚图书出版商协会Australian Book Publishers Association
tech.特别出口商声明书special exporter's declaration
interntl.trade.相对基金支出授权书counterpart expenditure authorization
earth.sc.票据开出通知书letter of advice
econ.秘书安排把她的信件发送出去The secretary arranged for her mail to be forwarded
busin.管制物资出口申请书application for exportation of controlled commodities
busin.纺织品出口许可证申请书application for export permit for textile products
org.name.美国书籍出版商协会American Book Publisher Council Inc.
earth.sc.美国图书出版商理事会American Book Publishers Council
adv.美国图书出版商理事会American Book Publishers' Council
adv.美国教科书出版商学会American Textbook Publishers Institute
adv.自费书籍出版社vanity press
econ.船舶出口申报书application for customs clearance
gen.行将出版的书books to come
proj.manag.要求承包商提出建议书calling for proposals
securit.证券出售授权书bond power
tech.货物出入口报告书bill of entry
econ.资本支出拨款授权申请书authorization request for capital expenditure
econ.输出宣誓书the affidavit of export
econ.这本英汉商业词典将在 2003年由商务印书馆用精装本出版The English-Chinese Commercial Dictionary will be published in an dition deluxe in 2003 with the Commercial Press
textile进出口许可证延期申请书application for extension of date of expiry of import permit
interntl.trade.退出注销通知书written notice of withdrawal
busin.退出通知书written notice of withdrawal
tech.银行出具的履约保证书bank guarantee for performance bond
tech.银行出具的投标保证书bank guarantee for bid bond
tech.银行出具的资信证书certificate of credit standing issued by bank
adv.〔美〕音乐书刊出版商协会Music Publishers Association
commun.预约出版书subscription book
textile预缴出口外汇证书certificate for advance settlement of foreign exchange for export
econ.预缴出口外汇证明书certificate for advanced surrender of export exchange
textile预缴出口外汇证明书certificate for advance surrender of export exchange
busin.预缴出口外汇证明书advance surrender of export exchange