
Terms containing 净 费 用 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.净化费用clean-up cost
earth.sc.净有效费用net effective cost
securit.净流通费用pure cost of circulation
met.净费用net charge
textile净费用net costs
busin.净费用net expense
tech.净费用效益net cost benefit
textile准备费用净额net preparation costs
tech.变换转化最优净设备费用optimum bare equipment cost of shift conversion
econ.按销售净额计算的营业费用率operating ratio based upon net sales
tech.按销售净额计算的营业费用率operating cost rate based upon net sales
fin.摊销费用净额net amortization charge
tech.摊销费用净额net amortization charges
fin.未列入预算的费用净额net unbudgeted costs
met.气体净化费用gas cleaning cost
IMF.特别提款权费用净额net SDR charges
busin.财务费用与净销售比率ratio of financial cost to net sales
interntl.trade.费用净增加数总额total net additional costs
tech.费用净增加数总额total net additional cost
proj.manag.费用净额net cost
busin.销售成本与营业费用对销售净额的比率ratio of cost of sales and operating expenses to net sales
interntl.trade.销货成本及营业费用对销货净额比率ratio of cost of sales and operating expenses to net sales
fin.销货成本及营业费用对销货净额比率ratio of cost of sale and operating expenses to net sales