
Terms for subject United Nations containing | all forms
世界经济slowdown in the world economy
临时贫战略文件Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
临时宽interim relief
为防治疟疾协助非洲国家少对滴滴涕的依赖区域协商Regional Consultation to Prepare African Countries Towards Reduction of Reliance on DDT for Malaria Control
为防治疟疾协助非洲国家少对滴滴涕的依赖区域协商DDT Regional Consultation to Prepare African Countries Towards Reduction of Reliance on DDT for Malaria Control
从决定点开始免债务front-loading" of debt relief from Decision Point onwards
债务debt forgiveness
全球贫指标global poverty reduction target
关于少爆发核战争危险的措施的协定Agreement on measures to reduce the risk of outbreak of nuclear war
少、回用、再循环reduce, reuse and recycle
少、回用、再循环reduction, reuse and recycling/reduce, reuse and recycle
少、回用、再循环reduction, reuse and recycling
少、回用、再循环3Rs =reduction, reuse and recycling/reduce, reuse and recycle
少、回用、再循环、回收reduction, reuse, recycling and recovery
少、回用、再循环、回收4Rs =reduction, reuse, recycling and recovery
少废物waste reduction
少毒品需求指导原则宣言Declaration on the Guiding Principles of Drug Demand Reduction
少气候变化mitigation of climate change
少犯罪和分析处Crime Reduction and Analysis Branch
少研究和测试用 反应堆的浓缩程度方案RERTR Programme = reduced enrichment for research and test reactors Programme
少自然灾害natural disaster reduction
少贫穷促进增长信贷办法Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility
少贫穷促进增长信贷额度Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility
少贫穷促进增长信贷额度》Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility of the International Monetary Fund IMF
少贫穷促进增长贷款机制Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility
少贫穷知识网络Knowledge Network for Poverty Reduction
natural disaster mitigation
disaster mitigation
灾和复原方案Disaster Reduction and Recovery Programme
灾战略disaster mitigation strategy
疟伙伴关系Roll Back Malaria Partnership
疟伙伴关系RBM Partnership
疟项目Roll Back Malaria project
省费用avoided cost
alleviation of poverty
贫始于儿童Poverty Reduction Begins with Children
贫委员会Committee on Poverty Reduction
贫战略Poverty Reduction Strategy
贫战略文件Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers
贫战略文件Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
贫战略文件poverty reduction strategy papers
贫扶助信贷Poverty Reduction Support Credit
贫范例小组委员会Subcommittee on Poverty Reduction Practices
轻干旱影响mitigating the effects of drought
轻灾害natural disaster mitigation
轻灾害disaster mitigation
轻灾情mitigation of natural disasters
轻灾情disaster mitigation
轻贫困alleviation of poverty
制订能源效率投资项目少气候变化Energy Efficiency Investment Project Development for Climate Change Mitigation
债务debt stock reduction
可以在少贫穷促进增长信贷额度方案中"浮动更多的份额"floating additional tranches" in PRGF programmes
各国安全不受损的原则Undiminished security for every state
合作少威胁方案Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Program
同债务免前全盘转让相比较的补充债务减免幅度 unclear para. 48additionality of debt relief in comparison with overall pre-debt-relief transfers
向受影响发展中国家缔约方以赠款、让和/或以其他条件grant basis, and/or on concessional or other terms, on a
国家提高能源效益少温室气体方案National Programme for Energy Efficiency Improvement and Greenhouse Gas Reduction
国际少自然灾害十年区域专题讨论会Regional Symposium on the International Decade on Natural Disaster Reduction
在解决麻醉品问题的综合办法中少需求和减少供应的均衡办法Balanced approach between demand reduction and supply reduction in an integrated approach to solving the drug problem
废物量化waste minimization
扶持可持续企业促进倡议Growing Sustainable Business for Poverty Reduction
排放削单位emission reduction unit
机构间少需求、管制药物和预防犯罪网Inter-Agency Network for Demand Reduction, Drug Control and Crime Prevention
沙丘覆盖率sand dune cover loss
会聚型大陆边destructive convergent margin type
温度直temperature lapse rate
温度直vertical temperature gradient
温度直normal environmental lapse rate
确保用于债务免的资源不会从计划给予发展中国家的官方发展援助资源中扣除resources provided for debt relief should not detract from ODA resources intended to be available for developing countries
紧急状况预防、防范、评估、缓和应对战略框架Strategic Framework on Emergency Prevention, Preparedness, Assessment, Mitigation and Response
经证明的排放削certified emissions reduction
规模和清理结束scheduled to start on 1 July 2002, subject to the decision of the Security Council on the length of the UNMIBH mandatedownsizing and liquidation of the Mission
美利坚合众国和俄罗斯联邦关于削进攻性战略力量的条约SORT Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty 2002 US Russia
美利坚合众国和俄罗斯联邦关于削进攻性战略力量的条约Moscow Treaty = Treaty between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Strategic Offensive Reductions
美利坚合众国和苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟进一步裁和限制进攻性战略武器条约Treaty on the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms
联合国国际灾战略United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
联合国气候变化框架公约少温室气体排放议定书Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change on Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction
和限制进攻性战略武器条约Treaty on the reduction and limitation of strategic offensive arms (第一阶段裁武条约)
评估和轻地震风险政府间会议Intergovernmental Conference on the Assessment and Mitigation of Earthquake Risk
赠款和让贷款grants and concessional loans
运用空间技术少自然灾害影响问题讲习班Seminar on Applications of Space Technology in the Mitigation of the Effects of Natural Disasters
通过经济增长和社会发展缓贫穷委员会Alleviation through Economic Growth and Social Development
通过经济增长和社会发展缓贫穷委员会Committee on Poverty Alleviation through Economic Growth and Social Development
非战斗员率attrition rates