
Terms for subject Commerce containing 出产 | all forms | in specified order only
中国五金矿产进出口总公司China National Metals & Minerals Import & Export Corporation
中国土产畜产进出口总公司China National Native Produce and Animal Byproducts Import & Export Corporation
中国轻工业产品进出口总公司China National Light Industrial Products Import and Export Corp
临时进出口加工产品体系processing traffic system
主要出口产品principal articles of export
产出估算output evaluation
产出定额norm of output
产出方向destination of outputs
产出的数量估计quantitative assessment of output
产出结构output structure
产出结构composition of output
产出统计output statistics
产出预算output budgeting
农产品生产与出口agricultural production and export
出口产品export produce
出口产品export oriented product
出口产品口岸outlet for export products
出口产品更新updating of exports
出口农产品export produce
出口有机产品organic export
出租资产leasing assets
列昂惕夫投入产出经济计量模型Leontief input-output economic coefficient
可出口农产品exportable produce
可能产出量potential output
国产出口domestic export
工业产出总值total industrial output value
年产出yearly production
年产出annual output
投产前资本支出preproduction capital costs (包括:开办费和资本筹集费 (preliminary and capital issue expenditures)、建厂前调研费 (expenditures for preparatory studies), 建厂前费用 (pre-production expenditures)、试运转及交工投产费用 (trial runs))
投产前资本支出start-up and commissionary expenditures (包括:开办费和资本筹集费 (preliminary and capital issue expenditures)、建厂前调研费 (expenditures for preparatory studies), 建厂前费用 (pre-production expenditures)、试运转及交工投产费用 (trial runs))
投产前资本支出preproduction capital expenditures (包括:开办费和资本筹集费 (preliminary and capital issue expenditures)、建厂前调研费 (expenditures for preparatory studies), 建厂前费用 (pre-production expenditures)、试运转及交工投产费用 (trial runs))
投入产出最优化法optimized method of input-output
投入产出预测input-output forecasting
出产权要求bring forward a claim to property
出产权要求lay a claim to property
搭配报价出售产品joint products offer
本地出产native produce
生产支出production expenditure (与投资支岀 (investment expenditure) 相对)
直接产出效应direct output effect
该地区主要出口货物是农产品与矿产品The chief exports of the area consist of agricultural and mineral products
间接产出效应indirect output effect
非限制出口产品unrestricted exports