
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
世界总产world output
个人收人和支personal income and outlays
个人消费支价格指数personal consumption expenditures price index
个人账户转transfer-out of individual account
中国口信用保险公司China Export and Credit Insurance Corp
中国工厂产分类指数sub-index for Chinese factory output
中国进口银行Export-Import Bank of China (成立于1994年,是直属国务院领导的、政府全资拥有的国家政策性银行,其主要职责是为促进对外关系发展和国际经贸合作提供政策性金融支持)
中央银行开的票据bill drawn by the central bank
临时支non-recurrent expenditure
临时支额外费用extraordinary expenditure
为人类做新的更大的贡献make new and greater human contributions
为包容和可持续的经济增长做贡献contribute to inclusive and sustainable economic growth
买人沽策略buy-and-sell strategy
买方bid quotation
买方bid quote
买方bid price
亏本售的商品distress merchandise
差异yield variance
产量法计提折旧或费用分摊的方法,产output method
人不敷风险shortfall risk
人为压低人民币汇率以支持口商keep the renminbi artificially cheap to support exporters
从废料回收和售不合格材料的收益the credits obtainable from the recovery of scrap or sale of reject materials
从金融危机中被解救be pulled out of the financial crisis
企业"走去"enterprises "went global"
优化财政支结构optimize the structure of expenditures
低效私人投资支inefficient private investment spending
义务承诺的资金obligated fund
作现金keep the cash
佣金支commission expense
offer for sale
依赖口拉动型增长rely on export-led growth
依赖口来支撑经济增长rely on exports to support economic growth
一笔钱make a loan
外币资金foreign currency funds lent
股份loaned shares
债务融资消费支debt-financed consumer spending
债权人开汇票票据creditor’s bill
债权人开汇票creditor draw the bill
债权人开的汇票creditor's bill
债款支expenditure for loan payments
积极表态offer a positive statement
重大战略决策make major strategic decisions
偿还口借款export loan repayment
偿还债务支outlay for loan payment
偿还债务支outlay for debt payment
储蓄deposit flight
允许进口贸易以人民币开具发票和结算allow imports and exports to be invoiced and settled in renminbi
允许非贸易资金自由人中国allow non-trade-related flows in and out of China
先进先first-in-first-out method
入不敷run behind one's expenses
全部公共支total public expenditure
全部支涵盖法overall coverage method
公共住房支spending on public housing
公共支public spending
公共支theory of public expenditure
公用事业支public utility expenditures
其他支在收益中减除的营业外支出deductions from income
其他支在收益中减除的营业外支出deduction from income
再保险分reinsurance cedant
再保险分公司ceding insurer
净资本流net capital outflow
减少reduce exports
减少消费支reduce consumer spending
保险业务portfolio ceded
利息对口比率interest export ratio
利息支interest charge
利用金融体系来资助公共支use the financial system to fund public expenditure
到期拨养老金terminal funding
制造业产manufacturing output
刺激stimulate exports
刺激消费者支stimulate consumer spending
削减支spending cuts
削减资本支cut capital spending
加大政府支raise public spending
产品加工或售决策process or sell decision
加点卖委托sell plus order
劳保支labour insurance expenditure
化解溢效应address spill-over effects
信号selling signal
套利保值selling hedging
套利保值selling hedge
委托selling order
委托sell order
期权writing an option
止损委托sell-stop order
止损委托sell stop order
止盈委托sell stop profit order
汇率selling rate of exchange
现金担保的看跌期权writing cash-secured put
资金selling of fund
卖不不合用可以退还on sale or return
卖空short-selling bid
即期卖汇率selling spot rate
压缩一般性支decrease ordinary expenditures
原始支book of original documents for payments
各种基金合并现金纳表combined statement of cash receipts, disbursements and balance-all funds
合成卖期货synthetic short futures
合格的借qualified lender
名义上的营业支nominal expenditure (revenue expenditure)
向国际投资者售人民币债券sell renminbi bonds to international investors
向经济释放更多的现金release far more cash into the economy
产品成本cost of goods gold (cost of merchandise sold)
即偿还条款due-on-sale clause (指业主出售未付清抵押贷款的房屋时,一旦成交,必须首先还清抵押贷款的本金余额和应付利息)
外国票据汇票foreign bills sold
票据贴现discount on bills sold
租回合约sell-and-leaseback agreement
均价卖期权average-price put option
坚持进口和口并重adhere to both import and export
垫付普通基金款项充作预算支advance to general fund to finance budgetary expenditure
增加产raise output
增加政府支increase government spending
外汇售核定单authorization sheet for sale of exchange
外汇卖selling rate of foreign exchange
外汇卖日记本foreign exchange sales journal
外贸进口总额total foreign trade value
多栏式现金纳簿columnar cash book
多栏现金支日记帐columnar cash payments journal
大宗block sales
大银行定期版报导经济情况的小册子bank letter
子公司股本之买进与卖purchases and sales of subsidiary stock
保证金refundable deposit
保证金guarantee deposit and margin paid
实用支revenue expenditure
实际岁与预计岁出对照表普通基金,特种岁出基金statement of actual and estimated expenditures
实际支out-of-pocket expenses
实际支actual expenditure
将…从债务泥潭中解救出来save... from the debt dragon
将财富转移export one's wealth
将资金撤新兴市场pull money out of emerging markets
将资金撤高息发达经济体pull money out of high yielding advanced economies
纳制度little paying-receiving system
小额支petty disbursement
小额现金纳簿petty cash book
保留数appropriation encumbrances
冲回数appropriation refund
分配数allotment for annual expenditures
分配未保留数unencumbered allotment
审查audit of expenditure
岁入决算书annual statement of receipt and expenditure
拨款支付书appropriation transfer warrant
明细表appropriation analysis
未保留数unencumbered appropriation
未分配数unallotted appropriation
未动用数unexpended appropriation
概算书estimates of expenditures
概算书estimates of expenditure
科目account titles for annual expenditures
预算budget for annual expenditure
预算之偿还appropriation reimbursement
预算代号appropriation code
预算报表appropriation statement
预算数appropriations for annual expenditures
预算数appropriation for annual expenditures
预算数明细帐appropriation ledger
预算明细分类帐subsidiary appropriation ledger
预算法案appropriation act
预算经费appropriation fund
市场market clearing
市场的溢和溢人market spill-over
希腊退单一货币exit by Greece from the single currency
带领欧元区走债务危机heave the eurozone out of its debt crisis
平仓卖closing sale
平均支average outlay
年度支的拨款appropriations for annual expenditures
年度支的拨款appropriation for annual expenditures
年度支预算budget for expenditures
2006年2月1日接任格林斯潘任美联储主席Ben Shalom Bernanke
应收口汇票科目export bill receivable account
应收帐款贴现佣金支commission paid on discounted accounts
应计折旧资产的disposal of depreciable assets
廉价low-cost exports
draw upon
信用证分类帐L/C issued ledger
帐目render account
汇票通知advice slip
附说明的帐单.descriptive billing
开仓卖opening sale
开盘时卖sell on open
引伸来的会计惯例derivative accounting convention
待核销基建支unappropriated capital expenditures
待核销基建支construction expenditures to be written-off against profits etc.
总支total outlay
总计全部支total all the expenditure
意外支extraordinary payment
成本支项目实体资产,非货币性流动资产cost outlay items physical assets; current non-monetary assets
战略strategic sale
所有any and all bid
口销售金额记入总帐post up export sales
投保口商insured exporter
投入-产会计input-output accounts
投入产核算input-output accounting
投机性speculative offering
投资售利益gain on the sale of investment
投资证券的sales of investment securities
报升卖plus-tick seller
抵补期权covered writing
资金lendings to banks and other financial institutions
拉高pump and dump
按卖on offer
捐赠股票的disposal of donated shares
资产surrendered assets
一项庞大的刺激计划unleash a massive stimulus program
人民币结算服务offer renminbi settlement services
人民币结算的产品offer renminbi settlement products
人民币计价的对冲工具offer renminbi-denominated hedging tools
人民币计价的投资产品offer renminbi-denominated investment products
创业板launch the ChiNext stock market
基金的基金launch fund of funds
大规模财政刺激措施launch a massive fiscal stimulus
新的外汇交易品种introduce new foreign exchange instruments
诸多人民币计价产品unveil a slew of renminbi-denominated products
银行间黄金交易业务launch interbank gold trading
黄金期货launch gold futures
paid out
会计expenditure accounting
估计estimates of expenditures
估计estimates of expenditure
保留数appropriation encumbrances
冲回报告report of expenditure refunds
凭证payment document
分类帐payment ledger
削减expenditure reduction
审计audit of expenditure
差异expenditure variance
帐单disbursements account
帐户account of payments
帐户outlay accounts
帐户account of disbursement
帐目giving account
帐目account to give (giving account)
应计制accrued-expenditure basis
应计制会计accounting on accrued expenditures basis
按专款分类classification of expenditure by fund
按业务分类classification of expenditure by activities
按功能分类classification of expenditure by function
按对象分类classification of expenditure by object
按性质分类classification of expenditure by character
按机关单位分类classification of expenditure by organization unit
明细表appropriation analysis
权责发生制accrued expenditure basis
概算estimate of expenditure
款项drawing account
款额剖析breakdown of amount of expenditure
expenditure approach
清单schedule of disbursement
用途object of expenditure
用途expenditure child
用途分类expenditures object classification
用途分类object classification
种类type of expenditure
科目编码expenditure code
类别object of expenditure
证明书,certificate of expenditure
账结算closing of expenditure account
费用吟退款refund of expenses
边际效用marginal utility of expenditure
退款refund of expenses
项目heads of expenditure
项目articles of expenditure
预算budget of expenditure
预算budget for expenditure
预算分类帐appropriation ledger
预算基金appropriation fund
volume of expenditures
支持口企业support export companies
支票票后after the date of the cheque
收入之输revenue export duty
收入和支receipts and disbursement
收入性支revenue expenditure
收入支统括制all-inclusive basis
收入数和发receipts and issues
收入数和发receipt and issues
收入项下支expense against revenue
收益支nominal expenditure (revenue expenditure)
收益支charge to income (revenue expenditure)
收益支expenditure on revenue account
收益的支expenditure on revenue
放松高新技术产品对中国口的管制relax controls on Chinese exports high -tech products
政府刚性支fixed government expenditures
政府担保的口信贷government guarantee of export credit
政府最终消费支government final consumption expenditure
政府购买支乘数government expenditure multiplier
政策的溢和溢人policy spill-over
口订单new export orders
新厂房和设备的工商业支business expenditures for new plant and equipment
明细支预算line-item budget
普通公务支与经费预算合并比较表一普通与特种岁入基金combined statement of general governmental expenditures compared with authorizations-general and special revenue funds
有价证券售损益profit and loss on securities sold
有价证券贷费用charge on securities loaned
有保护期权covered writing
期待现正常的复苏expect a normal recovery
期权卖option seller
期权卖option writer
期权卖option grantor
未支用之岁预算额unexpended appropriation
未计提售债券折价unamortized discount on bonds sold
未计提售债券溢价unamortized premium on bond sold
本年外汇支foreign exchange expenditure annually
本年度岁预算经费current appropriation
本期支成本current-outlay cost
杂用支contractual service
杂项支帐户miscellaneous expenditure account
核准借代理人approved lending agent
根据关贸总协定提的证据GATT justification
止损卖stop-loss selling
止损退stopped out
汇款或折换申请书application for outward remittance or conversion
没有余力再台刺激需求的举措have little room left for further demand stimulus
认沽期权write a call option
认购期权write a put option
国际上的化费paid out
涨点卖plus-tick seller
特别买人special bid
特别会计支预算案appropriation bill
特别卖报价special offering
特殊支extraordinary expenditure
现金入帐簿journal cash book
现金纳中心cash center
现金纳处cash department
现金纳备查簿cash blotter
现金纳日记帐day book cash journal
现金纳账receipts and payments account
现金纳部门cashier department
现金付日记帐cash disbursements journal
现金付日记簿cash payments journal
现金付簿disbursement book
现金付簿cash payments book
现金余现金盈亏cash over and short
现金或资料与现金预测cash flow data and cash forecasting
现金支传票cash payment slip
现金支cash expenditure method
现金支簿cash paid book (cash disbursement journal: cash payment journal)
现金支限制cash limit
现金支预算cash disbursement schedule
现金流negative cash flow
现金流cash outflow
现金流总额aggregate cash outflows
现金输special export import point
现金进与业务经营的关系cash flow related to operations
电子商务零售e-commerce retail export
留存生产支retained production payments
盈利乎意料earnings surprise
盈利乎意料earnings shock
看跌期权售者put writer
真实true sale
硬币的进in-and-outflow of specie
stabilize exports
稳定口收入stabilization of export receipts
稳定口收入基金stabex fund
"稳定口收入"措施STABEX arrangements scheme
立即可售的资产marketable assets
符合规定的支qualifying expenditure
累积支accumulated outlay
线上项目支above-the -line expenditure
美元币值后进先dollar value LIFO method
美元币值后进先零售法dollar value retail LIFO method
美国输入输银行Export-Import Bank of USA
股权stock tender offer
股权退withdrawal of equity capital
股票stock lending
股票借人stock lender
股票售利益gain on the sale of stocks
股票贷账户stock lending account
营业外支other expenses
营业外支non-operating outlay
营业支列入支出charge to income revenue expenditure
营业支岁入支出revenue charges
营业支charge against revenue
营业收人支statement of revenues and expenditures on business
薪资支payroll disbursement
融资租赁中的租人leasor in a financial leasing
行政管理支state expenditure on general administration
被保险口商insured exporter
计划中的支planned expenditure
计划项目支project fact sheet
计划项目支project expenditure
设置口新限定impose new export restrictions
证券securities lending
证券之selling the securities
证券借securities lender
证券的卖sales of securities
财务支fiscal charges
财政支financial outlays
财政支financial charges
货币政策的退monetary policy exit
货币非均衡和市场monetary disequilibrium and market clearing
股票loan stock
lending fee
费用支charge against revenue
资产售收益profit on sales of assets
资产特有期间的支expenditures during ownership
资产负债表支balance sheet expenditure
资助公共支fund public expenditure
资助性支supporting expenditure
资本-产比率capital-output ratio
资本投资支扣减政策capital investment expense deduction
资本支charge to capital (capital expenditure)
资本支long-term expenditures
资本支capital expenditure (公司用以买人或升级实物资产(例如物业、厂房或设备等)的资金)
资本支charge against capital
资本支capital charges (capital expenditures)
资本支与收人capital expenditure and receipt
资本支与收益支出capital expenditures and revenue expenditures
资本支决算capital expenditure decision
资本支核准capital expenditure authorization
资本支申请capital expenditure proposal
资本支计划capital expenditure planning
资本支预算capital expenditure budget
资本输中性capital export neutrality
资本输人管制control of capital import and export
资源的disposition of resources
资金帐户支expenditure on capital account
资金支分配表allocation of capital expenditures
资金流outflow of funds
资金流总额aggregate funds outflow
资金进总额aggregate funds in-and-out flow
全球金融危机ride out the global financial crisis
危机path out of the crisis
危机overcome the crisis
国门go abroad
净利的利息及薪水interest and salaries in excess of net income
票面价格above par
预期surpass expectations
预算excess budget
转分保分公司retro-ceding corporation
折扣export discount
贷款保险export loan insurance
预付制expert advanced system
输入输input-output statement
边际口倾向marginal propensity to export
边际公共支倾向marginal public expenditure propensity
边际支倾向marginal propensity to expend
迅速减速的口增长rapidly waning export growth
过期帐支delayed income debits
退合伙人移权之偿付settlement with retiring partner
退宽松货币政策retreat from easy monetary policy
退宽松货币政策exit from easy monetary policy
退投资策略exit strategy
退政策exit policies
退计划费withdrawal fee
退货币宽松政策withdrawal of monetary accommodation
退exit fee
递延支deferred charges
通货膨胀输export of inflation
造成溢效应create spillover effects
避免现僵局avoid gridlock
重要的大宗商品口国large exporters of commodities
销货成本换算为现金支conversion of cost of sales to cash disbursements
长期口信贷long-term export credit
长期支long-term expenditures
防止经济现大的波动prevent large economic fluctuations
防止经济现大的起落prevent serious economic fluctuations
附回购协议的金融资产sales of a financial asset with a repurchase agreement
降低成本的投资支cost reduction expenditure
限价卖委托sell-limit order
非实物支nominal expenditure (revenue expenditure)
非抵补期权naked option writing
非现金支.non-cash outlays
非贸易支non-commercial payment
面临突的国家主权债务问题face acute sovereign debt problems
预算外支off-budget expenditure
预算外支extra-budgetary expenditure
预算外支expenditure out of budget
预算外收入与支receipts and expenditure out of budget
预算外收入与支receipt and expenditure out of budget
预算支budgetary spending
预算支budgetary expenditures
预算支冲回appropriation refund
预计会现大幅放缓expect a dramatic slowdown
额外支extra spending
香港口信用保险局Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation
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