
Terms containing 出境 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.一次有效出入境签证entry-exist visa valid for a single journey
econ.一次有效出入境签证an entry exist visa valid for a single journey
comp.name.中国出人境检验检疫协会China Entry-exit Inspection and Quarantine Association
econ.中国出入境检验检疫局China Entry and Exit Inspection and Quarantine Administration
ecol.中国环境新闻出版社China Environmental News Publication
econ.他有可重复使用的出入境签证,所以他可以随时来去He has a multiple entry-exit visa, so he may leave and come at any time
econ.你把那台计算机运出境外是不合法的Your action of taking that computer out of the country is not lawful
gen.免税店一般设置在出境休息区The duty-free shop is located in the departure lounge
proj.manag.出人境手续entry and exit procedures
econ.出入境关税调整the border adjustment
textile出入境卡embarkation/disembarkation card
econ.出入境手续entry and exit procedures
commer.出入境申报entry/exit declaration
commer.出入境申报表ED card
China, law出入境的自由freedom to enter or leave the territory
China, law出入境管制immigration control
China, law出入境管理机构exit-entry control department
China, law出入境证件exit and entry certificates
China, law出入境通行证Entry-Exit Pass
econ., int. law.出境leave the country
China, law出境departure from the territory
tech.出境交通outbound traffic
China, law出境入境秩序exit or entry order
China, law出境入境秩序exit or entry procedure
tech.出境embarkation card
econ., int. law.出境回执exit receipt
China, law出境地海关customs at the place of departure
tech.出境坡道off bound ramp
China, law出境定居leave the country and settle down abroad
busin.出境手续exit procedure
econ.出境手续exit formalities
China, law出境手续formalities of leaving the country
busin.出境手续exit formality
proj.manag.出境文件exit documents
tech.出境旅客outward passenger
China, law出境旅游者outbound tourist
avia.出境机场port of embarkation (港口)
exhib.出境检查emigration control
exhib.出境outbound travel
exhib.出境outbound tourism
exhib.出境游客outbound tourist
textile出境登记卡embarkation card
gen.出境off bound
econ.出境的命令an expulsion order
interntl.trade.出境签证exit visa
gen.出境签证exit vise
econ.出境许可证departure permit
econ.出境许可证exit permit
busin.出境证书exit certificate
China, law出境证件exit certificate
tech.出境outbound cargo (物)
gen.出境购物时,人们要十分注意个人财物的保管People must take extra care of their belongings when shopping overseas
China, law出境费用exit expenses
tech.出境车道outbound lane
fishery出境通告fishing zone exit notification
fishery出境通告zone exit notification
multimed.出境链路outbound link
shipb.办理出境手续to go through exit formalities
econ.单程出境签证护照single exit visa in one's passport
textile双程出入境签证two-way exit-entry visa
China, law向境外输出export abroad
textile国家出人境检验检疫局China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau (CIQ)
China, polit.国家出入境检验检疫局海关总署State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine (under the General Administration of Customs)
UN国际环境领域最杰出贡献奖International Prize for the Most Outstanding Contribution in the Field of the Environment
tech.境内出行internal trip
tech.境界出入调查cordon traffic survey
busin.外币现钞出境限额limits to exporting of foreign currencies
econ., int. law.多次往返有效的出入境签证multiple entry-exit visa
econ."对外汇、贵重金属和外汇票证等进出国境的管理施行细则"Rules for the Implementation of Controls Relating to Carrying Foreign Exchange Precious Metals and Foreign Exchange Instruments into and out of China
UN, econ.对所有人提供充分无障碍的进出环境full accessibility
fin.将财富转移出境export one's wealth
econ.扣船,禁止出境及扣留arrests, restraints and detainments
China, law持用无效出境证件hold invalid exit certificate
avia.有海关及出入境管理机构的国际机场airport of entry
econ.本国现钞兑换及携出、入境限制协定agreement on the exchange of national currency notes and the limitation of their exportation and importation
busin.环境保护投入—产出模型model of environmental protection input-output
tech.环境保护投入产出表input-out table of environmental protection
ecol.环境保护投入产出表input-output table of environmental protection
tech.环境保护支出environmental protection expenditures
tech.环境性出生缺陷environmental birth defect
earth.sc.环境支出environmental expenditure
tech.环境经济投入产出表environmental economic input-output table
tech.环境资源投入产出表input-output table of environment resources
ecol.环境资源投入产出表input-output table of environmental resources
shipb.申请出人境apply for entry and exit
commer.设于关境外允许外国商品免税进出口地区free trade zone
busin.货币进出国境互惠协定bilateral agreement on the movement of currencies into and out of each other's territory
gen.转机时候要出境再入境吗?Will I have to go through customs for connecting flights?
China, law转让入境、出境证件transfer an entry or exit certificate
tech.过境出行through trip
cust.过境货物出境申报declaration for the exit of transit cargo
China, law出境动植物检疫工作entry and exit animal and plant quarantine
econ.出境汽车的监管supervision and control over incoming and outgoing motor vehicles
China, law出境物品articles to enter or leave the territory
China, law出境货物、物品inward and outward goods and article
China, law出境运输工具inward and outward means of transport
econ.进出国境旅客incoming and outgoing passengers
econ.进出国境旅客incoming and outgoing passenger
interntl.trade.进出国境旅客行李物品over incoming or outgoing passenger's baggage and articles
econ.进出国境旅客行李物品的监管supervision and control over personal luggage of passengers arriving and leaving the country
interntl.trade.进出国境汽车over incoming and outgoing motor vehicles
China, law遣送出境repatriate
China, law遣送出境deportation
China, law附加适用限期出境leave the country within a time limit attached
China, law限制出境restrict the exit
China, law限期出境leave the country within a certain time
China, law非法出境illegal exit
econ.驱逐出境the expulsion from the country