
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
人寿保险免额life assurance relief
从工薪中扣所得税与保险费deduction from pay for income tax and insurance
从总金额中扣 5%deduct 5% from the total amount
从销售收入中扣成本与费用deduction from sales revenue for cost and expenses
价格price concession
价格不容削The prices admit no abatement
优惠关税preferential tariff cut
余额递折旧法declining-balance method
余额递diminishing balance depreciation
余额递declining-balance method
你方信用证必须标明支取贷款时可有百分之五的增幅度Your L/C must reflect 5% more or less in drawings
允许在收款时有5%增幅度allow 5% more or less in drawings
关税reduction in tariff
关税让公式tariff reduction formula
其他扣other deductions
冬季大winter sale (贱卖)
五打cut down 5 dozen
mark down the goods
价 2%trim off 2% from the price
decrease the prices
价出清存货make a clearance of stored goods
价处理price cutting
价拍卖a Dutch auction (拍卖包括减价拍卖、加价拍卖、投标拍卖)
低税tarif reduit
免重复课税double taxation relief (亦缩为 DTR)
半价cut the price by half
少广告cut off advertising
少生产成本diminish the cost of production
少风险risk reduction
损的资本impaired capital
税使收入减少diminish the revenue by reducing tax
税公式tariff cutting formulae
税法案tax slash bill
让关税制度bargaining tariff-system
资差益surplus from capital reduction
轻债务abatement of debts
轻赋税lighten the taxes
退税款tax rebate
除条款不论损失多少,须由被保险人承担的一定数额损失的条款deductible clause
固定资产除法relief method
利润增分析表statement of variation in profit
预算cut down the budget
卖方价百分之十The seller reduced the price by 10 per cent
即使略作价也不行The price has been so closely figured out that we cannot even shade it
去年收益少10%There was a 10% decrease in earnings last year
后者则指政府正式宣布少本国货币单位含金量或降低与外币的官定比价currency devaluation
因残次make an allowance for defects
在国内指定的发货地点指定的内陆运输工具上的交货价格,除到指定出口地点的运费FOB named inland carrier at named point of departure, freight allowed to named point of exportation
make a general allowance of prices
价出售grand scale
价销售special discount sale
20%税款forgive 20% of the tax
免税收给予抵免grant credit for tax spared
将数量至二百五十公吨decrease the quantity to 250 M/T
尽管政府准予大幅度的亏损补报以轻其纳税负担The company showed losses in 1946 despite heavy tax carrybacks allowed by the government
工厂生产事故少奖金accident reduction bonus
工资或费率削rate cutting
已削的管理费decreased overhead
已获所得税earned income relief
年度折旧annual allowance
成本低率rate of cost reduction
成本递decrease in cost
我方库存日趋Our stocks are running short
把某物少到最小限度reduce sth. to a minimum
投资investment allowances
报酬递diminishing returns (资本劳力等量继续增加,其单位生产的增加量递减的现象)
收益扣项目income deduction
数量少二十打decrease the quantity by 20 dozen
数量由1,000公吨为500公吨The quantity is reduced from 1,000 to 500 M/T
未被授权的税或免税unauthorized reduction or remission of taxes
没有价的余地There is no margin for reduction
法定扣项目itemized deduction (税收)
特殊关税special tariff concession
生产不断steady decrease in production
由于大量订货,我方存货已大幅度Owing to heavy bookings orders, our stocks have diminished to a large extent
电力a power cut
税率reduction of rates
3 类削公式four-band reduction formula
3 类削公式three-band reduction formula
纳税tax credit
资产wasting assets
股权收益equity dilution
营业reduction of business
请将信用证金额改为"允许有5%增幅度"Please amend the amount of the L/C to read "5% more or less allowed"
账面价值允许低数额writing down allowance
资产decrease of funds
资本的impair ment of capital
远距离递运费tapering freight
远距离递运费率tapering distance rates
减价拍卖Dutch auction
压力degressive pressure
故障率decreasing failure rate
税率regressive tax rate (与累进税率 (progressive tax rate) 相对)
管理费decreasing overhead
课税degressive taxation
运价率degressive freight rate
运费率tapering freight rates
需求已Demand has been brought down by increases in imports
震荡低控制shock minus control
非扣免赔额non-deductible franchise