
Terms for subject Business containing 出口货物 | all forms | in specified order only
保税货物出仓复出口报单application for withdrawal from bond for export
保税货物出仓完税进口报单application for withdrawal from bond for import
债务偿还占货物和劳务出口额的%debt service as a... % of exports of goods and services
免税出口货物non-taxable export goods
出口货物goods reexported
出口货物关栈removal bond
出口货物export cargos
出口货物保险export insurance
出口货物保险export goods insurance
出口货物报告书bill of export
出口货物清单list of exports
船公司所填出口货物清单outward manifest
出口货物运费outward freight
加工货物出口exportation of goods for processing
商业货物出口commercial exports of goods
官定进出口货物清单official import and export list
指定出口货物earmark goods for export
货物与劳务出口export of goods and services
货物出口export of cargos
货物出口净额net exports of goods
货物出口量physical volume of exports
货物存栈请验并请准出口报单examination and granting export of goods in godown, application for
还本付息额占货物和劳务出口额百分比service payments as percentage of exports of goods and services
出口货物保险insurance for imports and exports
出口货物保险insurance of export-import goods
出口货物报关单customs declaration for imports and exports
出口货物运输保险合同contract of insurance for the transportation of imports and exports