
Terms for subject International trade containing 出货 | all forms | in specified order only
主要出口货物的数量与价值quantity and value of principal exports (imports)
以单据出售货物sale by documents
以单据出售货物sale based on documents
以我货未售出为准subject to unsold
债务偿还占货物和劳务出口额的%debt service as a % of exports of goods and services
再出口货goods reexported
再出售货物权right of resale
出口港船面交货vessel named port of shipment
出口货outbound freight
出口货单port clearance
出口货单outward manifest
出口货物export goods
出口货物outward cargo
出口货物export cargoes
出口货物国别价值value exports by country of destination
出口货物报单outward entry
出口载货清单export manifest
出售买方"所要求货物"的合同"requirements" contract
出售存货make one’s market
出售存货make one's market
出售期货sell forward
出售查封货物distress selling
出售查封货物distress sale
出售货物单offer sheet
出售货物所得价金proceeds of sale
出售货物的所有权property in the goods sold
出清存货clearance sales
出清存货clearing stock
出清存货大贱卖clearing sale
出清存货季节season of sales
出港结关货场clearance depot
出示船运货单present a ships manifest
出货地加计运费货品定价basing-point system (of pricing)
出货地加计运费货品定价basing point system (of pricing)
卖出保值期货hedge selling
卖出期货sell short
卖出的期货合同short position
各类货品的投入产出清单input-output bills of goods
因货物不符合合同而提出主张的权利right to rely on lack of conformity
国际货币基金出资分摊额IMF quota
存货出售sales of stock of goods
对出售货物享有的物权real right in the goods sold
对所交货物的瑕疵作出补救remedy defects in the goods delivered
对货物的瑕疵作出补救remedy defects in the goods
就载货的灭失、损坏提出的赔偿要求cargo claim
按"路货"出售的货物goods sold "floating"
收回已出售之货物repossessed goods
未卖出货unsold goods
海港出口 货物量export cargoes at all harbors
海港货物进出港数量harbour station
现金出货cash and carry
看货出售sale by inspection
货品及劳务输出exports goods and services
货品及劳务输出export goods and services
货币支出money outlay
货币支出monetary expenses
货物出仓凭单delivery order
货物分类出售sale by description
货物和劳务出口额exports of goods and services
货物安抵出口地点时有效subject to safe arrival of goods at port of shipment
购货退出returns outwards
购货退出凭单returned purchase invoice
贷出的货币currencies lent
出货物信用证pipe-line credit
输出提货单export bill of lading
输出空运机上交货价ex plane (FOB plane)
输出通货膨胀export of inflation
出货out going freight
还本付息额占货物和劳务出口额的百分比service payments as percentage of exports of goods and services
进出 口货物cargoes imported and exported
进出口裁货清单manifest import and export
进出口货物cargoes imported and exported
进出口货物指数index number of imports and exports
进出口货物许可证制度import and export license system
进货退出return purchase
进货退出return of purchases
送出的货不被接受futile trip