
Terms for subject Winemaking containing | all forms
伏特加大量生产始于16世纪的波兰,从17世纪起,就成为这个国家主要的口商品Large-scale production of vodka began in Poland in the 16th century, and it has become a major export from the 17th century
品酒师能非常准确地说酒的产地和日期A wine critic can pinpoint a vineyard and vintage with uncanny accuracy
有人对新的酒精饮料分类方法提了建议,使酒类名称能够准确地体现产品的真实属性和内涵Some suggestions were put forward for the new classification method of alcoholic beverages to make the product name an accurate reflection of its true attribution
美酒鉴赏家只需要闻一下或者轻舔一下某种年份葡萄酒,就可以明确分辨酒的产地A wine connoisseur may be able to tell exactly where a certain vintage wine was made just by smell and taste