
Terms for subject China containing 减 3 | all forms
享受免税优惠enjoy the preferential policy for tax exemption or reduction
从轻轻处罚relatively light or mitigated punishment
从轻或者轻处罚give a lighter or mitigated punishment
偷工cheat on work and materials
决定征或者免征tax reduction or exemption decided on
commuted to
免学费reduction and exemption of the tuition fee
免税优惠preferential policies for tax exemption or reduction
免责任exemption from responsibilities
commutation of a sentence
reduction of a sentence term
刑、假释的裁定rule on commutation or parole
刑建议recommendation for commutation
刑建议书written proposal for commutation of punishment
少或者合并reduction or amalgamation
少注册资本reduce the registered capital
少的价值amount of the lost value
少职业危害reduce occupational hazard
少贸易摩擦minimize trade friction
duty reduction
轻侵权责任mitigate tort liability
轻农民负担alleviate fanner's burden
轻农民负担reduce the burden on farmer
轻农民负担约 1250 亿元relieve the financial burden on farmers by about 125 billion yuan
轻危害mitigate the damage
轻处罚give a mitigated punishment
轻责任mitigate liability
轻违法后果lessen the adverse effect
速行驶slow down when driving
速行驶reduce speed
量化优先give priority to reduction
除费用deduction of expenses
因误工少的收入income lost by missing work
add to or delete from
2006 年主要污染物排放总量少2%reduce the emission of major pollutants by 2 percent in 2006
保险赔偿金deduct a sum from the amount of indemnity
持股增变化increase or decrease in the shareholding
每年向全国人大报告节能排的进展情况make annual reports on the progress made in saving energy and reducing emissions to the NPC
污染reduce emission of pollutants
特定税、免税specially designated for reduction of or exemption from duty
相应appropriately mitigated
相应扣reduced accordingly
经批准可以reduce upon approval
节能save energy and reduce pollutant emission
节能reduce energy consumption and pollution emission
节能energy conservation and pollutant emission reduction
人员reduction of the personnel
人员cut the employment
裁定刑之日date the order of commutation is issued
适当少财政赤字reduce the budget deficit by an appropriate amount
适当少长期建设国债规模reduce the amount of long-term development treasury bonds issued by an appropriate amount
避免、轻危害avoid and mitigate the damage
酌情reduction at judicial discretion
防震protection against and mitigation of earthquake disasters
附加除费用additional deduction of expenses