
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
一次性强制转换的买人/卖期权one-time mandatory call/put options
一般销售费用和管理支selling general & administrative expenses
一般销售费用和管理支selling general & administrative SG&A expenses
三对一比率three-against-one ratio writing
三对一比率three against one ratio writing
上涨局期权up-and-out option
上涨局期权up-and-away options
下跌局期权一种障碍期权,它在股票价格低于某个障碍价格时就自动到期无效knock-out option
下跌局期权一种障碍期权,它在股票价格低于某个障碍价格时就自动到期无效down-and-out option
不当支unjust disbursement
不必要支nugatory expenditure
不能售的债券non-marketable security
不能售的债券non-marketable bond
不能分配的支unallocatable expenditure
不能汇的资金unremittable fund
不附息sell flat
专利支royalty payment
业绩色的企业high-performing corporation
东京银行同业拆利率/放款利率Tokyo interbank offered rate
个人股权private equity sale
中国同业拆利率China inter-bank offered rate
为买人而售证券proceeds sale
为了零售股份发的临时凭证scrip certificate issued for fractional shares
为……出高价offer a high price for
为招揽顾客而降价售的商品loss leader
乘强劲势头sell on strength
乘高sell on strength
买人/卖日记账purchase/sales journal
买人及卖资产acquisition and disposition of assets
买人或售的证券acquire or dispose security
买方bid rate
二对一卖two-against one writing
亏本sell at a sacrifice
亏本卖sell at a sacrifice
互换swap sale
产权凭证deed of surrender
产权契据deed of surrender
交易现异常波动的公司债券corporate bonds with abnormal fluctuation
交易指示最终发ultimate originator of trading instruction
与资本的比率output-capital ratio
增值税output VAT
水平capacity output level
的组成composition of output
从交易所上退withdraw its listing from the Stock Exchange
从货币市场导from money markets
从资本中创造的资本creating capital out of capital
从这些基金撤retreat from the funds
企业流的自由现金流free cash flow from firm
优先价权preemptive bid
优质票据票人prime paper maker
come out
伦敦银行同业拆利率London interbank offered rate
伪造支fraudulent disbursement
估算的租金imputed rent
低于市价selling below the market
低于最佳售价规则down tick rule
低价under selling
低价offer... at a low price
低价卖sell cheap
低价卖sell at a low price
低价售资产sell off asset at depressed price
质押安排create a pledge
依据充分信息作的决定properly informed decision
债款taking out a loan
协议lending agreement
make a loan
的股票lending stock
的证券loaned shares/stocks
股份lend stock
证券security lending
证券lending security
贷款机构lending institution
借人和借证券borrowing and lending of stocks
借第三方账户售selling through third-party accounts
债券售授权书bond power
债券借bond lender
债务支debt expenditure
债权人开汇票creditor drawing the bill
停止卖委托stop order to sell
偿债支outlay for debt payment
偿还贷款支expenditure for loan payment
先行价权preemptive bid
先进先会计计账法first in and first out
先进先库存会计记账法first in first out
免佣金no load
全球挤效应global crowding out
全部抛sell the book
全部抛all-round selling
全面挤效应global crowding out
公开收购股份open offer
共同售权tag along right
共同售权co-sale right
共同go partners
内部under the counter
冠珠售防御法为阻止第三方的恶意收购,企业管理层把企业最有价值的资产出售给他人,从而使公司对第三方的吸引力大为下降crown jewel defense
冲抵卖交易closing sale transaction
净现金流/流人net cash outflow/inflow
减价distress selling
分拆split sale
分期冲销支writing off expenditures by installment
分步售持股distribution stock
分段支phasing of expenditure
的账外资产non-concealed assets
新高record new high
创业资本支initial capital outlay
初次售primary offering
利好sell on the good news
利好抛selling on goods news
到期due on sale
制定合适的方案formulate an appropriate plan
削价undercutting an offering
加价sell plus
加点sell plus
半价sell a half price
单日售金额intraday sale
/买人远期平价put/call forward parity
selling rate
价差short spread
信号sell signal
借人股票sell borrowed shares
冲销sell to close
合成看涨期权short synthetic call
指令selling order
指令sell order
期权和买人期权put and caU
看涨期权short call
看跌期权short put option
看跌期权short put
股数的多少ask size
行权put to seller
订单sell order
认沽期权short put
选择权sell to open
铁鹰式套利short iron condor
卖方卖seller's put
即将现的要约imminent offer
即将卖将卖出,但尚未办理股权转让手续to go
友情防止收购一种方式,受威胁的公司以低于市场价的价格向友好公司岀售大量股票,迫使敌意收购公司为了取得控制权必须购买大量高价股票,最后不得不放弃收购white mail
当一方借出证券而换得现金时,借出证券方称为 "反出"reversing out
后进先late in, first out
后进先会计库存记账法之一next-in, first-out
后进先记账法last in, first out
向买方售的普通股common stock sold to buyer
向公司职员售股票的计划employees stock sale plan
向政府提索赔claims on government
向第三方售的普通股common stock sold to third party
go through
债券put bond
债券offering of bond
债券期权put bond option
同价对敲期权sell straddle
回扣及折让sales rebate and allowance
外国汇票foreign bill sold
外国票据foreign bill sold
带有回购条件的票据bill sold on condition of repurchase
收益率put yield
清理sell out
清理通知sell-out notice
现金担保看跌期权writing cash-secured puts
看涨期权write a call option
认购期权write a call option
认购期权short call
证券所得secondary proceed
资产买价的分配allocation of purchase price to assets sold
资金selling of funds
商业贷款commercial loan selling
在正常支之上above the line expenditure
增加的产increased output
增量资本产投资增量 / GDP 增量incremental capital output ratio
增量资本产投资增量/GDP 增量incremental capital output ratio
备存证券借记录stock lending record keeping
备用backup bid
多头sell out for long
大减价barter away
大宗证券block offer
大宗股票block sale/selling
大量sell the book
季度付quarterly disbursement
完好和易于售的所有权good and marketable title
实缴资额paid-up capital contribution
实际支out of pocket expenses
封人enclosure sale
小订单先进先small order first-in-first-out
小额现金纳账册petty cash book
少数的现金支petty cash
少数票挤minority squeeze-out (控股股东对非控股股东的排挤)
尚未提索赔的余额unclaimed balance
市价sell at marked price
市价涨点卖plus tick seller
市场改变证券交易价以同时满足买卖双方clearing the market
带期权售权的债券option tender bond
幕后违规谋划策者instigators and masterminds
平仓margin position sell-out
平仓closing sale (CS)
平价seUing flat
平均售averaging out
平衡equalizing sale
年度资本支annual capital charge
并购后证券post-merger sale of securities
应付支accrued expenditures
应收口汇票账户export bill receivable a/c
廉价bear sale
廉价如火灾中受损物品一样,被低估的证券也低价出售fire sale
廉价at sale
廉价卖sell at a bargain
支票issue of check
期票make promissory note
订单give out order
开盘sell on open
股票flipping the equity
弹性支flexible expenses
强制售全部财产以抵债sell up
强行selling away
强行卖程序sell-out procedure
强迫目标企业被收购后,向小股东施压迫使他们向收购者出售自己股票freeze out
当场prompt sale
待定subject bid
待机抛hold for release
总支total expense
总支total gross expenditure
意外支unforeseen expense
成批售交易block sale/selling
战略性股权strategic stake sale
战略/策略strategic sale
战略资产strategic stake sale
利益冲突之所在identify conflicts of interest
投人一产分析input-output analysis
投人/产分析与预测input /output analysis and forecast
投人/产input/output tables
投机抛speculate on a fall
折价below par
trade me out
bailing out
抢先深知客户动向,经纪人利用大单对市场影响,为自己炒股谋利tape racing
抬一脚退taking off a leg (构成价差交易的两个期权仓量为两脚,结清一个仓量则为抬一脚)
抬价售者by bidder
债券pledged bonds
资金release funds
担保contribution pledged
利率offered rate
利率offer rate
拉高股票推销商通过网络使鲜为人知的股票价格膨胀起来,当股价达到高点时,趁机抛光手中所有的股票pump and dump
拍卖sell by auction
拍板或击锤卖货物knock down
持有证券等到涨价时long of the security
put up a sell order
挂牌open selling
资比率分红draw dividends in proportion to their capital contribution
按协议买人后再售的证券securities purchased under agreement to resell
按品级sale by type
按市价sell current price
按市价sale at market price
按成本计算库存股的售价格disposal price of treasury shares cost basis
按时价sell current price
按标准sale by standard
按种类sale by type
挑选的股票shopped share
freeze out
合并freeze-out merger
泡沫pop a bubble
排挤市场shake out
推算的交易价格imputed price
推算的价值imputed value
推迟作决定defer a decision
come out
withdrawal fee
资金withdraw funds
擅自支unauthorized outlays
不平衡disequilibrium of balance of payments
收回贷股票stock loan recalls
收市后最高after hours best bid
收盘sell on close
收盘last sale
收盘卖或收盘买进sell or buy on close
收盘卖sell on close
收盘后最高after hours best bid
收购takeover bid
贷款credit granting
整批block offer
暂跌不long pull
最低lowest offer
最后closing bid
有优先权认股have priority in subscription for new shares
固定资产有偿转transfer-out with compensation
有关购人/让交易权的资讯服务Notification Service of Purchase/Sale of Trading Rights
有担保的卖空covered short selling
有进有的交易two-way trade
期权售者option seller
期权让人grantor of an option
期权让者option grantor
期票的票人maker of note
lose a bid
售的股票unsalable stock
售的证券undigested securities
未售的证券undigested securities
未售财产undeveloped property
未摊销售债券溢价unamortized premium on bonds sold
未支的保留余额unexpended balance of encumbrances
未经认可的撤unauthorized withdrawal
未配平远期售仓量unmatched forward sale position
本票票人maker of promissory note
杂项支miscellaneous payments
极重大的售事项very substantial disposal
根据历史记录推算的公司价值corporate value based on track record
横向售子公司股份horizontal divestiture
证券交易止亏售指令sell stop order
止亏售指令sell stop-loss order
止损卖委托stop order to sell
止损退Stop out
风险transfer risk
没有现缓和迹象no signs of relief
put price
清偿scavenger sale
清偿支discharging expenses
清算人和委托人发的欠债证明receivers' and trustees' securities
溢价借股票lend at a premium
溢价卖sell at a premium
熊市卖期权差价交易bear put spread
特别提的贷款special mention loan
现金sale by real cash
现金cash sale
现金纳册cash book
现金纳账户receipts and payments account
现金支账册paid cash book
现金集中与支cash concentration and disbursement
生存要付的代价price of survival (股市)
用摊还法计算的价值amortized value
由……提出的股票stock quotes offered by...
留存收益信托的让人grantor retained income trust
看涨同价买卖bull straddle writing
看涨期权售者call writer
看跌期权售人put writer
真实售认定true sale treatment
确定firm bargain
确定的firm offer
票据票地点place of issue
离场退leg lifting
私下private offering
私人资产退策略private property exit strategy
私募股权private equity sale
私有财产手策略private property exit strategy
程序性售program selling
稳定stabilizing bid
空头售规则short sale rule
空头sell out for short
空头套利bear straddle writing
立刻prompt sale
第三方借third party lender
累积看涨期权graduated call writing
累进认购期权graduated call writing
约定支contractual payment
股东资额capital contributions of shareholders
股市现好转pick-up in share performance
股票借业务stock lending business
股票借参与者中央结算系统参与者stock lender participant
股票售收益gains on sale of stock
股票借stock lending
股票借人留存记录record keeping by stock lender
股票借账户stock lending account
股票借人和借stock borrowing and lending
股票贷stock loan
虚假false capital contribution
被借股票loaned shares/stocks
被控支controlled disbursement
被迫distressed sale
被迫shake out
要价过高失去手时机overstand one's market
要求示有关上市公司记录和文件的权力power to require production of records and documents concerning listed corporations
要求提报告request for a report
要求提理由的信函show-cause letter
要求提索赔的公告notice inviting claims
要约offer for sale
规定支fixed expenses
认购期权售者call writer
权益carve-out interest
证券sale of securities
证券售利润profit on sale of securities
证券售损益gain and loss on sale of securities
证券售授权书bond power
证券售账户收益gain on the sale of securities A/C
证券借securities lending
证券组合portfolio sale
所有 A 股前30名ranking the top 30 of all A shares
财产售通知submittal notice
财产售限制limitation on asset dispositions
财务版社financial press
货币资验证verification of monetary capital
put out
make a loan
股票stocks loan
股票业务stock loan business (以贷出证券来获得收益的经纪公司业务)
证券security loan
证券stock loan
证券lending security
贷款loan sales
费用支power to incur expense
资产asset sale
资产售损益gains or loss on disposal of asset
资本产capital output ratio
资本产capital output ratio
资本净流人/流net capital inflow/outflow
资本性支capital expenditure
资本性支审批capital expenditure authorization
资本总支total capital expenditure
资本支指令capital order
资本支集合制度system of pooling of capital expenditure
资本流migration of capital
资本输export capital
资金汇fund remittance
赔本sell below cost
趁涨卖selling the bulge
趁跌selling the weakness
面值或申报价值的实缴资本paid-in capital in excess of par or stated value
输人售指令input a sell order
边际资本产marginal capital-output ratio
IPO 退IPO exit
退lock out
退get out
退交易exiting from a trade
退交易come out of the trade
退债券exit bond
退日期exit date
退机会、脱手机会exit opportunity
退机制exit mechanism
退条款market out clause
退的合伙人retiring partner
退的合伙人outgoing partner
退策略exit strategy
退计划exit plan
退withdrawal fee
退/进人基金的权利exit/ entry privilege
递涨卖在上涨市场以一定价格间隔卖出scale up
造市商大笔抛specialist block sale
逢高卖sell into strength strategy
证券避税tax selling
配对matched sale
长仓售委托long sale order
长仓售指令long sale order
长期long sale
长期卖long sale
防止现意想不到的后果guard against unintended consequences
防止金融市场中现恐慌情绪head off panic in financial markets
限价卖指令sell limit order
限制大股东售股票restriction on sale of shares by controlling investor
除去新股sold ex new
除去红利sold ex dividend
随时售证券的体制tap stock system
隐名silent contribution
隨传闻现的股价异动abnormal fluctuation of the stock prices with rumors
come out
非流通股non-tradable share-sale
靠谣传买进、靠实际抛buy the rumor, sell the fact
预备性backup bid
频繁同日frequent intra-day orders
首次售指令first sell order
首次提报价making first offer
香港同业隔夜拆利率overnight Hong Kong interbank offered rate (HIBOR)
马德里银行同业拆利率Madrid interbank offered rate
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