
Terms for subject Information technology containing | all forms
三态输缓冲器tri-state output buffer
下一代输入/输结构next generation input/output architecture
不对称输入/输asymmetric I/O
不干扰"0"输undisturbed-zero output
不干扰"1"输undisturbed-one output
"1"与半选输one-to-partial select ratio
与设备无关的输入输程序device-independent input/output program
两步读two step read
两步读two-step read
串行输入/输serial input/output
主输入/输控制块master I/O control block
互补输电路complementary output circuit
任务错退出例行程序task error exit routine
作业相关输job related output
作业输文件job output file
作业输job output stream
作业输装置job output device
依次溢progressive overflow
信元错率cell error ratio
信息泄message drain
信息输描述符message output descriptor
倒转读read reverse
比…更好的东西improve upon
停机后输内存内容postmortem dump
停止输入输halt input/output
先结束先,先完先出first ended, first out
先结束先送first-ended first-out
先进不用先first-in not-used-first-out
先进先first-in first-out
先进先first in first out
先进先专门文件FIFO special file
先进先存储器push-up storage
先进先存储器FIFO memory
先进先缓存FIFO buffer
先进先push-up list
先进先队列FIFO queue
先进后first-in last-out
光纤引点光缆fiber-optic breakout cable
光纤引点配套元件fiber-optic breakout kit
入/管理程序entry-exit supervisor
全局输global output
write error
写入时直接读direct read during write
写后直接读direct read after write
24 three out 24
入 口控制系统access control system
入口控制系统access control system
射角departure angle
outgoing degree
outdegree of a node
格字模kerned font
格字符kerned character
版交换语言publishing interchange language
output rate
网调用outgoing call
误差信号error signal
错中断error interrupt
错中断处理error interrupt processing
错中断请求向量error interrupt request vector
错处理error handling
错封锁error lock
错指示系统error-indicating system
错文件error file
错日志管理程序error log manager
错检查bug check
错消息error message
错状态语句error condition statement
错登记记录,出错日志error log
错登记程序error logger
错维修remedial maintenance
错重传error retransmission
错预测error prediction
错预测模型error prediction model
分层结构加输入、处理和输技术hierarchy plus input, process, output technique
分时终端和输入输协调time sharing terminal input/output coordination
分离输入输isolated input/output
列表控制的输入/输list-directed input/output
加入/引多路复用器add-drop multiplexor
动态打印输dynamic printout
匆匆作结论jump at a conclusion
十进制溢异常decimal overflow exception
单输人单输系统single-input single-output system (SISO system)
刷输printing-out tape
印刷打印print out
中央内存dump central memory
受限输output limited
变元的自由free occurrences of variable
只读存储器基本输入输系统read-only memory basic input/output system
可编程序输入/输器件programmable input/output PIO chip
同时输人输simultaneous input/ output
同时输人输simultaneous I/O
同时输入输simultaneous input/output
同步输逻辑synchronous output logic
同轴数字输coaxial digital output
后进先last-in first out
后进先last-in first-out
后进先push-down list
后进后last-in last-out
呼叫溢call spillover
口 处理器quad-issue processor
国际标准连续版物号international standard serial number
图像输设备image output device
图形输设备graphical output device
地址溢address out of range
地址输文件address out file
块输入输通信区block input/output communication area
基本输入/输端口base I/O port
基本输入/输系统basic input/output system
基本输入输系统basic input/output system
增强数据输动态存储器enhanced data output EDO DRAM
增强数据输动态存储器enhanced data output DRAM
声音话音voice output
声音输扫描器voice-output scanner
处理机错中断processor error interrupt
处理机输入输通道processor input-output channel
多输开关函数multiple output switching function
大信息性能增强输large message performance enhancement output
安装installation exit
安装退installation-wide exit
宏指令macro instruction exit
实时控制输入输real time control input/output
对话弹dialog pop-up
事实derived fact
关系derived relation
属性derived attribute
数据derived data
数据元derived data element
数据项derived data item
规则derived rule
工业标准元数据的版需求Publishing Requirements for Industry Standard Metadata
工作输队列work-output queue
网通路的双边封闭用户组bilateral closed user group with outgoing access
带有编码词汇的语音输芯片voice output chip with vocabulary encoded
干扰 "1" 输disturbed one output
平均首次故障时间mean time to first failure
并行输parallel output
并行输入/输parallel input/output
延迟退出口deferred exit
异步I/O,异步输入输asynchronous I/O
异步退例行程序asynchronous exit routine
变换instance transformation
标志spider label
型窗 口部件spring-loaded pop-up
式帮助信息help pop-up
式消息message pop-up
式窗口pop-up window
式菜单pop-up menu
消息pop-up message
彩色缩微版物microform in colour
很快推real soon now
总线错中断bus error traps
成批输假脱机程序batch output spooler
单元fan-out unit
/扇人网络fan-out/fan-in network
/扇入网络fan-out/fan-in network
电路fan-out circuit
扩充溢出结果输extended result output
扩充的指定任务异常extended specify task abnormal exit
扩展输人输控制装置extensiveness input / output control
错误trouble shooting
报文错记录message error record
报文发时间message release time
报文输描述符message output descriptor
指定任务异常specify task abnormal exit
接收序列错指示符accept-sequence-error indicator
接触件拔contact extraction force
承担任务issue the challenge
数值输模块value output module
数字输入/输显示系统digital input/output display system
数据加密算法输DEA output block
数据定向输入/输data-directed input/output
数据输data output
数码输digital output
文件分析表-输document analysis form-output
文件输改写程序output writer
文本弹按钮text pop-up button
无模式弹式窗口modeless pop-up
无用输入,无用输garbage in, garbage out
无用输入输garbage in, garbage out
日期计数器溢date counter overflow
显示输缓冲器output to display buffer
相片print out
智能输入/输技术intelligent I/O
最大不失真输maximum undistorted output
柱面溢cylinder overflow area
标准输幅度磁带master output tape
格式化输入/输formatted input/output
桌上彩色desktop color publishing
模式信息输入输pattern input and output
模拟输接口analog output interface
模拟输通道放大器analog output channel amplifier
模拟量输通道analog output channel
汇编程序错信息assembler error message
汇编语言输assembly language output
汇编输语言assembly output language
汉字输设备Chinese character output device
流式输入/输stream-oriented input/output
流输人输stream input / output
浮动弹菜单floating pop-up menu
混合式输入/输hybrid input/output
overflow position
处理spill process
处理overflow handling
处理技术overflow processing technique
备份卷体spill backup volume
存储桶overflow bucket
指示字overflow pointer
操作overflow operation
条件overflow condition
检查overflow check
overflow line
记录overflow record
路由overflow route
链接溢出技术overflow linking overflow technique
页面overflow page
顺序存取法overflow sequential access method
物理输设备physical output device
独立溢independent overflow area
用户user exit
用户口例行程序user exit routine
用户口队列user exit queue
用户退控制块user exit control block
用打字机打印print out
电子版物electronic publication
电子版系统electronic publishing system
2 的补码溢two's complement overflow
直接地址磁盘读absolute disk read (INT 25H)
直接插入口例程inline exit routine
直接系统输direct system output
直接输入/输direct input/output
破坏destructive read out
破坏性读destructive read-out
破坏性读存储器destructive storage
破坏读destructive read-out
硬拷贝打印输hard-copy printout
程序列表输program listing output
程序化输入/输programmed input/output
程序输入/输缓冲器program input/output buffer
稳定输特性stabilized output characteristic
空输报文null output message
突发式增强数据输动态内存burst enhanced data output DRAM
符号标记mark sensing
算术溢上溢arithmetic overflow
粗暴退rough exit
系统错记录编辑程序system error record editing program
系统列表输设备system list device
系统安装 口例程installation exit routine
系统输设备system output device
红外光高功率输的光导纤维infrared high output optical fiber
约束bound occurrence
约束bounded occurrence
终端输入/输任务terminal input/output task
终端输入/输等待terminal I/O wait
继电器退disengaging value
继电器退系数disengaging ratio
缓冲区溢buffer overrun
缓冲区溢buffer overflow
缓冲区溢攻击buffer overflow attack
缓冲输入输buffered input/output section
网络元素network element rent
网络基本输人输系统network basic I /O system
网络基本输入输系统network basic I/O system
网络基本输入/输系统NetBIOS (network basic I/O system)
网络基本输入/输系统扩充用户接口NetBIOS extended user interface
网络基本输入/输系统扩充用户接口NetBEUI (NetBIOS extended user interface)
网络弹式服务netpopup service
网膜字符读retina character reader
联机模拟输online analog output
脱机输off-line output
自动纳机automated teller machine
虚导数据项virtual derived data item
虚拟输入/输virtual I/O
表式输入输list-directed input/output
计算机数据显示输缩微胶卷阅读器datascope computer output microfilmer
计算机输微缩胶片computer output microfilm
认可输acceptance output
语音输芯片voice output chip
语音输入/输设备speech input/output device
mark sensing
read rate
磁头magnetic playback head
误码率read error rate
bounce rate
软件版商联合会software publisher's association
载波输功率carrier output power
载波输功率变化carrier output power shift
端数,负载数fan out
优先权output priority
作业流output job stream
信号功率output signal power
值域output range
光反射output optical reflectance
功率范围output power range
加载因数output loading factor
卡片箱card stacker
受限output bound
命令数据集output command data set
块反馈模式output-block feedback mode
块因子output blocking factor
导引output steering
工作队列output work queue
报文子组outmessage subgroup
数据集output data set
文件output document
断言output assertion
显示区output display area
标题子组outheader subgroup
格式设计output format design
模块output module
efferent stream
output stream
种类output class
缓冲区output buffer
范围output range
记录output record
设备output device
设计output design
谓词output predicate
/输入字段output/input field
通道output channel
队列output queue
输人输多路转接器input/output multiplexer
输人输电缆input/output cable (I/O cable)
输人输装置设备input/output device I/O device
输入/输中断指示器input/output interrupt indicator
输入/输中断禁止input/output interrupt inhibit
输入/输中断识别input/output interrupt identification
输入/输中断请求向量I/O interrupt request vector
输入/输事务处理区I/O transaction area
输入/输传输块input/output transfer block
输入/输传送块input/output transfer block
输入/输例程input/output routine
输入/输功能I/O function
输入/输协处理器I/O coprocessor
输入输单元I/O cell
输入输命令的链接chaining of I/O command
输入输处理多路转换器IOP multiplexer
输入输处理机input/output processor
输入/输处理机input/output processor
输入/输外围设备input/output peripheral
输入/输奇偶中断input/output parity interrupt
输入/输媒体input/output medium
输入/输子系统input/output subsystem
输入/输存储区input/output area
输入/输存储器input/output storage
输入/输寄存器input/output register
输入/输程序input/output library
输入/输总线input/output bus
输入/输指令input/output instruction
输入/输接 口模块input/output interface module
输入/输控制器input/output controller
输入/输控制块input/output control block
输入/输控制段input/output control section
输入/输控制程序input/output control program
输入/输控制系统input/output control system
输入/输操作input/output operation
输入/输文件input/output file
输入/输标准接口input/output standard interface
输入/输标识input/output referencing
输入/输I/O slot
输入/输流量控制input/output traffic control
输入/输特权指令I/O privileged instruction
输入/输状态块I/O status block
输入/输电缆input/output cable
输入/输程序通信块input/output program communication block (I/O PCB)
输入/输端 口控制input/output port control
输入/输端口input/output port
输入/输符号input/output symbol
输入/输系统子例程input/output system subroutine
输入/输终端input/output terminal
输入/输缓冲器input/output buffer
输入/输装置input/output unit
输入输设备input-output device (I/O device)
输入/输设备控制器input/output device controller
输入/输语句input/output statement
输入输请求字request word for input/output
输入/输请求字input/output request word
输入/输转接input/output switching
输入/输连接器input/output connector
输/入输适配器input/output adapter
输入/输适配器input/output adapter
输入/输通道input/output channel
输入/输通道总线input/output channel bus
输入/输通道控制器input/output channel controller
输入/输配置程序I/O configuration program
输入/输锁定I/O lockdown
输入输问题确定input/output problem determination
输入/输队列input/output queue
输入/输队列元素I/O queue element
输入/输附加程序input/output appendage
输入/输限制input/output limited
输入/输驱动程序input/output driver
退jack out
通 道适配器输入输管理程序channel adapter input/output supervisor
通信输入输控制系统communications input output control system
通信输入/输控制系统communications input/output control system
通用软盘读universal floppy reader
通用输变压器universal output transformer
通用输输入控制器universal input-output controller
通道输入/输channel input/output
逻辑输设备logical output device
逻辑输入/输功能logical I/O function
逻辑输入/输控制系统logical input/output control system
链接溢chaining overflow
闭锁国际呼叫barring of outgoing international calls
闭锁所有呼叫barring of all outgoing calls
间接输indirect output
随机存取输入输random access input/output
隔离数字输模块isolated digital output module
集中输入/输协调分时centralized input/output coordination time sharing
零输zero output
零输信号zero output signal
非平衡输unbalanced output
非数据输入/输操作non-data input/output operation
非破坏性读non-destructive reading
面向记录的输入输record-oriented input/output
音频输端口audio output port
顺序溢progressive overflow
高级基本输入输系统advanced basic input/output system
高级系统并行输入/输high level system parallel input/output
默认网络输队列default network output queue