
Terms for subject Project management containing | all forms
一次性支lump sum cost
一款日系角色扮演类游戏、你要消灭层不穷的怪物才能取得胜利。Japanese role -playing game, you have an endless stream of monsters to destroy in order to win
不要将磁盘取、 按任意键、 系统将自动重新启动Leave diskette installed and press any key to automatically reboot system
与其他售方法比较、单位信托基金作为出售计划的第一个项目、具有较多优点Compared with other disposal methods, the unit trust approach as a first step, offers a number of advantages
中国的口收入应该用在发展中国的环保、改善中国工人的民生上面China's export earnings should have been used to make China more green and the Chinese worker more comfortable and prosperous
中国的汇率是世界市场上对政府控制作反应的最后几个关键变量之一One of the last key variables for 'world markets that responds to government control is the Chinese exchange rate
为使亲属受惠而作的产权处置disposition in favour of relatives
买人-售价差put-call parity
买人-售比率put-call ratio
交易员指、近期表现好于大盘的小盘股在临近收盘时出现跳水Traders noted a late sell-off in small-cap shares, which have recently outperformed the broader market
产品生命周期的推阶段introductory stage of product life cycle
从物理存储特征中分离访问标准叫作物理数据独立性This separation of access criteria from physical storage characteristics is called physical data independence
从过去一年多美国经济现衰退以来、 美国的失业率就一直处于上升趋势The proportion of jobless Americans has risen steadily since the United States sank into a recession more than a year ago
他特别指机构发展内部评级系统大有好处、 可加强信贷风险管理He highlighted the considerable potential benefits to institutions of developing such systems to help enhance their credit risk management
他计划将公司售一事、 我们一直被蒙在鼓里We were completely in the dark about his plan to sell the company
以交钥匙合同方式export by turnkey contract
任何以电传或传真发的通知书在传送时应被视为已发出Any notice sent by telex or by facsimile shall be deemed to have been given at the time of transmission
但这场辩论的确反映、 有多少认知不一致以及彻底的不确定性一一继续威胁着市场But what this debate does show is just how much cognitive dissonance——and utter uncertainty——continues to stalk the markets
低价买人而高价卖buy low and sell high
你基本上要计算一个至少能长期收支平衡的公式、不论你的对手怎么做You basically compute a formula that can at least break-even in the long run, no matter what your opponent does
修葺及支方面的免税额allowance for repairs and outgoings
借用及借证券borrowing and lending of stocks
停业后的支post-cessation payment
先进先计算法first in first out method
口证书certificate of re-export
口值net exports
乎意料地、她得到了这份录影带讲经的小册子、她感受到内心的召唤、因此便携友同来To her surprise, she unexpectedly received a pamphlet about the video-lecture and she felt moved in her heart, so she came with a friend
人境手续entry and exit procedures
人权right to access
什么事了?她发现你的 CD 刻录机了?What's wrong? Did she find your CD burner?
具保函issue guarantee
厂单价unit price EXW
发港port of embarkation
口业绩export performance
口代理商export agents
口价export price
口信贷财务export financing
口和进口同时下降、 至少部分由于去年同期基数较高The slowdown in both exports and imports is at least partly due to a higher comparison base in the year-earlier period
口市场拓展计划export market development programme
口总值total export
口批发商export jobbers
口担保export bond
口服务净额net export of services
口正式手续export formalities
口管理公司export management company
口装船须知export shipping instructions
口许可证申请书application for export licence
口证export licence
口货值value of export
口货值export value
口贸易商export merchants
口银行保函export bank guarantee
dispose of
售价格offered price
售价格disposal price
售没收物品所得收人proceeds of forfeit
境文件exit documents
差津贴mission installation allowance
市代表floor trader
市员authorized clerk
市经纪floor broker
席时间show-up time
库通知单warehouse-keeper's order
appearance in court
押人mortgagor mortgager
故障时自动备份fail over
船舶港结关port clearance
港货物结关port clearance
示证据tender evidence
票后…天...days after date
让人公司transferor company
资证明书capital contribution certificate
保险人ceding insurer
再保险保费reinsurance premium ceded
mark off
set out
利用拼写检查器、可避免网站现尴尬的拼写错误、否则会降低网站的信誉度Use a spelling checker, spelling mistakes are embarrassing and hurt credibility
制造商口代理manufacturers' export agents
剩余现金的汇export of cash surpluses
此网站证书的证书权威已过期The certificate authority that issued this site's certificate has expired
只读存储器基本输人输系统read-only memory basic input/output system
可以导光栅图像对象为 PDFCan export raster image object to PDF
可扣税的支allowable expenses
可视图文是电子版的一种形式、 它由与终端和个人计算机相连的数据库组成Videotex is a form of electronic publishing that consists of a database connected to terminals or personal computers
合成售期权synthetic put
后人先last in first out
后进先next-in-first-out method
后进先last-in first-out
后进先计算法last in, first out method
向海关申报enter in
在-份措辞含糊的公告中、雷普索尔重申了其售 YPF 部分股权的意愿、并表明可能采用公开出售股份的方式In a vaguely worded announcement, Repsol reiterated its desire to sell part of its YPF stake, possibly through a public share offering
在全球层面、似乎没有一套从经济中抽走这些流动性的退策略Globally, there does not seem to be an exit strategy in place to drain this liquidity from the system
在导Outlook 联系人之前、了解 Outlook 通讯簿和 OutlookBefore you export contacts from Outlook, it helps to understand the difference between the outlook Address Book and Outlook Contacts (联系人之间的区别很有帮助)
在数据查找中现一个不可恢复的错误A non-recover able error occurred during a database lookup
在第二次世界大战之前、 英国曾经是世界上重型资本货物的主要口国Britain was one of the world's leading exporters of heavy capital goods until the Second World War
基本输人输系统basic input/output system
如果你退一次编程会话、你所有的全局变量就被系统保存到磁盘上的一个文件里If you quit your session, all your global variables were saved by the system to a disk file
如果负责这个项目的国有企业打算在如此巨大的投入下有所回报、那么消费者的支不得不涨And if the new state-owned enterprise is to get a return on the huge investment required, broadband charges for consumers will have to rise
婴儿潮生的一代人baby boomers
安果你想、可以选择输文件夹中的照片+自解压档案文件和电子邮件Select output folder for photos + self-extracting archive and email if you -wish
对于时间戳标记、我们所需要的很简单:只要一个能够输某个页面最后的修改数据的简单标记In the case of the time-stamp tag, our needs are pretty simple: we want a simple tag that outputs the last-modification date of a page
导入与导普通电子邮件程序、个人信息管理器和标准文件格式Import from and export to popular email programs, personal information managers, and standard file formats
射频调制器的输频带可以通过上/下拨动开关选择3频带/4频带Output channel 3 or channel 4 of radio frequency modulator can be selected by up /down toggle switch
将磁心存储器读放大器的输出选通到寄存器的触发器中的一种脉冲A pulse to gate the output of a core memory sense amplifier into a trigger in a register
小额纳金petty cash
平均价格售期权average price put
1946 年、世界上现了第一台电子数字计算机"ENIAC"、用于计算弹道In 1946, there have been the world's first electronic digital computer "ENIAC", used to calculate the trajectory
建设一租一移交Build-Rent-Transfer (BRT)
日期issuing date
开支支expense disbursement
窗口链接到一个音频文件、 以便您能听取和键入注册所需的指定字符This pop-up window links to an audio file so you can listen to and type the special characters required for registration
总支gross expenditure
意大利和英国一样、其繁荣也依赖口和外来投资Italy, like the UK, is a country whose prosperity depends on exports and inward investment
我们是同一业务范围内的主要口商之一We are introducing ourselves as one of the leading exporters of the same line of business
我们的程序使用了一条较长的输语句、 重写程序、 使用单独的语句打印每一个操作数We wrote the output in one large statement. Rewrite the program to use a separate statement to print each operand
我们预料将现一种测试套件、其内整合了常见的故障现象、包括人为、软件与硬件所导致的错误We envision a test suite that would incorporate common failures, including errors caused by humans, software and hardware
所有价格指厂价、不包括包装和保险、同时也不包括法定营业税All prices are deemed to be ex-works, excluding packaging and insurance, and excluding the applicable statutory turnover tax
dealers 所有经销商承诺的超本服务卡上各条款的附加承诺由经销商自行兑现All dealers commitment beyond the provisions of the additional commitment in this service card will be charged by
所谓的综合险、是指对全部财物保了险、具的是一份综合保单Blanket insurance means insurance which covers everything, a comprehensive policy
息率offer rate
招标sale by tender
描述有版权的软件或其他版物的合法使用范围的法律规则fair use
呈请的债权人petitioning creditor
要约公司offeror company
净额net payment
及开支outgoings and expenses
控制pay-off control
计算法expenditure approach
数据媒体的初始化、 使某一特定计算机系统能将数据存在媒体中、 随后又可以从该媒体中检索The initialization of a data medium ensures that a particular computer system can store data in and subsequently retrieve data from the medium
文中提使用匹配选通门提高低频信号频率测量精度The match strobe gate is presented to improve the measurement precision of low frequency signal
无法保存子树目录:读取注册表值的内容Cannot save subtree: error reading a registry value's contents
无用输garbage in, garbage out
无用输人、 无用输garbage in garbage out
智能输人/输intelligent Input/Output
智能输人/输设备Intelligent Input/Output
最适当支optimum rate of expenditure
有现金支限额的分目cash-limited subhead
服务口地exporter of services
本地产品domestic export
本地产品口增长率growth rate of domestic export
本地产品口总额overall domestic export
本票上未记载付款地的、票人的营业场所为付款地Where the place of payment is not specified on a promissory note, the business premises of the maker is the place of payment
根据通胀而作的调整inflation-related adjustment
此时、Microsoft Word 启动、Word 邮件合并工具栏At this point, Microsoft Word starts, and the Word Mail merge toolbar appears
每月发薪日从你的银行账户里提你几乎不注意的50美元、累积起来一年就有600 美元、还有你的投资回报That $50 a month leaving your bank account on payday that you barely notice will add up to $ 600 a year, plus your return on investment
每过 5 秒就会现一个警告框An alert box will be displayed after 5 seconds
汇费支remittance fee paid
没有做反应的投标non-responsive bid
没有现金支限额的分目non-cash-limited subhead
派遣中国专家sending of Chinese specialist abroad
然而、正如其名字只读存储器所指的那样、CD 盘不能写、也不能通过任何方式改变其内容However, as the name read-only memory implies, CD disks cannot be written on or changed in any way
玛西一开始是当银行纳员、但现在她是贷款员Marcy started as a bank teller, but now she's a loan officer
现在、 您已经准备好、 可以将数据文件中的信息合并到一个标签版物中了Now you're ready to merge information from the data file into the label publication
现金彩票活动售的彩票数目number of cash-sweep tickets sold
现金支cash disbursement slip
现金支限额cash limit
现金流cash outflows
电子版物electronic journal
电脑芯片和太阳能电池板的基本成分系同门:薄薄的硅片Computer chips and solar panels are made of the same basic stuff: thinly sliced silicon
看样sale by sample
禁止…船只出人put an embargo on
第二、中国人民银行明年将推何种贷款配额?Second, what sort of loan quota -will the PBOC roll out for next year?
美国国际集团可能挂牌售的最有价值资产之一、 是它的亚洲人寿保险业务One of the most valuable parts of AIG likely to be put up for sale is its Asian life assurance operation
美联储不应当为了刺激累计总需求而做会导致未来通货膨胀的承诺The Federal Reserve should not make a credible commitment to future inflation as a means of stimulating aggregate demand
联行利息支interest paid to inter-branches
自愿提的技术备选方案unsolicited technical alternative
若数据线也正常、则有可能是主机的 USE 接口现问题了If the data cable works well, it is possible that USB interface on the computer goes wrong
被打印的输称做硬拷贝、 显示在屏幕上的输出称做软拷贝Output that is printed is called hard copy and output that is displayed on a screen is called soft copy
裁员支redundancy payment
要求承包商建议书calling for proposals
要约卖offer to sell
要约贷offer to lend
计算机输缩微胶卷computer-output microfilm
设备再口保函guarantee for re-export of equipment
证券借用及借协议stock borrowing and lending agreement
该事实可以解释当财政部改变其原始数据之后、 估测的实际利率明显下降This fact could explain the large jump down in the inferred real interest rate when the Treasury changed the raw bond data it uses
语音输voice output
货物及服务export of goods and services
资金支expenditure of fund
软件版业者software publisher
合同typing-out contract
频道output channel
输人/输I/O (input/output)
输人/输处理器input/out processor
输人/输处理器I/O processor
输人/输接口input/out interface
输人/输控制器I/O controller
输人/输端口input/out port
输人/输设备input/output device
近来、 商业模式以拥有专利保护的知识产权形式现、 更加为人们所重视Business models have taken on greater importance recently as a form of intellectual property that can be protected with a patent
这一利率水平是以货币市场上廉价的利率为基础、外加少量管理费用与贷款利润计算来的This was calculated on the basis of a cheap money market rate, plus a small administration fee and a lending margin
这个索引按开支总目、 列每个政策范围下的个别纲领详情This index further provides details by head of expenditure of individual programmes which contribute to a policy area
这个解决方案超了数据处理的范畴、 进入了信息管理领域This solution extends beyond data processing and into information management as well
这些国家在危机到来前都已习惯了盆满钵满的口和税收收入、 现在都面临着重新调整All had become used to swollen export and tax revenues and face readjustment
这种汇编语言输表是支持调试的有用工具This assembly language output listing is useful as a debugging aid
口贸易import and export trade
口贸易统计数字import and export trade statistics
退壁垒exit barriers
退登录log out
退登录log off
最有利的投资等cherry picking
银行借贷款一百万美元、 现在贷款人尚在偿还中The bank has one million dollars outstanding loan
预算内支budgeted expenses