
Terms for subject Business containing 减成 | all forms | in specified order only
减少运输成本minimizing transport cost
减班成本undertime cost
减成cut back cost
因企业合并而造成减资capital reduction due to merger
成本冲减cost offset
成本减余值变率折旧法depreciation-changing percentage of cost less scrap
成本分摊中的逐项减少次序step-down order in cost allocation
成本削减战略cost-cutting strategy
成本和收入的增减率cost and income gradient
成本和收入的梯形增减率cost and income gradient
成本递减cost decrease
成本递减工业cost decreasing industry
成本递减率法diminishing-rate-on-cost method
机会成本递减decreasing opportunity cost
相对成本递减法则law of decreasing relative cost
减成curtailing cost
减成本产业decreasing cost industry
递减边际成本decreasing marginal cost
重置成本减折旧cost of reproduction less depreciation