
Terms containing 出口商 | all forms | in specified order only
busin.一般性出口商general export merchant
commer.与银行商定向出口人提供资金arrange with a bank to provide finance for the exporter
commer.专业出口商professional exporter (与专业进口商(professional importer) 相对)
busin.专业出口商professional exporter
busin.专业出口商export merchant
textile专业进出口商professional importer and exporter
busin.专门出口商special exporter
econ.世界出口商world exports
gen.назв.комп. 中华人民共和国国家进出口商品检验局the State Administration for the Inspection of the Import & Export Commodities of PRC
exhib., org.name.中国出口商品交易会Chinese Export Commercial Fair
interntl.trade.中国出口商品交易会Chinese Export Commodities Fair
archit.中国出口商品交易会chinese Export Commodities Fair (CECF)
econ.中国出口商品交易会在4月2日至6日举行The Chinese Export Commodities Fair will run from April 2nd to 6th
econ.中国出口商品包装公司China National Export Commodities Packaging Corporation
commer.中国出口商品包装总公司China National Export Commodities Packaging Corporation
shipb.中国出口商品包装总公司China National Export Commodities Packing Corporation
econ.中国出口商品基地建设总公司China National Export Commodity Base Construction Corporation
gen.назв.комп. 中国出口商品基地建设总公司China Export Base Development Corporation
textile中国出口商品春季交易会Spring Fair
comp.name.中国五矿进出口商China Chamber of Commerce of Metals, Minerals and Chemicals Importers and Exporters
comp.name.中国医药保健品进出口商China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Medicines and Health Products
commer.中国春季出口商品交易会China's Spring Export Commodities Fair
comp.name.中国机电产品进出口商China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products
shipb.中国秋季出口商品交易会China's Autumn Export Commodities Fair
comp.name.中国纺织进出口商China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Textiles
comp.name.中国轻工工艺品进出口商China Chamber of Commerce of Import and Export of Light Industrial Products and Arts-Crafts
logist.中国进出口商品交易会广交会Canton Fair
logist.中国进出口商品交易会广交会China Import and Export Fair
market.中国进出口商品检验China Import and Export Commodities Inspection
textile中国进出口商品检验局China Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau
comp.name.中国食品土畜进出口商China Chamber of Commerce of Foodstuff, Native Produce and Animal Products of Importers and Exporters
textile主要出口商principal exports
commer.主要出口商chief exports
busin.主要进出口商principal imports and exports
textile亚历山大棉花出口商协会埃及Cotton Exporters Association
fin.人为压低人民币汇率以支持出口商keep the renminbi artificially cheap to support exporters
econ.他们愿意担任我们现行出口商品的代理They wish to handle as an agent the goods we are exporting now
econ.他们是棉织品出口商,已经经营了约20年They are exporters of cotton goods, having a business background of some 20 years
winemak.伏特加大量生产始于16世纪的波兰,从17世纪起,就成为这个国家主要的出口商Large-scale production of vodka began in Poland in the 16th century, and it has become a major export from the 17th century
interntl.trade.传统出口商traditional export commodity
busin.传统出口商traditional export commodities
econ.你方报盘来得不凑巧,因为我们刚接受了另一出口商的实盘Your offer arrived at an inopportune time, for we have just accepted another exporter's firm offer
interntl.trade.供出口的中国商品Chinese commodities available for export
econ.供出口的商品commodities available for export
econ.依照买家的设计和商标去制造的出口订单export order for manufactures after buyer's own design and brand
econ.俄罗斯石油出口商联盟Russian Union of Oil Exporters
textile偿还商品出口贷款commodity export loan repayment
textile全国皮革进出口商协会National Association of Importers and Exporters of Hides and Skin
textile全国皮革进出口商协会National Association of Importers and Exporters of Hides and Skin
econ.出口商goods reexported
econ.出口商reexported goods
interntl.trade.出 口商export trader
interntl.trade.出 口商export commodity
interntl.trade.出 口商销售价exporter’s sales price
econ.出口取佣委托商export agent on a commission basis
interntl.trade.出口 经销商export distributor
textile出口中间商export middleman
interntl.trade.出口中间商drop shipper
tech.出口中间商export drop shipper
busin.出口亏损商品commodity-related shortfall in export earnings
textile出口代理商export agent
logist.出口代理商export broker
textile出口代理商export commission agent
proj.manag.出口代理商export agents
tech.出口代理商export commission house
textile出口代理商协会export agent association
tech.出口保险抵偿商业风险的80%export insurance covers 80% of commercial risk
busin.出口制造商producer for exports
busin.出口厂商exporting manufacturer or producer
busin.出口售货代理商export sale agent
busin.出口售货代理商export sales agent
textile出口商export trader
textile出口商export distributor
econ.出口商export trade
interntl.trade.出口商export merchant
interntl.trade.出口商人特别声明special exporters' declaration
econ.出口商信用贷款supplier's loans
textile出口商信誉reputation of exporter
econ.出口商信贷exporter's credit
interntl.trade.出口商协会exporters' association
busin.出口商协会experter's association
busin.出口商发票exporter's invoice
busin.出口商exporting firm
tech.出口商export house
econ.出口商号代理an exporter's agency
econ.出口商exported goods
textile出口商commodities for export
busin.出口商export commodity
interntl.trade.出口商export commodities
textile出口商export goods
tech.出口商articles of export
textile出口商品交易会export commodities fair
econ.出口商品价格指数index number of the prices of export products
nautic., tech.出口商品价格指数export price index
tech.出口商品价格管理price control of export commodities
interntl.trade.出口商品保险export insurance
econ.出口商品分类编码export commodity classification number
econ.出口商品加工免税区export-processing free zone
interntl.trade.出口商品加工区manufacturing areas for export commodities
busin.出口商品加工区manufacturing areas for export commodity
textile出口商品包装packing of exports
tech.出口商品单位价值指数export unit value index
met.出口商品基地export-oriented commodity base
busin.出口商品多样化export diversification
busin.出口商品成本与外汇收入比率ratio of cost of export goods to revenue state in foreign exchange
busin.出口商品抽样检验sampling inspection of exports
busin.出口商品换汇成本cost of an export commodity in exchange for US dollar
tech.出口商品换汇成本exchange-based cost for the export of products
econ.出口商品换汇比与成本比率ratio of cost of export goods to revenue stated in foreign exchange
busin.出口商品收购purchasing of export commodity
busin.出口商品收购成本purchasing cost of export commodity
tech.出口商品收购计划plan for the purchase of export commodities
textile出口商品流通费用circulation cost of export commodity
textile出口商品清单account of exports
tech.出口商品生产基地bases for producing export commodities
econ.出口商品生产的基地bases for producing export commodities
textile出口商品生产的实际成本actual cost of producing export commodity
econ.出口商品生产的实际成本actual cost of production export commodity
interntl.trade.出口商品的口岸outlet for export produce
econ.出口商品的口岸an outlet for export produce
econ.出口商品的熟练劳动密集程度skilled labour-intensiveness of export products
tech.出口商品的熟练劳动密集程度skilled labor-intensiveness of export products
textile出口商品监控commodity export control
interntl.trade.出口商品目录export list
textile出口商品目录commodity export list
busin.出口商品目录list of export commodities
tech.出口商品知书advice on production for export
tech.出口商品稳定基金stable funds of export commodities
textile出口商品结构make up of the exports
textile出口商品结构lineup of exports
textile出口商品结构lineup of export commodities
textile出口商品结构export structure
econ.出口商品结构structure of export commodities
econ.出口商品结构export mix
interntl.trade.出口商品结构composition of export commodity
busin.出口商品结构structure of export goods
textile出口商品账account of exports
econ.出口商品进货成本purchasing of export commodity
econ.出口商品通知单the advice on production for export
interntl.trade.出口商品通知单advice on production for export
busin.出口商品通知单advice on product for export
econ.出口商售价exporter's sales price
adv.出口商广告export-merchant's advertising
busin.出口商往来银行exporter's bank
earth.sc.出口商技术参考资料technical help to exporters
textile出口商特别声明special exporter's declaration
busin.出口商特别声明special exporters' declaration
econ.出口商申报书exporter's declaration
econ.出口商申请书exporter's declaration
econ.出口商百科全书Exporter's Encyclopedia
busin.出口商的售货代理商export merchant's selling agent
textile出口商exporting vessel
busin.出口商exporting firm
interntl.trade.出口商shipping house
busin.出口商export house
econ.美国出口商识别码exporter identification number
tech.出口商货款exporter's advance
econ.出口商贷款exporter's advance
busin.出口商违约default of exporter
commer.出口商银行exporter's bank
econ.出口商销售价exporters sales price
busin.出口委托商export agent on a commission basis
interntl.trade.出口寄销商品merchandise outward on consignment
proj.manag.出口批发商export jobbers
adv.出口批发商export jobber
econ.出口经纪商export broker
commer.出口经销商export distributor
textile出口货物分类,出口商品分类classification of goods of exportation
econ.出口贸易商export traders
proj.manag.出口贸易商export merchants
busin.出口贸易商export merchant
tech.出口转内销商品export goods withdrawn for sale on home market
exhib.出口转内销的商品export reject
econ.初级产品出口商exporter of primary product
econ.制成品出口商an exporter of manufacture
proj.manag.制造商出口代理manufacturers' export agents
corp.gov.制造商的出口代理foreign manufacture's agent
busin.制造商的出口代理商manufacturer's export agent
busin.加工商品出口commodity export processing
commer.加拿大出口商同业公会Canadian Exporters Association
commer.半拆散式商品出口semi-knockdown export
busin.厂商出口代理人manufacturer's export agent
busin.出口商commodity exportable
busin.启钥合同方式商品出口commodity export by turnkey contract
brit., busin.商业关系与出口局Commercial Relations and Exports Division
busin.商业货物出口commercial exports of goods
corp.gov.美国商务部出口管理局Bureau of Export Administration
textile商品出口商commodity exporter
textile商品出口商commodity export house
busin.商品与劳务出口export of goods and services
busin.商品再出口退税commodity export drawback
textile商品出口commodity exportation
textile商品出口export of goods
IMF.商品出口commodity exports
textile商品出口merchandise export
textile商品出口exportation of goods
textile商品出口commodity export
interntl.trade.商品出口merchandise exports
busin.商品出口exportation of commodities
busin.商品出口export of commodities
textile商品出口业务commodity export operation
busin.商品出口主导型企业commodity export centered enterprise
busin.商品出口产业commodity export industry
textile商品出口代理佣金commodity export commission
busin.商品出口代理公司commodity export commission firm
busin.商品出口代理商commodity export agent
busin.商品出口代理机构commodity export agency
textile商品出口价值commodity export value
textile商品出口价格commodity export price
textile商品出口份额commodity export share
textile商品出口保险commodity export insurance
textile商品出口信用担保机构commodity export credit guarantee agency
textile商品出口信贷保险commodity export credit insurance
textile商品出口信贷担保保险commodity export credit guarantee insurance
textile商品出口信贷担保制度,商品输出信用保证制度commodity export credit guarantee system
textile商品出口倾销commodity export dumping
textile商品出口公司commodity export house
busin.商品出口关税及其他税项commodity export duty and tax
textile商品出口净额net exports of commodity
busin.商品出口利息科目commodity export interest account
busin.商品出口加工免税区commodity export processing free zone
busin.商品出口加工区commodity export processing zone
textile商品出口包装commodity export packing
busin.商品出口包装公司commodity export packer
busin.商品出口卡特尔commodity export cartels
busin.商品出口合同commodity export contract
textile商品出口回扣commodity export rebate
IMF.商品出口国commodity exporting countries
textile商品出口外汇commodity export exchange
textile商品出口奖励证明commodity export bonus vouchers
textile商品出口奖金commodity export bounty
textile商品出口奖金commodity export bonus
textile商品出口实务commodity export practice
textile商品出口实务操作commodity export operation
busin.商品出口密集型产业commodity export-intensive industry
textile商品出口市场经营commodity export marketing
textile商品出口市场调查commodity export market survey
busin.商品出口市场调研commodity export market study
busin.商品出口带动经济增长commodity export-led growth
interntl.trade.商品出口总值total merchandise exports
textile商品出口惯例commodity export practice
textile商品出口手续commodity export formalities
busin.商品出口执照commodity export certificate
textile商品出口投标commodity export tender
textile商品出口报价commodity export quotation
textile商品出口报关制度commodity export declaration system
textile商品出口报关单commodity export declaration
textile商品出口报关单正本commodity export declaration original
textile商品出口报关手续commodity export entry
textile商品出口报关程序commodity export declaration procedure
textile商品出口报单commodity export entry
textile商品出口指标commodity export target
textile商品出口控制commodity export control
busin.商品出口支出账户commodity export debit account
textile商品出口收入commodity export revenues
textile商品出口收入commodity export proceeds
textile商品出口收益commodity export earnings
busin.商品出口杂费账户commodity export sundry charge account
busin.商品出口核算commodity export accounting
busin.商品出口检疫commodity export quarantine
textile商品出口检验commodity export inspection
textile商品出口检验制度commodity export inspection system
textile商品出口检验系统commodity export inspection system
textile商品出口检验证书commodity export inspection certificate
busin.商品出口检验费用commodity export inspection expense
textile商品出口汇兑commodity export exchange
textile商品出口津贴commodity export subsidy
textile商品出口津贴commodity export bounty
textile商品出口流动commodity export flow
textile商品出口流量commodity export flow
textile商品出口渠道commodity export channel
busin.商品出口生产优先政策commodity export-production-first policy
textile商品出口申报单commodity export declaration
textile商品出口登记commodity export entry
textile商品出口盈余commodity export surplus
busin.商品出口目的地destination of commodity export
textile商品出口程序commodity export procedure
textile商品出口税commodity export tax
textile商品出口税commodity export duty
busin.商品出口签证制度commodity export visa system
textile商品出口管制commodity export control
busin.商品出口经纪商commodity export broker
textile商品出口经营commodity export operation
textile商品出口经销合同commodity export distribution contract
busin.商品出口结关commodity export clearance
textile商品出口结构commodity export structure
textile商品出口统计commodity export statistics
textile商品出口统计额commodity export statistics
textile商品出口营销commodity export marketing
textile商品出口营销能力commodity export marketing capacity
textile商品出口行commodity export house
textile商品出口行业commodity export trade
textile商品出口行销commodity export marketing
textile商品出口补助commodity export subsidy
busin.商品出口补贴制度commodity export debenture system
textile商品出口订单commodity export order
busin.商品出口许可证commodity export permit
textile商品出口许可证commodity export license
tech.商品出口许可证licence for the export of commodities
tech.商品出口证明书certificate of origin
tech.商品出口证明书certificate issue voucher
busin.商品出口账commodity export account
busin.商品出口货款保险commodity export payment insurance
textile商品出口贷款commodity export loan
textile商品出口贸易commodity export trade
textile商品出口贸易商commodity export trader
textile商品出口费用commodity export expenses
textile商品出口费用保险commodity export cost insurance
textile商品出口运作commodity export operation
textile商品出口运费commodity export freight
busin.商品出口运费及保费账户commodity export freight and insurance account
textile商品出口退税commodity export rebate
busin.商品出口部经理commodity export manager
textile商品出口配额制commodity export quota system
textile商品出口量commodity export volume
textile商品出口量commodity export quantum
busin.商品出口银行commodity export bank
textile商品出口销售合同commodity export distribution contract
textile商品出口销路commodity export outlet
busin.商品出口预付款commodity export prepayment
busin.商品出口预付款commodity export advance
textile商品出口额exports of commodities
textile商品出口鼓励commodity export encouragement
corp.gov.商品劳务净出口net export of goods and services
textile商品进出口商commodity export and import merchant
busin.商品进出口商commodity export-import merchant
textile商品进出口commodity export-import
textile商品进出口commodity export and import
econ.商品进出口visible exports and imports
textile商品进出口价格commodity export and import price
busin.商品进出口会计commodity export and import accounting
textile商品进出口公司commodity export and import company
busin.商品进出口公司commodity export-import company
busin.商品进出口公司commodity export and import corporation
busin.商品进出口周转基金commodity export and import revolving funds
busin.商品进出口基金commodity export and import funds
busin.商品进出口平衡表commodity balance sheet
textile商品进出口惯例commodity export and import usage
textile商品进出口检验commodity export and import inspection
textile商品进出口程序commodity export and import procedure
textile商品进出口管制commodity export and import control
textile商品进出口管理commodity export and import management
busin.商品进出口结构commodity composition of import and export
busin.商品进出口表commodity balance sheet
textile商品进出口贸易commodity export and import trade
busin.商品进出口配额commodity export and import quotas
textile商品进出口配额,商品进出口限额commodity export and import quotas
interntl.trade.国家出口商品质量检查state quality inspection of export goods
commer.国家出口商品质量检查state quality inspection of export goods
econ.国家出口商品质量检验state quality inspection of export goods
met.国家进出口商品检验局State Administration for the Inspection of Import and Export Commodities
commer.美国国际商品出口公司International Commodities Export Corporation
earth.sc.国际商品出口公司International Commodities Export Company
comp.name.国际钢筋和线材出口商和生产商协会International Rebar and Rod Exporters and Producers Association
interntl.trade.在佣金基础上的出口委托商export agent on a commission basis
econ.坦白地说,已向另一出口商发出同样的询价To be frank with you, the same inquiry has been passed on to another exporter
econ.多种商品的出口diversified export
textile孟加拉服装制造商和出口商协会Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers and Exporters Association
gen.实际上,钢材产品是墨西哥传统出口商品之一,以其质量上乘而闻名Actually, steel products are one of Mexico’s traditional exports. They're highly reputed for their quality
interntl.trade.出 口商的技术帮助technical help to exporters
econ.对进出口商品质量管制的任务task of controlling the quality of import and export commodity
busin.广州出口商品交易会Kwangchow Guangzhou Export Commodities Fair
busin.广州出口商品交易会广交会Canton Export Commodities
busin.应收出口商票据note receivable from exporters
econ.我们愿意担任你们现行出口商品的代理We wish to handle as an agent the goods you are exporting now
shipb.我们是一家重要的机床出口商,有 20 年良好声誉的业务经验We are one of the leading exporters of machine tools and are enjoying an excellent reputation through twenty years business experience.
gen.我们是专营吉普车出口的中国厂商,我们非常希望与贵方在此领域合作We're specializing in the export of Chinese jeeps, we wish to express our desire to trade with you in this line
econ.我们是合资企业,经营这些商品的进出口业务We are a joint venture handling such commodities in both import and export business
proj.manag.我们是同一业务范围内的主要出口商之一We are introducing ourselves as one of the leading exporters of the same line of business
gen.我们是阿里 <-> 巴巴的金牌供应商,是顶级制造商和出口商,与阿根廷、智利、巴西、德国和法国都有贸易往来We are the gold supplier of Alibaba, a leading manufacturer and exporter with experience in Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Germany and France
econ.我们渴望寻求一位代理商来处理我们对贵国的出口贸易事宜We are earnestly looking for an agent to handle our export trade with your country
econ.我国有关部门对出口该特殊商品已加限制The authorities of our country have placed restriction on the export of that special kind of commodity
textile扩大商品出口commodity export expansion
fin.投保出口商insured exporter
econ.美国按发货国出口价格计算的进口商品的价值export value of imported merchandise
shipb.提高出口商品的竞争能力raise the competitiveness of exports
textile日本丝和合纤纺织品出口商协会Japan Silk and Synthetic Textiles Exporter's Association
textile日本出口服装制作商协会Japan Export Clothing Makers, Association
chem.日本化学品出口商协会Japan Chemicals Exporters Association
tech.最优化进出口商品结构optimal structure of imports and exports
textile服装出口商dress exporter
comp.name.深圳盐田国际集装箱码头有限公司附录 3 中国国内主要进出口商Yantian International Container Terminals Limited
UN, polit.热带木材生产和出口发展中国家政府间协商论坛Intergovernmental Consultative Forum of Developing Tropical Timber Producing/Exporting Countries
tech.特产出口商special exporter
textile特别出口商声明special exporter's declaration
tech.特别出口商声明书special exporter's declaration
busin.特许出口商goods exported under special licence
tech.特许出口商goods exported under special license
econ.现高兴地公告,在本地几位有影响的出口商的支持下,我公司今天开业,经营五金代理业务We have the pleasure of announcing that under the auspices of a few highly influential exporters in this place, we have today commenced business as a hardware agent
fin.电子商务零售出口e-commerce retail export
busin.电容器是我公司传统出口商品之一,以其质量上乘而闻名Condensers are one of our company's traditional exports. They're highly-reputed for their quality
busin.石油出口商oil exporter
econ.禁止出口的商品articles prohibited for export
market.组合出口商combination export manager
econ.美国制造商业出口信用保险公司American Manufactures Foreign Credit Insurance Exchange (协会)
econ.美国制造商出口信用保险交易所American Manufacturers Foreign Credit Insurance Exchange
busin.美国制造商出口信用保险公司American Manufacturers Foreign Credit Insurance Exchange
econ.美国制造商出口公会American Manufacturers Export Association
interntl.trade.美国制造商出口公司American Manufacturers Export Association
econ.美国进出口商协会American Association of Exporters and Importers
busin.美国进出口商协会American Exporters and Importers Association
anim.husb.美国饲料出口商协会American Association of Feed Exporters
interntl.trade.职业进出口商professional importer and exporter
interntl.trade.联合出口 代理商joint export agent
econ.联合出口代理商joint export agent
busin.自由出口商unrestricted exports
econ.英国出口商British Export Board
econ.英国标准出口商名录British Standard Exporters
gen.英国矿业设备出口商协会Association of British Mining Equipment Exporters
mech.英国采矿设备出口商协会Association of British Mining Equipment Exporters
fin.被保险出口商insured exporter
commer.设于关境外允许外国商品免税进出口地区free trade zone
econ.该商行在海外市场上经营出口业务甚为稳定The firm is doing steady export activities in overseas markets
textile货物出口商commodity exporter
econ.这使我相信,他们能最有效地担任你方代理商处理你方的出口业务This convinced me that they are in a position to look after your export business as your agent in the most effective way
econ.这家出口商在委任独家代理权时格外谨慎The exporter is very careful in granting exclusive agency rights
shipb.这是我们所有出口商品的目录和价目表。Here are our catalogue and price list for all our export articles.
interntl.trade.出口商ex-im firm
econ.出口商import and export merchant
interntl.trade.出口商export-import firms
tech.出口商export import firm
interntl.trade.出口商业公会importers and exporters association
textile出口商之间的契约buyer&suppler contract
busin.出口商之间的契约Buyer & Supplier Contract
econ.出口商importers and exporters' association
busin.出口商importers and exporters association
textile出口商名录directory of importers and exporters
textile出口商import of export goods
China, law出口商import and export commodities
shipb.出口商品价格弹性price elasticity of imports and exports
textile出口商品价格水平level of prices at import and export
busin.出口商品价格水平level of prices at imports and exports
busin.出口商品价比指数index number of the price-ratios of import and export products
shipb.出口商品分类classification of the import and export commodities
tech.出口商品平衡表merchandise balance
busin.出口商品录directory of import and export
busin.出口商品招标inviting tenders for imports and exports
shipb.出口商品构成composition of exports and imports
textile出口商品检查international trade goods test
tech.出口商品检验inspection and testing of imports and exports
oil出口商品检验inspection of import and export commodities
textile出口商品检验international trade goods inspection
hydroel.st.出口商品检验commodity inspection
tech.出口商品检验import-export commodity inspection
exhib.出口商品检验公司Import and Export Commodities Inspection Corporation
corp.gov.出口商品检验局import and export commodity inspection bureau
interntl.trade.出口商品检验工作细则rules governing the inspection of export and import commodities
econ.出口商品检验暂行条例provisional regulations for the inspection of imported and exported commodities
manag.出口商品比价指数indexes of terms of trade
interntl.trade.出口商品比价指数index of terms of trade
busin.出口商品比价指数index of price parities between import and export commodities
busin.出口商品比价率指进出口货价间比率,即出口价格指数除以进口价格指数, 得出进出口比价。当出口价大于进口价时,称贸易条件有利,反之,则为贸易条件不利terms of trade
econ.出口商品法定检验legal inspection of imported and exported commodities
shipb.出口商品的品质quality of exports and imports
econ.出口商品的实物形态转换material transformation effected through an exchange between import and export commodities products
China, law出口商品目录catalogue of import and export commodities
brit., busin.出口商品目录Import and Export List
busin.出口商品结构composition of export and import
busin.出口商品结构即各类进出口商品在进出口贸易中的比重import and export by commodities
interntl.trade.出口商品结构commodity composition of import and export
interntl.trade.出口商品结构composition of exports and imports
interntl.trade.出口商品结构composition of import export commodities
interntl.trade.出口商品结构composition of import-export commodities
tech.出口商品结构pattern of import and export merchandise
qual.cont.出口商品质量quality of export and import commodities
commer.出口商品质量quality of import and export commodities
interntl.trade.出口商联合会importers and exporters association
econ.出口商import and export firm
busin.出口商export-import firm
tech.出口商行名录directory of importers and exporters
interntl.trade.出口商行名簿directory of importers and exporters
econ.进出口贸易商名录directory of importers and exporters
interntl.trade.进出口贸易商用规则commercial rules for import and export trade
busin.进口商品替代产出output of substitutes of import goods
tech.进口商品的再出口reexports of imported goods
IMF.退回的进出口商returned exports and imports
econ.那位商人上月得到了出口退税The merchant got a tax rebate om exports last month
fin.重要的大宗商品出口国large exporters of commodities
IMF.金融一体化的商品出口国financially integrated commodity exporters
commer.银行之所以愿意向岀口商提供资金,既由于它掌握着货运单据作为垫付款的担保品,也由于在必要时,它可向对银行发岀指示的买方与汇票的出票人岀口商行使用追索权The bank is prepared to provide finance to the exporter because it holds the shipping documents as collateral security for the advance and, if necessary, can take recourse to the buyer as instructing customer and the exporter as drawer of the bill
interntl.trade.非传统出 口商non-traditional exports
interntl.trade.非传统出口商non-traditional exporter
interntl.trade.非传统出口商non-traditional export
tech.非传统出口商non-traditional exports