
Terms containing 出价 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.不出所料,价格又上涨了There was further advance in prices as expected
tech.不受约束出价offer without engagement
tech.世界出口价格指数world export prices indices
econ.世界制成品出口单位价值指数index of unit value of global exports of manufactured goods
gen.M 为 M 付出很高代价pay a high price for
gen.为了…愿付出极大的代价give one's eyes to
gen.为了…愿付出极大的代价give one's eyes for
busin.为…付出昂贵的代价paid dearly for...
gen.为M付出的代价是Npay for M by (N)
econ.为…出高价pay a high price for
securit.为……出高价offer a high price for
securit.为招揽顾客而降价出售的商品loss leader
econ.主要出口货物数量及价值quantity and value of principal export
commer.习惯于 CIF 价格条件出售货物be accustomed to selling on CIF basis
econ.买主不会出我们能够接受的价The buyer would not bid a high price acceptable to us
econ.买主的出价purchase price
econ.买主的最高出价reserve price
econ.买入价和卖出价bid and asked
ecol.买方出价buying offer
securit.买方出价bid rate
tech.买方出价最高者highest bidder
shipb.买方看货后的出价offer subject to buyer's inspection or approval
busin.买进出价和卖出喊价bid-and-asked price
busin.买进出价和卖岀叫价bid and asked
econ.买进和卖出喊价bid-and-asked price
gen.与某人争出高价bid against (sb.)
busin.为招徕顾客亏本出售的廉价商品loss leader
commer.五月二十日寄出的价目表依然有效The price list sent on May 20 still holds good
busin.产业部门投入产出物价指数input-output price indexes of industrial sector
busin.产出成本价格指数index-number of output cost prices
gen.付出了代价才…to one's cost
gen.M 付出M的代价meet the cost of
busin.付出过高代价pay through the nose
gen.以低价售出underbid (underbid, underbid(den))
commer.以市场价格出售sell at market prices
securit.以开盘价卖出sell at the opening
securit.以收盘价卖出sell at the close
securit.以最好价格出售sell at best
commer.以较高价格出售sell at a premium (与以减价出售(sell at a discount) 扌目只寸)
tech.以高于平均价格卖出average up
busin.以高价出售sell goods at a high figure
busin.以高价售出货物.sell goods at a high figure
ecol.价值型资源品投入产出表input and output table of value-type resource product
busin.价格高出市场price out of the market
securit.优先出价preemptive bid
gen.伦敦银行同业往来存款市场的买方出价London interbank bid rate
econ.估价与出价estimator and offer sheet
econ., construct.估价与出价estimate and offer sheet
busin.估价和出价estimate and offer sheet
busin.估计与出价estimate and offer sheet
econ.价出售sell at a low high price
securit.低于市价出售selling below the market
securit.低于最佳出售价规则down tick rule
China, law低价出口export products at a low price
econ.低价出售sell at a fraction of the price
securit.低价出售under selling
commer.低价出售at a low price
securit.低价出售offer... at a low price
commer.商店中作样品低价出售的电器或家具示样floor sample
econ.为了做广告而低价出售的商品low-price special goods
securit.低价卖出sell cheap
securit.低价卖出sell at a low price
econ.低价售出job off
securit.低价售出资产sell off asset at depressed price
China, law作价出资appraised to be contributed as investment
econ.作者将有权以公平的市价买回出版权The author has the power to buy back the rights of publication at a fair market price
econ.你可以按市价买进或卖出股票You may buy in or sell out shares at the current prices
econ.你方还盘比现行市价高出很多,难以接受Being much higher than the current price, your counteroffer is too difficult to accept
gen.例如,孟加拉国擅长出口帽子,在2012年对美国出口的帽子价值为1.75亿美元Bangladesh, for example, is good at exporting hats, having sold $175m-worth to Americans in 2012
busin.停业削价出售close business sale
tech.停业削价出售close business sale
busin.停业清仓减价出售closing-down sale
securit.先行出价preemptive bid
econ.全部商品减价出售the storewide sale
econ.公司将出售股票,按票面价吸取现金The company will put stocks on sale for cash at par
securit.公开出价收购股份open offer
econ.兹随函附上小册子和价目单各一份,便于你方了解我公司出口货物的情况We enclose a brochure and a price list to give you a general idea of the goods available for export
tech.农场出售价farm gate price
commer.农场出售价格farm-gate price
commer.农场出售价格farm gate price
securit.减价出售on sale
tech.减价出售to sell at a discount
tech.减价出售discount sale
securit.减价出售distress selling
tech.减价出售存货clearance sale
tech.减价出售抵押discounted mortgage
commer.减价出清存货make a clearance of stored goods
adv.凯迪拉克、"出人头地的代价"、MacManus、John & Adams 广告公司、1915Cadillac, "The penalty of leadership" (MacManus, John & Adams)
tech.出价bid rate
tech.出价bid upon
busin.出价offered price
busin.出价Take-Over Bid
tech.出价bid on
tech.出价make a bid
securit.出价与要价bids and offers
securit.出价与要价bid and asked
securit.出价与要价bid and ask
tech.拍卖时出价make a bid for
busin.出价低的递盘者lower bidder
tech.出价offer sheet
securit.出价asked quotation
busin.出价和报价利率bid and offered rate
tech.出价和报价利率bid and offered rates
securit.出价和要价bid and asked (B&A)
tech.出价和讨价bid and asked
tech.出价市场bid market
commer.出价收盘closing bid price (与要价收盘(closing asked price) 相对)
tech.出价收盘close bid price
securit.出价方报价bid-side quote
busin.出价最低的出价人递盘人lowest bidder
tech.出价最低的投标lowest tender
securit.出价最低的投标人lowest bidder
commer.出价最高人the highest bidder
securit.出价最高的投标highest tender
gen.出价M来买Noffer M for (N)
busin.出价盘进Take-Over Bid
tech.出价盘进take-over bids
tech.出价租金函数bid-rent function
tech.出价过高over bid
tech.出价过高abundance of offers
busin.出价高于go one better
securit.出价高于他人bid against a person
securit.出低价offer a low price
busin.出厂价factory gate price
tech.出厂价factory gate price (格)
tech.出厂价mill-gate price (格)
tech.出厂价net back price (格)
tech.出厂价factory price (格)
tech.出厂价ex-factory price (格)
commer.出厂价cost price
tech.出厂价dock price (格)
busin.出厂价格shop cost
busin.出厂价格producer's price
busin.出厂价格ex factory price
tech.出厂价格factory cost
commer.出厂净价net price at factory
busin.出厂净价net back price
busin.出口产品价格管理management of prices of exports
shipb.出口产品收购价purchasing price for exports
shipb.出口价值value of export
busin.出口价值:外销金额export value
tech.出口价格export value
busin.出口价格指数index number of export price
tech.出口价格指数index of export price
busin.出口价格控制export price control
commer.出口价格条例definition of export quotations
commer.出口价格检查export price check
tech.出口价格计算表export calculation sheet
tech.出口单位价值指数unit value index of exports
nautic., tech.出口商品价格指数export price index
tech.出口商品价格管理price control of export commodities
tech.出口商品单位价值指数export unit value index
tech.出口地机场交货价free on board airport
busin.出口平价export parity price
commer.出口平价价格export parity price
tech.出口物价指数index number of export prices
shipb.出口船舶价格export ship price
shipb.出口货估价表exports valuation list
busin.出口贸易比价指数index of terms of trade for exports
busin.出售价offered price
agric.出售价格selling price
agric.出售价格offer price
securit.出售后减记价值written-down value on disposal
busin.出售有价证券sales from portfolio
busin.出售有价证券sales from portfolios
busin.出售有价证券盈利profit on securities sold
gen.出售M要价Noffer M for (N)
securit.出局执行价outstrike price
securit.出更高价over call
busin.出清存货廉价销售clearing stock sale
tech.出炼厂价ex-refinery price
busin.出版前广告评价prepublication evaluation of advertising
earth.sc.出租价值rental value
earth.sc.出租溢价lease premium
earth.sc.出让底价【土】minimum price of land selling
securit.出资法定价contribution approach pricing
busin.出高价bid up
busin.出高价bidding up
tech.出高价bid a high price
tech.出高价买offer a high price for
tech.出高价买bid a high price for
tech.出高价的投标人highest bidder
gen.刚出炉的小餐包正在特价中Fresh-baked buns are on sale
econ.初级产品与制成品世界出口价格指数the world export price indexes of primary commodities and manufactured goods
busin.制造业部门投入产出价格指数input-output price index by manufacturing industry sector
busin.削价出售markdown sale
commer.削价出售at a reduced price
busin.削价出售reduction sale
securit.削价出售undercutting an offering
gen.削价出售中on offer
busin.削价出售的商人cut-price dealer
securit.加价出售sell plus
busin.加权平均法定出售价格weighted average official selling price
securit.半价出售sell a half price
avia.单机出厂价格unit flyaway cost
tech.selling rate
securit.出价selling rate
securit.出价short spread
commer.卖主宁可等待价格趋稳时再出售The sellers prefer to wait until the prices harden
securit.卖出/买人远期平价put/call forward parity
tech.卖出实收价net proceeds
tech.发出询价dispatch inquiry
securit.可优先出售报价offer subject to prior sale
busin.可出售价值salable value
tech.可商讨的出价subject bid
adv.同意为高价广告出让预定时间的低折扣价preemptible rate
busin.后进先出卖价还原法LIFO adaptation of retail inventory
busin.后进先出零售价法LIFO retail method
busin.吸收合并出价Take-Over Bid
busin.出价realized price
econ.出价offer price
securit.售出同价对敲期权sell straddle
securit.售出资产买价的分配allocation of purchase price to assets sold
econ.在出口点的美元价值dollar value at point of exportation
busin.在制品先进先出计价first-in first-out costing of work-in process
commer.在国内指定的发货地点指定的内陆运输工具上的交货价格,减除到指定出口地点的运费FOB named inland carrier at named point of departure, freight allowed to named point of exportation
commer.在国内指定的发货地点指定的内陆运输工具上的交货价格,运费预付到指定的出口地点FOB named inland carrier at named inland point of departure, freight prepaid to named point of exportation
econ.在秋季,夏天穿的衣服减价出售In fall, clothing for summer wearing marked down for sale
econ.坦白地说,已向另一出口商发出同样的询价To be frank with you, the same inquiry has been passed on to another exporter
securit.备用出价backup bid
econ.外汇卖出价和买入价ask rate and bid rate
tech.外部不经济性的价格和产出效应price and output effect of external diseconomy
commer.大减价出售grand scale
securit.大减价出售barter away
busin.大方出价generous offer
econ.大米只能按官方规定价格出售The rice can be sold only at scheduled price
econ.好价卖出get a good price for...
busin.存货先进先出计价first-in first-out costing of inventory
econ.存货的先进先出计价法first-in out costing of inventory
econ.存货的先进先出计价法first-in and first-out costing of inventory
busin.存货的先进先出计价法first-in, first-out costing of inventory
busin.实际出售的价格realized price
tech.密封出价sealed bid
gen.对…作出正确的评价form a true estimation of
gen.对…作出评价pass judgment upon
law对…作出评价give judgment on
gen.对…作出评价give judgment upon
gen.对…作出评价pass judgment on
busin.已出售类似货物交易价海关征税估价法之一transaction value of similar goods sold
commer.已测出的价值measured value
securit.市价出售sell at marked price
securit.市价涨点卖出者plus tick seller
securit.平价出售seUing flat
busin.为求现款廉价亏本出售的商品distress merchandise
busin.廉价出售under selling
busin.廉价出售sell at a bargain
securit.廉价出售如火灾中受损物品一样,被低估的证券也低价出售fire sale
anim.husb.廉价出售under sell
nautic., tech.廉价出售on sale
agric.廉价出售sell below cost
securit.廉价出售bear sale
securit.廉价出售at sale
tech.廉价出售cut price offer
adv.廉价出售的商品distress merchandise
adv.廉价出售的杂志广告版面remnant space
securit.廉价卖出sell at a bargain
tech.建筑价值突出的广场place of outstanding architectural merit
tech.开往指定出口港火车上交货价free on board cars LCL (less than carload lot)
econ.当我们以50美元出价时,他们却还价100美元When we bid $50, they put in a counterbid of $100
busin.待价出售的股票nurse stock
securit.待定出价subject bid
shipb.您能提出一个贵方认为合适的价格吗?Could you give me your idea of an appropriate price for this commodity?
econ.慷慨的出价a generous offer
busin.成批出价block offer
busin.成批出价交易方式block offering
econ.成批出价的交易方式block offering
econ.成批出价的交易方式block offer
shipb.我们一般按离岸价格出口We normally export FOB.
econ.我们已按要求亮出了价格标签We have shown price labels as instructed
econ.我们按现价出售We sell at ruling prices
shipb.我们的价格不能降到贵方提出的水平I'm afraid we can't reduce our price to the level you have indicated.
busin.我们给出的是最优惠的价格,有很多客户与我们合作We offer you our best prices, at which we have done a lot business with other customers
busin.我们给出的是船上交货价格,价目表中的价格需经我方最后确认Here are our FOB prices. All the prices in the lists are subject to our final confirmation
econ.我方在提交报价前将先派出代表Our reps will be sent in advance of our submitting the quotations
gen.我方对贵方法兰绒面料很感兴趣,我在考虑价格问题。不知道贵方出什么价?We are interested in your flannel, but I'm wondering about the price. How much will you possibly offer us?
busin.我方订单数量主要取决于你方所出价The size of our order depends greatly on the prices
tech.或买或卖出价buy-sell offer
busin.投入产出物价指数input-output price index
tech.投标出价tender offer
busin.投标出价比较comparison of bid
tech.投标出价的比较comparison of bid
busin.折价出售cut under
securit.折价出售below par
commer.出价offering price
tech.出价offering price
securit.抬价出售者by bidder
securit.持有证券等到涨价时出售long of the security
econ.按不变美元价格计算支出expenditure in constant dollar
econ.按不变美元价格计算的支出expenditure in constant dollar
commer.按代收银行向伦敦开出的即期汇票售出牌价付款payable at collecting bank's selling rate for sight drafts on London
commer.按代收银行的电汇售出牌价付款payable at collecting bank's selling rate for Telegraphic Transfer
econ.按价或高价卖出at or better
tech.按价值计算的后进先出法LIFO dollar-value method
commer.按出厂价缩写为EXWex works
econ.美国按发货国出口价格计算的进口商品的价值export value of imported merchandise
securit.按市价出售sell current price
securit.按市价出售sale at market price
econ.按成本加成及再出售价计算法cost-plus and resale method
busin.按成本加成及再出售价计算法cost plus and resale method
busin.按成本定价出售库存股票法disposal of treasury shares on cost basis
econ.按成本计算库存股的出售价格disposal of treasury shares on cost basis
securit.按成本计算库存股的出售价格disposal price of treasury shares cost basis
securit.按时价出售sell current price
econ.按现行市场价格计算的教育经费支出public expenditures on education at current market prices
commer.按经认可的银行向伦敦丹出的汇票售出牌价付款,汇率以背书时为准payable by approved bank's drafts on London, exchange per endorsement
earth.sc.按美元价值计算的后进先出法dollar value last-in first-out method
tech.按美元价值计算的后进先出法dollar-value last-in first-out method
securit.推算出的交易价格imputed price
securit.推算出的价值imputed value
shipb.提出报价submit the offer
securit.提高出价bid will improve
commer.搭配报价出售产品joint products offer
busin.撤回出价retract bid
securit.收市后最高出价after hours best bid
busin.收盘出价closing bid price
busin.收盘出价和要价closing bid and asked price
tech.收盘出价和要求closing bid and asked price
securit.收盘后最高出价after hours best bid
econ.收购出价take-over bid
securit.收购出价takeover bid
commer.政府现在实施的每公吨5,000铢的出口加价是大米的出口障碍The existing premium of 5,000 baht per metric ton imposed by the government was a hindrance to rice export
econ.出价the salved value
gen.新出炉的五谷面包现在特价。来一个,要吗?The fresh-baked multigrain bread is on sale. Would you like to have a try?
busin.无人出价No Bid
avia.无人出价no bid
tech.无竞争的出价non-competitive bidding
tech.无竞争的出价non-competitive bid
securit.最低出价lowest offer
busin.最低出价投标lowest tender
gen.最低你能出什么价?What's the lowest you are willing to go?
avia.最佳与最后出价best and final offer
securit.最后出价closing bid
tech.最高出价highest bid
tech.最高出价best bid
econ.有价证券出售sale from portfolio
busin.有价证券出售利润profit on sale of securities
econ.有权先行售出的报价offer subject to prior sale
econ.服务性支出价格指数price index number of service expenditure
tech.服务性支出价格指数price index number of service expenditures
securit.出价lose a bid
gen.未列出价no price given
econ.未到货就以较高价出售了Float cargo was sold at a higher price
busin.未摊售出债券折价unamortized discount on bonds sold
econ.未摊售出债券溢价unamortized premium on bonds sold
busin.未摊售出债券溢价unamortized premiums on bonds sold
securit.未摊销售出债券溢价unamortized premium on bonds sold
econ.本协议中很清楚地表明,甲方不能强迫乙方以相对低的价格出售货物It is stated clearly in this agreement that the first part cannot coerce the 2nd part into selling goods at a relatively low price
gen.机场通常会低估物品价值,并要求出示丢失物品的收据The airport will consider a depreciated value of items and often ask for receipts for things you claim to have been in the baggage
securit.某一买价以1/16单位报出steenth 1/16
econ.标价出售offer of transaction
busin.标价出售offer for sale
securit.根据历史记录推算出的公司价值corporate value based on track record
econ.概算的出售价格approximately commercial value
econ.歇业廉价出售sale break-event (chart, point)
econ.歇业廉价出售put up for transaction
econ.歇业廉价出售put up for sale
econ.此套设备将以低价出售The set of equipment will be sold at low price
econ.此类装置不得以低于我方规定的价格出售Such devices will not be sold at less prices than those prescribed by us
econ.汤姆对这幢房子的报价为一万美元,亚历山大却报出 15 000 美元Tom made an offer of $10.000 for Ms house, and Alexander replies with a counteroffer of $15000
securit.出价put price
busin.法定出售价格official selling price
busin.涨价出售selling on a rising
busin.清仓减价出售remnant sale
busin.清仓减价出售存货指季节性存货及滞仓货clearance sales
busin.清仓廉价出售sell off
securit.溢价借出股票lend at a premium
busin.溢价出售sell at a premium
securit.溢价卖出sell at a premium
commer.照市价出售sell at the market
securit.熊市卖出期权差价交易bear put spread
econ.特价出售sell at bargain price
busin.银行现钞卖出价banknote selling rate
tech.理论出租价格theoretical leasing price
tech.理论出租价格theoretic leasing price
agric.生产者出售价格producer's delivery price
securit.生存要付出的代价price of survival (股市)
securit.用摊还法计算出的价值amortized value
securit.由……提出的股票报价stock quotes offered by...
tech.看样本后决定出价offer subject to sample approval
securit.看涨同价买卖出票bull straddle writing
tech.确定出价firm bid
securit.确定出价firm bargain
busin.确定出价firm bidding
econ.确定承诺出价firm commitment offering
econ.确定的firm offer
securit.确定的出价firm offer
tech.秘密出价投标closed bid
securit.稳定出价stabilizing bid
tech.稳定性出价stabilising bid
tech.指投标的竞买的最低价出价最低的投标lowest bid
tech.竞争出价competitive bidding
securit.竞争出价bid against each other
commer.竞争对手出价高于你方Competitors are outbidding you
commer.竞争者报出更为低的价格Competitors are offering much lower prices
busin.投标中竞出高价bid up
tech.竞出高价bid up
busin.竞相出价bid against each other
tech.置产人以抵押款付给出售人作为部分产价purchase money mortgage
tech.联合出价combined offer
commer.被发盘人声明或做出其他行为表示同意一项发价即为承诺接受。缄默或不行动本身不等于接受A statement made by or other conduct of the offeree indicating assent to an offer is acceptance. Silence or inactivity does not itself amount to acceptance (承诺)
econ.要价过高以致失去出售机会overstand one's market
securit.要价过高失去出手时机overstand one's market
busin.计算出口平价calculating export parity
busin.讨价过高而失去出售机会overstand one's market
gen.讨价还价的情况在美国并不多见,但是打折出售比较普遍Bargaining is not common in the United States, but sales are
commer.议价廉价出售bargain away
busin.论价出售bargain away
tech.评价出售的协议agreement to sell at valuation
tech.财务支出优价financial cost
econ.货物正在按较高价格售出These commodities are selling at a premium
busin.趁机出售特别廉价的商品speculative leaders
econ.趁机出售特别的廉价商品speculative leaders
econ.超出平价above norm
China, law超出抵押物价值重复担保repeatedly using the same mortgaged property as guaranty in excess of its value
tech.超出票面价值above par
busin.超出表价above price
securit.超出面值或申报价值的实缴资本paid-in capital in excess of par or stated value
math.输出入物价指数export and import price index
tech.输出空运港机上交货价ex plane
commer.这一价格是我方精确核算出来的The price has been so closely figured out that we cannot even shade it
commer.这些商品以高价出售These articles are sold at a high rate
gen.这价钱超出我的预算了The price is beyond my budget
gen.这家公司正在削价出售所有男装The company is closing out their entire supply of men's clothing
shipb.这是我们所有出口商品的目录和价目表。Here are our catalogue and price list for all our export articles.
gen.这里出租车的起价是多少钱?What the basic rate for taxi here?
tech.进出口交换比价terms of trade
busin.进出口单价指数index number of unit value of imports and exports
busin.进出口单位价格指数index number of unit value, imports or exports
shipb.进出口商品价格弹性price elasticity of imports and exports
busin.进出口商品价格水平level of prices at imports and exports
busin.进出口商品价比指数index number of the price-ratios of import and export products
busin.进出口商品比价指数index of price parities between import and export commodities
busin.进出口商品比价率指进出口货价间比率,即出口价格指数除以进口价格指数, 得出进出口比价。当出口价大于进口价时,称贸易条件有利,反之,则为贸易条件不利terms of trade
tech.进出口比价指数terms of trade indexes
tech.进出口物价指数export and import price index
shipb.进出口货物价格比price ratio between imports and exports
busin.进出差价spread amount
tech.邀请出价invitation for offer
busin.银行卖出外汇价bank's selling rate
busin.降价出售at sale
econ.限价卖出令stop order
securit.限价卖出指令sell limit order
tech.限价补进或卖出stop order
tech.限价补进或卖出stop-loss order
econ.限价补进或卖出指示stop loss order
econ.限额以上,高出低于平价above below norm
securit.隨传闻出现的股价异动abnormal fluctuation of the stock prices with rumors
busin.集团出价报价block offer
China, law非法低价出让illegally transfer at low prices
securit.预备性出价backup bid
avia.飞机出厂价aircraft flyaway cost
securit.首次提出报价making first offer
econ.马德里银行同业市场出价利率Madrid interbank bid rate
securit.高于票面价格出售sell at a premium
tech.高价出卖selling at premium
busin.高价出售come high
tech.高价出售sell goods at high price
tech.高出平价above par
tech.高出平价above norm
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